本期主题是《为什么说Nimbus是下一波DeFi浪潮中值得关注的平台》,我是本次的主持人,Nimbus社区志愿者Linda 。

Alexandra Serebrennikova,Nimbus全球市场总监




  1. Nimbus will launch 4 DAPPs,what are they?Do they have web links?


  1. Crypto Arbitrage-Trading DAPP - an arbitrage and trading tool that’s been in use for nearly a year now and accumulated 50,000 users. Now it comes in a decentralized form which mitigates risks and optimizes reward, no matter the crypto sum user has.

  2. P2P Lending DAPP - a P2P lending tool that leverages both tried-and-true traditional lending mechanics and the best practices in DeFi. It provides different lending and borrowing options based on risk-adjusted criteria and enables direct users matching per location.
    a) Participate in multiple pool types: P2P Pool / Subordinated pool / Consolidated pool
    b) Choose between different collateral mechanics and sums
    c) Pick your preferred lending and pay-back option
    d) Enjoy localized matching for direct selection of lenders and borrowers

  3. Crowdfunding DAPP - unique decentralized tool enabling anyone with crypto to participate in startups crowdfunding in a regulated and secure way. Global Users can participate in pools with access to convertible notes and startup equity and enjoy sophisticated due diligence evaluation processes and automatic asset distribution, usage, and accountability via Smart Contracts.

  4. IPO hub DAPP - unique tool enabling global users with any crypto sums to participate in IPOs. Now anybody can have 1-click access to IPOs without paying extra brokerage fees and enjoy sophisticated evaluation mechanisms and all analytics in one spot.






2. Will the tokens corresponding to these DAPPs be listed on the exchange? When will they be listed on the exchange?


Yes, NUS token shall be listed on Uniswap on December 21st.
NUS lets you grow your wealth via 10 different pools - both within the DAPPs and not connected to them - with clear revenue generation behind them, e.g:
1.)IPO participation pools
2)Startup financing pools
3)3 different P2P lending pools
4)Arbitrage-Trading bot with 50,000 users

NUS will also enable anyone to get GNUS tokens that will be launched in Q1 2020. GNUS holders will receive shares of Nimbus Platform revenues and be able to partake in the Nimbus platform governance process. Only 10% of GNUS will be left to the Nimbus Organization to ensure true platform control decentralization.


NUS将使任何人都能获得于2020年第一季度推出的GNUS代币。GNUS持有者将获得Nimbus Platform收益分成,并能够参与Nimbus平台治理。 仅有10%的GNUS留给Nimbus团队来确保真正的平台控制权下放。


3. Why is Nimbus a platform worth paying attention to in the next wave of DeFi?


First, you can trust Nimbus because of our amazing track record and the reputable team. Second, Nimbus has a unique approach that would make DeFi accessible to common people and open the best traditional financial tools to crypto:

1)Unlike many DeFi projects out there, Nimbus shall provide 10 DAPPs and pools with different earning strategies - all in one place, with access through just one token: NUS.

2)Unlike many DAPPs, our DAPPs are based on clear revenue generating mechanisms and real-world use cases - from P2P loans to IPOs and startup financing. This is something anyone can understand and rely on.

3)With only 10% of Governance tokens (GNUS) held by Nimbus organization, our DAO offers true user participation and solid Platform revenue sharing for users.
4)We’re an established business with a year-long successful track record and a reputable team - not just another startup that you can’t trust.

5)Incredibly high adoption of tokens and the platform that few other platforms can boast - 50,000 user community with constant organic growth.








4. What are the recent developments of Nimbus? (Which ones they are, please explain in detail)


1)Excellent Smart Contract Audit Score
The recent news of Nimbus is that our Smart Contracts have been reviewed by one of the most reputable smart contract audit firms - Zokyo. From our very first try, we receive a good score, which enables us to go live as is.

But our team has very high standards for the quality and the security of our solutions. That’s why now we’re implementing some minor recommendations so we can go live with an Excellent score. That shall put Nimbus in the highest echelon of the most secure DeFi solutions on the market. Users shall be at ease knowing their assets are secure and the platform is functioning at its maximum capacity.

2)Two DAPPs and NUS Token to Go Live December 21
Apart from this, our 2 DAPPs - Crypto Arbitrage-Trading DAPP and P2P Lending DAPP - are ready to go live, and so is the NUS token. All of these shall be launched December 21st with full security and efficiency - so don’t miss out!

3)New Referral Program Kick-off
We have also finalized the new Referral program and now it’s being integrated with our system. The program shall include multiple levels and be truly beneficial for all participants, including in the long run.
In the following days, we’ll tell more about how you can benefit from this - so stay with us!






5、ETH 2.0即将到来,Nimbus会有相关部署吗?
5. ETH 2.0 is coming soon, will Nimbus have related deployment?


Yes, just like many other companies that are using Ethereum



If you’re talking about our new Referral program, we shall announce all the details soon and you will see how it works.
But the general practice is that as you invite more people to join and as they use Nimbus platform and make transactions in our tokens, you get more rewards for that. Stay tuned and you will hear more! 」
但是通常的做法是,当您邀请更多人加入并使用Nimbus平台并使用我们的代币进行交易时,您会因此获得更多回报。 请继续关注,您将听到更多!


Once we go live, there will be many more releases planned for the entire 2021. You can see our roadmap at our website.
We will also be working on exchange listings and all sorts of partnerships to provide extra value to our users and grow our community! Finally, as we receive users’ feedbak, we will be constantly improving the solutions we have already released. 」
我们还将致力于建立各种合作伙伴关系,以为我们的用户提供额外的价值并扩大我们的社区! 最后,当我们收到用户的反馈时,我们将不断改进已经发布的应用产品。


Our Chinese team is currently working on this and as soon as we launch the KOL initiatives, you will be the first to know. Just stay tuned in this chat 」
我们的中国团队目前正在对此进行研究讨论,一旦我们启动KOL计划,您将是第一个知道这一点的人。 请继续关注本群!


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