pkill 命令

This is a introduction to *nix’s process management tools: pkill and pgrep. As this site’s domain name was, a introduction to pkill should exist here.

这是* nix的流程管理工具的简介:pkill和pgrep。 由于该站点的域名是,因此此处应该存在pkill的简介。

名称 (NAME)

pgrep, pkill – look up or signal processes based on name and other attributes

pgrep,pkill –根据名称和其他属性查找或通知进程


pgrep [-flvx] [-d delimiter] [-n|-o] [-P ppid,...] [-g pgrp,...]
[-s sid,...] [-u euid,...] [-U uid,...] [-G gid,...]
[-t term,...] [pattern]pkill [-signal] [-fvx] [-n|-o] [-P ppid,...] [-g pgrp,...]
[-s sid,...] [-u euid,...] [-U uid,...] [-G gid,...]
[-t term,...] [pattern]


pgrep  looks through the currently running processes and lists the process IDs which matches the selection criteria to stdout.  All the criteria have to match.  For example,

pgrep查看当前正在运行的进程,并列出与选择标准匹配到stdout的进程ID。 所有条件都必须匹配。 例如,

pgrep -u root sshd

will only list the processes called sshd AND owned by root.  On the other hand,

只会列出root拥有的名为sshd AND的进程。 另一方面,

pgrep -u root,daemon

will list the processes owned by root OR daemon.

将列出root OR守护程序拥有的进程。

pkill will send the specified signal (by default SIGTERM) to each process instead of listing them on stdout.



-d delimiter
Sets the string used to delimit each process ID in the output (by default a newline).  (pgrep only.)

设置用于分隔输出中每个进程ID的字符串(默认情况下为换行符)。 (仅限pgrep。)

-f The pattern is normally only matched against the process name.  When -f is set, the full command  line  is used.

-f该模式通常仅与进程名称匹配。 设置-f时,将使用完整的命令行。

-g pgrp,…
Only  match  processes  in  the  process  group IDs listed.  Process group 0 is translated into pgrep’s or pkill’s own process group.

-g pgrp,…
仅匹配列出的进程组ID中的进程。 进程组0转换为pgrep或pkill自己的进程组。

-G gid,…
Only match processes whose real group ID is listed.  Either the numerical or symbolical value may be used.

-G gid,…
仅匹配列出了真实组ID的进程。 可以使用数值或符号值。

-l List the process name as well as the process ID. (pgrep only.)

-l列出进程名称以及进程ID。 (仅限pgrep。)

-n Select only the newest (most recently started) of the matching processes.


-o Select only the oldest (least recently started) of the matching processes.


-P ppid,…
Only match processes whose parent process ID is listed.

-P ppid,…

-s sid,…
Only  match  processes  whose  process  session  ID is listed.  Session ID 0 is translated into pgrep’s or pkill’s own session ID.

-s sid,…
仅匹配列出了进程会话ID的进程。 会话ID 0转换为pgrep或pkill自己的会话ID。

-t term,…
Only match processes whose controlling terminal is listed.  The terminal name should be specified  without the “/dev/” prefix.

仅匹配列出其控制终端的进程。 终端名称应不带“ / dev /”前缀。

-u euid,…
Only  match  processes whose effective user ID is listed.  Either the numerical or symbolical value may be used.

-u euid,…
仅匹配列出了有效用户ID的进程。 可以使用数值或符号值。

-U uid,…
Only match processes whose real user ID is listed.  Either the numerical or symbolical value may be  used.

-U uid,...
仅匹配列出了真实用户ID的进程。 可以使用数值或符号值。

-v Negates the matching.


-x Only match processes whose name (or command line if -f is specified) exactly match the pattern.


Defines the signal to send to each matched process.  Either the numeric or the symbolic signal name can be used.  (pkill only.)

定义要发送到每个匹配进程的信号。 可以使用数字或符号信号名称。 (仅限技能)。


Specifies an Extended Regular Expression for matching against the process names or command lines.



Example 1: Find the process ID of the named daemon:


unix$ pgrep -u root named

Example 2: Make syslog reread its configuration file:


unix$ pkill -HUP syslogd

Example 3: Give detailed information on all xterm processes:


unix$ ps -fp $(pgrep -d, -x xterm)

Example 4: Make all netscape processes run nicer:


unix$ renice +4 ‘pgrep netscape‘


0      One or more processes matched the criteria.


1      No processes matched.


2      Syntax error in the command line.

2命令行中的语法错误 。

3      Fatal error: out of memory etc.


笔记 (NOTES)

The process name used for matching is limited to the 15 characters present in the output of /proc/pid/stat.   Use the -f option to match against the complete command line, /proc/pid/cmdline.

用于匹配的进程名称限制为/ proc / pid / stat输出中存在的15个字符。 使用-f选项与完整的命令行/ proc / pid / cmdline匹配。

The running pgrep or pkill process will never report itself as a match.


臭虫 (BUGS)

The options -n and -o and -v can not be combined.  Let me know if you need to do this.

选项-n和-o和-v不能组合使用。 让我知道您是否需要这样做。

Defunct processes are reported.


也可以看看 (SEE ALSO)

ps(1) regex(7) signal(7) killall(1) skill(1) kill(1) kill(2)



pkill and pgrep were introduced in Sun’s Solaris 7.  This implementation is fully compatible.

pkill和pgrep是在Sun的Solaris 7中引入的。此实现是完全兼容的。


Kjetil Torgrim Homme <>

Kjetil Torgrim Homme <>

Albert Cahalan <> is the current maintainer of the procps package.

Albert Cahalan <>是procps软件包的当前维护者。

Please send bug reports to <>


From Linux User’s Manual.

摘自《 Linux用户手册》。


pkill 命令

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