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上周,我需要一个计时器轮来进行业余爱好项目。在过去的三十年中,这种数据结构已经不断地被重新实现,但是由于种种原因,我对任何免费的数据结构都不感到兴奋。显然,这意味着需要更多实现,因此需要 Ratas-分层计时器轮。不幸的是,我的假期用完了,才回到原来的项目,但这就是牛剃须的本质。














1987年的论文Hashed and Hierarchical Timing Wheels:高效实现计时器功能的数据结构(由Varghese&Lauck提出)是层次定时轮[ 0 ]的概念。和往常一样,如果您没有时间阅读全文,则Adrian Colyer的摘要非常有用 。


我不能使用现有实现的主要原因是,最好的实现已深深地嵌入到较大的系统中,因此需要大量工作才能提取到独立的库中。Ratas是单文件实现,没有C ++ 11之外的任何外部依赖项。因此,加入任何C ++项目应该非常容易。

在相关但同样重要的一点上,Ratas没有任何内部时间源,它的时间概念由图书馆的用户从外部驱动。实际上,这是一个比可能首先出现的更重要的属性。许多事件循环库都具有某种类型的计时器队列,但是事件循环本质上希望控制执行。我需要一个组件来代替构建自定义事件循环[ 1 ]。



过去我想要执行的一项操作是限制对计时器advance方法的单次调用中触发的计时器数量。如果超出了该范围,计时器轮应尽早松开,让应用程序执行一些工作,然后从停止的地方继续。这样,不幸的是,大量的定时器无法使主处理循环饿死太长时间。[ 2 ]




计时器轮的感知问题之一是,虽然事件插入和删除是O(1)操作,但找出直到下一个事件触发为止的剩余时间是O(m + n),其中m是计时器轮槽的总数,并且n是事件数。具体来说,您需要穿过wheel,直到找到带有一些事件的插槽。然后,根据插槽的分辨率,您可能需要遍历该插槽的整个事件链。除了算法复杂性外,这两个操作都有效地追踪了指针,因此将有很多缓存污染。


我不认为此类优化是一个很好的权衡。他们加快了一些操作:查找下一个事件的时间,一次将时间增加很多滴答,但前提是计时器轮利用率低。作为交换,您需要为每次插入和删除操作支付少量的额外费用。[ 4 ]



Tick sleep_usec = std::min(timers.ticks_until_next_event(), 1000);


Tick sleep_usec = timers.ticks_until_next_event(1000);




许多计时器事件一遍又一遍地安排,但从未执行[ 3 ]。通常,执行它们的确切时间无关紧要,但是由于计时器是按分钟量调整的,因此会有很多昂贵的变动。为了减少流失,Ratas包括第二个调度界面,该界面采用一定范围的可接受时间而不是单个准确时间。例如:

timers.schedule_in_range(event, 100000, 101000);


  • 如果已经在正确的时间间隔中安排了计时器,则什么也不做。
  • 最好将计时器安排在确切的槽口边界上,这样就可以就地执行而不是升级到内轮。
  • 最好将计时器安排在尽可能晚的范围内。这对于最大化第一点的效率很重要。








  • 持续时间短的计时器会不断进行调度,并且几乎总是执行。
  • 时间长的计时器被安排一次,最终被执行。
  • 持续时间长的计时器会不断地重新安排在以后发生,因此永远不会执行。
  • 具有中等持续时间的计时器很少进行计划,并且每次重新计划时都会执行一次。
  • 具有中等持续时间的计时器很少被安排,或者被重新安排为更早发生或被取消。








由于虚拟execute()方法,计时器事件具有vtable 。最初,所有内容都是在编译时通过回调类型进行参数化的,因此单个轮子中的所有事件都可以使用相同的execute()。但这确实不适用于MemberTimerEvent,其中回调是静态指定的成员函数和动态指定的对象的组合。我不愿意放弃该功能,因此vtable的危害较小。

但是允许TimerWheel 使用特定参数进行参数化可能很好TimerEvent。如果您需要异类轮,请使用current实例化模板 TimerEventInterface。如果您可以使用同质轮子,请使用其他非virtual实例化实例化 execute()。我之所以没有这样做,是因为它超出了我个人模板的容忍度,并且由于同种轮子无论如何都感觉不到是非常引人注目的用例。


  • [ 0 ]我使用术语“计时器轮”而不是原始的“定时轮”。在看到本文标题之前,我一直会看到它们被称为前者。
  • [ 1 ]我之前写过关于为何数据包处理应用程序可能需要与典型服务器应用程序不同的事件循环的知识,而在另一时间,我又谈到了为什么确定性的时间控制对于可测试性很重要。
  • [ 2 ]有趣的是,这与操作系统内核想要做的相反。他们希望将尽可能多的计时器分批处理。此处的区别在于,我正在考虑一个单线程非锁定应用程序,而现代操作系统都与并发有关。
  • [ 3 ]考虑一个计时器,该计时器在一段时间闲置后释放资源。在对资源执行每个单独的操作之后,可以重新安排这些时间。
  • [ 4 ]也许成本不那么低;至少我发现很难在不为每个事件结构或每个插槽添加额外的反向指针的情况下维护位图,这两个都是不好的消息。您可以通过要求通过计时器轮取消计时器来在没有该反向指针的情况下执行此操作,但是这样就无法使计时器在销毁时自动取消。那将是完全不能接受的。
  • [ 5 ]例如,Linux已经应用了基于百分比的计时器松弛,尽管其目的是尝试将尽可能多的计时器执行分批处理。有关 建议更换Linux计时器轮的LWN文章很好阅读。


// -*- mode: c++; c-basic-offset: 4 indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- */
// Copyright 2016 Juho Snellman, released under a MIT license (see
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
// A timer queue which allows events to be scheduled for execution
// at some later point. Reasons you might want to use this implementation
// instead of some other are:
// - A single-file C++11 implementation with no external dependencies.
// - Optimized for high occupancy rates, on the assumption that the
//   utilization of the timer queue is proportional to the utilization
//   of the system as a whole. When a tradeoff needs to be made
//   between efficiency of one operation at a low occupancy rate and
//   another operation at a high rate, we choose the latter.
// - Tries to minimize the cost of event rescheduling or cancelation,
//   on the assumption that a large percentage of events will never
//   be triggered. The implementation avoids unnecessary work when an
//   event is rescheduled, and provides a way for the user specify a
//   range of acceptable execution times instead of just an exact one.
// - Facility for limiting the number of events to execute on a
//   single invocation, to allow fine grained interleaving of timer
//   processing and application logic.
// - An interface that at least the author finds convenient.
// The exact implementation strategy is a hierarchical timer
// wheel. A timer wheel is effectively a ring buffer of linked lists
// of events, and a pointer to the ring buffer. As the time advances,
// the pointer moves forward, and any events in the ring buffer slots
// that the pointer passed will get executed.
// A hierarchical timer wheel layers multiple timer wheels running at
// different resolutions on top of each other. When an event is
// scheduled so far in the future than it does not fit the innermost
// (core) wheel, it instead gets scheduled on one of the outer
// wheels. On each rotation of the inner wheel, one slot's worth of
// events are promoted from the second wheel to the core. On each
// rotation of the second wheel, one slot's worth of events is
// promoted from the third wheel to the second, and so on.
// The basic usage is to create a single TimerWheel object and
// multiple TimerEvent or MemberTimerEvent objects. The events are
// scheduled for execution using TimerWheel::schedule() or
// TimerWheel::schedule_in_range(), or unscheduled using the event's
// cancel() method.
// Example usage:
//      typedef std::function<void()> Callback;
//      TimerWheel timers;
//      int count = 0;
//      TimerEvent<Callback> timer([&count] () { ++count; });
//      timers.schedule(&timer, 5);
//      timers.advance(4);
//      assert(count == 0);
//      timers.advance(1);
//      assert(count == 1);
//      timers.schedule(&timer, 5);
//      timer.cancel();
//      timers.advance(4);
//      assert(count == 1);
// To tie events to specific member functions of an object instead of
// a callback function, use MemberTimerEvent instead of TimerEvent.
// For example:
//      class Test {
//        public:
//            Test() : inc_timer_(this) {
//            }
//            void start(TimerWheel* timers) {
//                timers->schedule(&inc_timer_, 10);
//            }
//            void on_inc() {
//                count_++;
//            }
//            int count() { return count_; }
//        private:
//            MemberTimerEvent<Test, &Test::on_inc> inc_timer_;
//            int count_ = 0;
//      };#ifndef RATAS_TIMER_WHEEL_H
#define RATAS_TIMER_WHEEL_H#include <cassert>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstdio>
#include <limits>
#include <memory>typedef uint64_t Tick;class TimerWheelSlot;
class TimerWheel;// An abstract class representing an event that can be scheduled to
// happen at some later time.
class TimerEventInterface {
public:TimerEventInterface() {}// TimerEvents are automatically canceled on destruction.virtual ~TimerEventInterface() {cancel();}// Unschedule this event. It's safe to cancel an event that is inactive.inline void cancel();// Return true iff the event is currently scheduled for execution.bool active() const {return slot_ != NULL;}// Return the absolute tick this event is scheduled to be executed on.Tick scheduled_at() const { return scheduled_at_; }private:TimerEventInterface(const TimerEventInterface& other) = delete;TimerEventInterface& operator=(const TimerEventInterface& other) = delete;friend TimerWheelSlot;friend TimerWheel;// Implement in subclasses. Executes the event callback.virtual void execute() = 0;void set_scheduled_at(Tick ts) { scheduled_at_ = ts; }// Move the event to another slot. (It's safe for either the current// or new slot to be NULL).inline void relink(TimerWheelSlot* slot);Tick scheduled_at_;// The slot this event is currently in (NULL if not currently scheduled).TimerWheelSlot* slot_ = NULL;// The events are linked together in the slot using an internal// doubly-linked list; this iterator does double duty as the// linked list node for this event.TimerEventInterface* next_ = NULL;TimerEventInterface* prev_ = NULL;
};// An event that takes the callback (of type CBType) to execute as
// a constructor parameter.
template<typename CBType>
class TimerEvent : public TimerEventInterface {
public:explicit TimerEvent<CBType>(const CBType& callback): callback_(callback) {}void execute() {callback_();}private:TimerEvent<CBType>(const TimerEvent<CBType>& other) = delete;TimerEvent<CBType>& operator=(const TimerEvent<CBType>& other) = delete;CBType callback_;
};// An event that's specialized with a (static) member function of class T,
// and a dynamic instance of T. Event execution causes an invocation of the
// member function on the instance.
template<typename T, void(T::*MFun)() >
class MemberTimerEvent : public TimerEventInterface {
public:MemberTimerEvent(T* obj) : obj_(obj) {}virtual void execute () {(obj_->*MFun)();}private:T* obj_;
};// Purely an implementation detail.
class TimerWheelSlot {
public:TimerWheelSlot() {}private:// Return the first event queued in this slot.const TimerEventInterface* events() const { return events_; }// Deque the first event from the slot, and return it.TimerEventInterface* pop_event() {auto event = events_;events_ = event->next_;if (events_) {events_->prev_ = NULL;}event->next_ = NULL;event->slot_ = NULL;return event;}TimerWheelSlot(const TimerWheelSlot& other) = delete;TimerWheelSlot& operator=(const TimerWheelSlot& other) = delete;friend TimerEventInterface;friend TimerWheel;// Doubly linked (inferior) list of events.TimerEventInterface* events_ = NULL;
};// A TimerWheel is the entity that TimerEvents can be scheduled on
// for execution (with schedule() or schedule_in_range()), and will
// eventually be executed once the time advances far enough with the
// advance() method.
class TimerWheel {
public:TimerWheel(Tick now = 0) {for (int i = 0; i < NUM_LEVELS; ++i) {now_[i] = now >> (WIDTH_BITS * i);}ticks_pending_ = 0;}// Advance the TimerWheel by the specified number of ticks, and execute// any events scheduled for execution at or before that time. The// number of events executed can be restricted using the max_execute// parameter. If that limit is reached, the function will return false,// and the excess events will be processed on a subsequent call.//// - It is safe to cancel or schedule events from within event callbacks.// - During the execution of the callback the observable event tick will//   be the tick it was scheduled to run on; not the tick the clock will//   be advanced to.// - Events will happen in order; all events scheduled for tick X will//   be executed before any event scheduled for tick X+1.//// Delta should be non-0. The only exception is if the previous// call to advance() returned false.//// advance() should not be called from an event callback.inline bool advance(Tick delta,size_t max_execute=std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max(),int level = 0);// Schedule the event to be executed delta ticks from the current time.// The delta must be non-0.inline void schedule(TimerEventInterface* event, Tick delta);// Schedule the event to happen at some time between start and end// ticks from the current time. The actual time will be determined// by the TimerWheel to minimize rescheduling and promotion overhead.// Both start and end must be non-0, and the end must be greater than// the start.inline void schedule_in_range(TimerEventInterface* event,Tick start, Tick end);// Return the current tick value. Note that if the time increases// by multiple ticks during a single call to advance(), during the// execution of the event callback now() will return the tick that// the event was scheduled to run on.Tick now() const { return now_[0]; }// Return the number of ticks remaining until the next event will get// executed. If the max parameter is passed, that will be the maximum// tick value that gets returned. The max parameter's value will also// be returned if no events have been scheduled.//// Will return 0 if the wheel still has unprocessed events from the// previous call to advance().inline Tick ticks_to_next_event(Tick max = std::numeric_limits<Tick>::max(),int level = 0);private:TimerWheel(const TimerWheel& other) = delete;TimerWheel& operator=(const TimerWheel& other) = delete;// This handles the actual work of executing event callbacks and// recursing to the outer wheels.inline bool process_current_slot(Tick now, size_t max_execute, int level);static const int WIDTH_BITS = 8;static const int NUM_LEVELS = (64 + WIDTH_BITS - 1) / WIDTH_BITS;static const int MAX_LEVEL = NUM_LEVELS - 1;static const int NUM_SLOTS = 1 << WIDTH_BITS;// A bitmask for looking at just the bits in the timestamp relevant to// this wheel.static const int MASK = (NUM_SLOTS - 1);// The current timestamp for this wheel. This will be right-shifted// such that each slot is separated by exactly one tick even on// the outermost wheels.Tick now_[NUM_LEVELS];// We've done a partial tick advance. This is how many ticks remain// unprocessed.Tick ticks_pending_;TimerWheelSlot slots_[NUM_LEVELS][NUM_SLOTS];
};// Implementationvoid TimerEventInterface::relink(TimerWheelSlot* new_slot) {if (new_slot == slot_) {return;}// Unlink from old location.if (slot_) {auto prev = prev_;auto next = next_;if (next) {next->prev_ = prev;}if (prev) {prev->next_ = next;} else {// Must be at head of slot. Move the next item to the head.slot_->events_ = next;}}// Insert in new slot.{if (new_slot) {auto old = new_slot->events_;next_ = old;if (old) {old->prev_ = this;}new_slot->events_ = this;} else {next_ = NULL;}prev_ = NULL;}slot_ = new_slot;
}void TimerEventInterface::cancel() {// It's ok to cancel a event that's not scheduled.if (!slot_) {return;}relink(NULL);
}bool TimerWheel::advance(Tick delta, size_t max_events, int level) {if (ticks_pending_) {if (level == 0) {// Continue collecting a backlog of ticks to process if// we're called with non-zero deltas.ticks_pending_ += delta;}// We only partially processed the last tick. Process the// current slot, rather incrementing like advance() normally// does.Tick now = now_[level];if (!process_current_slot(now, max_events, level)) {// Outer layers are still not done, propagate that information// back up.return false;}if (level == 0) {// The core wheel has been fully processed. We can now close// down the partial tick and pretend that we've just been// called with a delta containing both the new and original// amounts.delta = (ticks_pending_ - 1);ticks_pending_ = 0;} else {return true;}} else {// Zero deltas are only ok when in the middle of a partially// processed tick.assert(delta > 0);}while (delta--) {Tick now = ++now_[level];if (!process_current_slot(now, max_events, level)) {ticks_pending_ = (delta + 1);return false;}}return true;
}bool TimerWheel::process_current_slot(Tick now, size_t max_events, int level) {size_t slot_index = now & MASK;auto slot = &slots_[level][slot_index];if (slot_index == 0 && level < MAX_LEVEL) {if (!advance(1, max_events, level + 1)) {return false;}}while (slot->events()) {auto event = slot->pop_event();if (level > 0) {assert((now_[0] & MASK) == 0);if (now_[0] >= event->scheduled_at()) {event->execute();if (!--max_events) {return false;}} else {// There's a case to be made that promotion should// also count as work done. And that would simplify// this code since the max_events manipulation could// move to the top of the loop. But it's an order of// magnitude more expensive to execute a typical// callback, and promotions will naturally clump while// events triggering won't.schedule(event,event->scheduled_at() - now_[0]);}} else {event->execute();if (!--max_events) {return false;}}}return true;
}void TimerWheel::schedule(TimerEventInterface* event, Tick delta) {assert(delta > 0);event->set_scheduled_at(now_[0] + delta);int level = 0;while (delta >= NUM_SLOTS) {delta = (delta + (now_[level] & MASK)) >> WIDTH_BITS;++level;}size_t slot_index = (now_[level] + delta) & MASK;auto slot = &slots_[level][slot_index];event->relink(slot);
}void TimerWheel::schedule_in_range(TimerEventInterface* event,Tick start, Tick end) {assert(end > start);if (event->active()) {auto current = event->scheduled_at() - now_[0];// Event is already scheduled to happen in this range. Instead// of always using the old slot, we could check compute the// new slot and switch iff it's aligned better than the old one.// But it seems hard to believe that could be worthwhile.if (current >= start && current <= end) {return;}}// Zero as many bits (in WIDTH_BITS chunks) as possible// from "end" while still keeping the output in the// right range.Tick mask = ~0;while ((start & mask) != (end & mask)) {mask = (mask << WIDTH_BITS);}Tick delta = end & (mask >> WIDTH_BITS);schedule(event, delta);
}Tick TimerWheel::ticks_to_next_event(Tick max, int level) {if (ticks_pending_) {return 0;}// The actual current time (not the bitshifted time)Tick now = now_[0];// Smallest tick (relative to now) we've found.Tick min = max;for (int i = 0; i < NUM_SLOTS; ++i) {// Note: Unlike the uses of "now", slot index calculations really// need to use now_.auto slot_index = (now_[level] + 1 + i) & MASK;// We've reached slot 0. In normal scheduling this would// mean advancing the next wheel and promoting or executing// those events.  So we need to look in that slot too// before proceeding with the rest of this wheel. But we// can't just accept those results outright, we need to// check the best result there against the next slot on// this wheel.if (slot_index == 0 && level < MAX_LEVEL) {// Exception: If we're in the core wheel, and slot 0 is// not empty, there's no point in looking in the outer wheel.// It's guaranteed that the events actually in slot 0 will be// executed no later than anything in the outer wheel.if (level > 0 || !slots_[level][slot_index].events()) {auto up_slot_index = (now_[level + 1] + 1) & MASK;const auto& slot = slots_[level + 1][up_slot_index];for (auto event = slot.events(); event != NULL;event = event->next_) {min = std::min(min, event->scheduled_at() - now);}}}bool found = false;const auto& slot = slots_[level][slot_index];for (auto event = slot.events(); event != NULL;event = event->next_) {min = std::min(min, event->scheduled_at() - now);// In the core wheel all the events in a slot are guaranteed to// run at the same time, so it's enough to just look at the first// one.if (level == 0) {return min;} else {found = true;}}if (found) {return min;}}// Nothing found on this wheel, try the next one (unless the wheel can't// possibly contain an event scheduled earlier than "max").if (level < MAX_LEVEL &&(max >> (WIDTH_BITS * level + 1)) > 0) {return ticks_to_next_event(max, level + 1);}return max;


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  2. linux进程跑飞了,【Shell】Linux信号(二)
  3. TCP的可靠传输実现
  4. leetcode题解62-不同路径
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