
环境Centos 6.3,本地挂载镜像配置本地yum源

yum -y install dhcp httpd xinetd tftp-server


rpm -ivh epel-release-6-8.noarch.rpm

yum update


[root@localhost ~]# yum update
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, refresh-packagekit, security
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
Error: Cannot retrieve metalink for repository: epel. Please verify its path and try again


yum install cobbler



/etc/init.d/cobbler start


/etc/init.d/httpd start


/usr/sbin/setenforce 0




[root@localhost yum.repos.d]# cobbler check
The following are potential configuration items that you may want to fix:1 : The 'server' field in /etc/cobbler/settings must be set to something other than localhost, or kickstarting features will not work.  This should be a resolvable hostname or IP for the boot server as reachable by all machines that will use it.
2 : For PXE to be functional, the 'next_server' field in /etc/cobbler/settings must be set to something other than, and should match the IP of the boot server on the PXE network.
3 : SELinux is enabled. Please review the following wiki page for details on ensuring cobbler works correctly in your SELinux environment:https://github.com/cobbler/cobbler/wiki/Selinux
4 : some network boot-loaders are missing from /var/lib/cobbler/loaders, you may run 'cobbler get-loaders' to download them, or, if you only want to handle x86/x86_64 netbooting, you may ensure that you have installed a *recent* version of the syslinux package installed and can ignore this message entirely.  Files in this directory, should you want to support all architectures, should include pxelinux.0, menu.c32, elilo.efi, and yaboot. The 'cobbler get-loaders' command is the easiest way to resolve these requirements.
5 : change 'disable' to 'no' in /etc/xinetd.d/rsync
6 : debmirror package is not installed, it will be required to manage debian deployments and repositories
7 : ksvalidator was not found, install pykickstart
8 : The default password used by the sample templates for newly installed machines (default_password_crypted in /etc/cobbler/settings) is still set to 'cobbler' and should be changed, try: "openssl passwd -1 -salt 'random-phrase-here' 'your-password-here'" to generate new one
9 : fencing tools were not found, and are required to use the (optional) power management features. install cman or fence-agents to use themRestart cobblerd and then run 'cobbler sync' to apply changes.

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1,编辑/etc/cobbler/settings文件,找到 server选项,修改为适当的ip地址,本实例配置ip为:

2,编辑/etc/cobbler/settings文件,找到 next_server选项,修改为适当的ip地址,本实例配置ip为:


4,执行 cobbler get-loaders,系统将自动下载loader程序,完成提示4的修复工作。




8,提示说debmirror没安装。如果不是安装 debian之类的系统,此提示可以忽略,如果需要安装,下载地址为:


CentOS 6使用RHEL 5的包就可以。


openssl passwd -1 -salt 'random-phrase-here' 'your-password-here'



/etc/init.d/cobblerd restart

再次cobbler check后提示

[root@localhost ~]# cobbler check
The following are potential configuration items that you may want to fix:1 : SELinux is enabled. Please review the following wiki page for details on ensuring cobbler works correctly in your SELinux environment:https://github.com/cobbler/cobbler/wiki/Selinux
2 : service dhcpd is not running
3 : debmirror package is not installed, it will be required to manage debian deployments and repositories
4 : ksvalidator was not found, install pykickstart
5 : The default password used by the sample templates for newly installed machines (default_password_crypted in /etc/cobbler/settings) is still set to 'cobbler' and should be changed, try: "openssl passwd -1 -salt 'random-phrase-here' 'your-password-here'" to generate new one
6 : fencing tools were not found, and are required to use the (optional) power management features. install cman or fence-agents to use themRestart cobblerd and then run 'cobbler sync' to apply changes.

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执行cobbler sync出现报错

running: service dhcpd restart
received on stdout: Starting dhcpd: [FAILED]


[root@localhost log]# vim /etc/cobbler/dhcp.template
subnet netmask {option routers   ;option domain-name-servers;option subnet-mask;range dynamic-bootp;default-lease-time         21600;max-lease-time             43200;next-server      ;filename                   "/pxelinux.0";

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如果启动dhcp服务仍然失败,可以tail -f /var/log/messages 分析原因


报错提示没有kickstart,执行yum install pykickstart

报错提示没有fence-agents,执行yum install fence-agents


[root@localhost ~]# cobbler check
Traceback (most recent call last):File "/usr/bin/cobbler", line 35, in <module>sys.exit(app.main())File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/cobbler/cli.py", line 644, in mainrc = cli.run(sys.argv)File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/cobbler/cli.py", line 270, in runself.token         = self.remote.login("", self.shared_secret)File "/usr/lib64/python2.6/xmlrpclib.py", line 1199, in __call__return self.__send(self.__name, args)File "/usr/lib64/python2.6/xmlrpclib.py", line 1489, in __requestverbose=self.__verboseFile "/usr/lib64/python2.6/xmlrpclib.py", line 1253, in requestreturn self._parse_response(h.getfile(), sock)File "/usr/lib64/python2.6/xmlrpclib.py", line 1392, in _parse_responsereturn u.close()File "/usr/lib64/python2.6/xmlrpclib.py", line 838, in closeraise Fault(**self._stack[0])
xmlrpclib.Fault: <Fault 1: "<class 'cobbler.cexceptions.CX'>:'login failed'">

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1、service cobblerd restart

2、cobbler get-loaders



posted on 2014-04-24 18:15 poorX 阅读(...) 评论(...) 编辑 收藏



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