题目链接:     http://codeforces.com/contest/501/problem/B

Sample test(s)
Misha ILoveCodeforces
Vasya Petrov
Petrov VasyaPetrov123
ILoveCodeforces MikeMirzayanov
Petya Ivanov
Petya Ivanov
Misha MikeMirzayanov
Vasya VasyaPetrov123


 #include<iostream>#include<cstdio>#include<cstring>#include<string>using namespace std;const int maxn=1005;int main(){string Name1[maxn],Name2[maxn];string s1,s2;int m;cin>>m;int cnt=0;while(m--){cin>>s1>>s2;int  gg=0;for(int i=1;i<=cnt;i++)if(s1==Name2[i]){gg=i;break;}if(!gg){Name1[++cnt]=s1;Name2[cnt]=s2;continue;}Name2[gg]=s2;}printf("%d\n",cnt);for(int i=1;i<=cnt;i++)cout<<Name1[i]<<" "<<Name2[i]<<endl;return 0;}

**********map  的做法:

# include<cstdio>
# include<map>
using namespace std;
map<string ,string> m;
int main()
{string s1,s2;int n;cin>>n;for(int i=0; i<n; i++){cin>>s1>>s2;if(m.find(s1)==m.end())m[s2]=s1;else{m[s2]=m[s1];m.erase(s1);}}cout<<m.size()<<endl;for(map<string ,string>::iterator i=m.begin(); i!=m.end(); i++)cout<<i->second<<" "<<i->first<<endl;return 0;
using namespace std;
map<string,string> m;
map<string,string>::iterator it;
int main()
{int q;char pre[25],now[25];scanf("%d",&q);while(q--){scanf("%s%s",pre,now);pair<string,string> tmp=make_pair(now,pre);it=m.find(pre);if(it!=m.end()){tmp.second=it->second;   m.erase(it);}m.insert(tmp);}printf("%d\n",m.size());for( it=m.begin(); it!=m.end(); ++it)printf("%s %s\n",it->second.c_str(),it->first.c_str());

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