CF786B Legacy

    • 104通过
    • 404提交
  • 题目来源CodeForces 786B
  • 评测方式RemoteJudge
  • 标签
  • 难度省选/NOI-
  • 时空限制2000ms / 256MB

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网络上一共有三种方案可供购买: 1.开启一扇从星球v到星球u的传送门; 2.开启一扇从星球v到标号在[l,r]区间范围内任何一个星球的传送门。(即这扇传送门可以从一个星球出发通往多个星球) 3.开启一扇从标号在[l,r]区间范围内任何一个星球到星球v的传送门。(即这扇传送门可以从多个星球出发到达同一个星球)


输入数据: 输入数据的第一行包括3个整数n,q和s(1<=n,q<=10^5,1<=s<=n)分别表示星球的数目,可供购买的方案数目以及地球的标号。

接下来的q行表示q种方案。 1.输入1 v u w表示第一种方案,其中v,u意思同上,w表示此方案价格。 2.输入2 v l r w表示第二种方案,其中v,l,r意思同上,w表示此方案价格。 2.输入3 v l r w表示第三种方案,其中v,l,r意思同上,w表示此方案价格。 (1<=v,u,l,r<=n,1<=w<=10^9)

输出格式: 输出一行用空格隔开的n个整数分别表示从地球到第i个星球所需的最小钱数。

说明: 在第一组测试样例里,Rick可以先购买第4个方案再购买第2个方案从而到达标号为2的星球.

感谢@radish布団 提供的翻译


Rick and his co-workers have made a new radioactive formula and a lot of bad guys are after them. So Rick wants to give his legacy to Morty before bad guys catch them.

There are nn planets in their universe numbered from 11 to nn . Rick is in planet number ss (the earth) and he doesn't know where Morty is. As we all know, Rick owns a portal gun. With this gun he can open one-way portal from a planet he is in to any other planet (including that planet). But there are limits on this gun because he's still using its free trial.

By default he can not open any portal by this gun. There are qq plans in the website that sells these guns. Every time you purchase a plan you can only use it once but you can purchase it again if you want to use it more.

Plans on the website have three types:

  1. With a plan of this type you can open a portal from planet vv to planet uu .
  2. With a plan of this type you can open a portal from planet vv to any planet with index in range [l,r][l,r] .
  3. With a plan of this type you can open a portal from any planet with index in range [l,r][l,r] to planet vv .

Rick doesn't known where Morty is, but Unity is going to inform him and he wants to be prepared for when he finds and start his journey immediately. So for each planet (including earth itself) he wants to know the minimum amount of money he needs to get from earth to that planet.



The first line of input contains three integers nn , qq and ss ( 1<=n,q<=10^{5}1<=n,q<=105 , 1<=s<=n1<=s<=n ) — number of planets, number of plans and index of earth respectively.

The next qq lines contain the plans. Each line starts with a number tt , type of that plan ( 1<=t<=31<=t<=3 ). If t=1t=1 then it is followed by three integers vv , uu and ww where ww is the cost of that plan ( 1<=v,u<=n1<=v,u<=n , 1<=w<=10^{9}1<=w<=109 ). Otherwise it is followed by four integers vv , ll , rr and ww where ww is the cost of that plan ( 1<=v<=n1<=v<=n , 1<=l<=r<=n1<=l<=r<=n , 1<=w<=10^{9}1<=w<=109 ).


In the first and only line of output print nn integers separated by spaces. ii -th of them should be minimum money to get from earth to ii -th planet, or -1−1 if it's impossible to get to that planet.


输入样例#1: 复制

3 5 1
2 3 2 3 17
2 3 2 2 16
2 2 2 3 3
3 3 1 1 12
1 3 3 17

输出样例#1: 复制

0 28 12

输入样例#2: 复制

4 3 1
3 4 1 3 12
2 2 3 4 10
1 2 4 16

输出样例#2: 复制

0 -1 -1 12


In the first sample testcase, Rick can purchase 44 th plan once and then 22 nd plan in order to get to get to planet number 22 .



线段树,它是维护一个个区间的,并且任何一段连续的序列在线段树上分成的子序列不多,不会超过lg n个







#define ll long long
using namespace std;int read()
{int ret=0; char ch=getchar();while(ch<'0'||ch>'9') ch=getchar();while(ch>='0'&&ch<='9')ret=(ret<<1)+(ret<<3)+ch-'0',ch=getchar();return ret;
}const int N=3e6+5;
int n,T,tot,s;
ll d[N];
bool fl[N];
int cnt,to[N],nxt[N],he[N],w[N];struct B{int id; ll x; };
bool operator> (B i,B j)
{return i.x>j.x;
priority_queue<B,vector<B>,greater<B> >q;inline void add(int u,int v,int k)
}struct A
{int id1[N],id2[N];void build1(int p,int l,int r){if(l==r) {id1[p]=l;return;}id1[p]=++tot;int mid=l+r>>1;build1(p<<1,l,mid);build1(p<<1|1,mid+1,r);add(id1[p],id1[p<<1],0);add(id1[p],id1[p<<1|1],0);}void build2(int p,int l,int r){if(l==r){id2[p]=l;return;}id2[p]=++tot;int mid=l+r>>1;build2(p<<1,l,mid);build2(p<<1|1,mid+1,r);add(id2[p<<1],id2[p],0);add(id2[p<<1|1],id2[p],0);}void find1(int p,int l,int r,int u,int x,int y,int k){if(l==x&&r==y) {add(u,id1[p],k);return;}int mid=l+r>>1;if(mid>=y) find1(p<<1,l,mid,u,x,y,k);else if(mid<x) find1(p<<1|1,mid+1,r,u,x,y,k);else find1(p<<1,l,mid,u,x,mid,k),find1(p<<1|1,mid+1,r,u,mid+1,y,k);}void find2(int p,int l,int r,int u,int x,int y,int k){if(l==x&&r==y){add(id2[p],u,k);return;}int mid=l+r>>1;if(mid>=y) find2(p<<1,l,mid,u,x,y,k);else if(mid<x) find2(p<<1|1,mid+1,r,u,x,y,k);else find2(p<<1,l,mid,u,x,mid,k),find2(p<<1|1,mid+1,r,u,mid+1,y,k);}
}tree;int main()
{n=read(),T=read(),s=read();tot=n;tree.build1(1,1,n);tree.build2(1,1,n);while(T--){int t=read();if(t==1) {int u=read(),v=read(),k=read();add(u,v,k);}elseif(t==2){int u=read(),l=read(),r=read(),k=read();tree.find1(1,1,n,u,l,r,k);}else{int u=read(),l=read(),r=read(),k=read();tree.find2(1,1,n,u,l,r,k);}}for(int i=1;i<=tot;i++) d[i]=1e18;q.push((B){s,d[s]=0});while(!q.empty()){while(!q.empty()&&fl[]) q.pop();if(q.empty()) break;int; q.pop(),fl[u]=1;for(int e=he[u];e;e=nxt[e]){int v=to[e];if(!fl[v]&&d[v]>d[u]+w[e]) q.push((B){v,d[v]=d[u]+w[e]});}}for(int i=1;i<=n;i++)printf("%lld%c",d[i]==1e18?-1:d[i],i==n?'\n':' ');return 0;

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