题目:Given a string S and a string T, find the minimum window in S which will contain all the characters in T in complexity O(n).

For example,
T = "ABC"

Minimum window is "BANC".

If there is no such window in S that covers all characters in T, return the emtpy string "".

If there are multiple such windows, you are guaranteed that there will always be only one unique minimum window in S.




1 publicString minWindow2(String S, String T){2         HashMap<Character, Integer> needToFill = new HashMap<Character, Integer>();3         HashMap<Character, LinkedList<Integer>> charAppearenceRecorder = new HashMap<Character, LinkedList<Integer>>();4         SortedMap<Integer, Character> winMap = new TreeMap<Integer, Character>();5         int minWinStart = -1;6         int minWinEnd =S.length();7         for(int i = 0; i < T.length(); i++){8             if(!needToFill.containsKey(T.charAt(i))){9                 needToFill.put(T.charAt(i), 1);10                 charAppearenceRecorder.put(T.charAt(i), new LinkedList<Integer>());11             }else{12                 needToFill.put(T.charAt(i), needToFill.get(T.charAt(i)) + 1);13 }14 }15
16         for(int i = 0; i < S.length(); i++){17             char c =S.charAt(i);18             if(needToFill.containsKey(c)){19                 LinkedList<Integer> charList =charAppearenceRecorder.get(c);20                 if(charList.size() <needToFill.get(c)){21 charList.add(i);22 winMap.put(i, c);23                 }else{24                     //如果某个字母收集过了,需要删除该字母出现的最小的index,保留靠右的部分
25                     int idxToErase =charList.removeFirst();26 winMap.remove(idxToErase);27 winMap.put(i, c);28 charList.add(i);29 }30                 if(winMap.size() ==T.length()){31                     int start =winMap.firstKey();32                     int end =winMap.lastKey();33                     if(end - start < minWinEnd -minWinStart){34                         minWinStart =start;35                         minWinEnd =end;36 }37 }38 }39 }40
41         return minWinStart != -1 ? S.substring(minWinStart, minWinEnd + 1) : "";42     }






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