$(ProjectDir)Libs\Afterthought\Afterthought.Amender.exe "$(TargetPath)" "$(TargetDir)EntityFramework.Patterns.dll"


Next, add the following as a post build step to your project to call the Afterthought Amender executable:

$(SolutionDir)packages\Afterthought.1.0.8\tools\Afterthought.Amender.exe "$(TargetPath)"

Please note that the \Afterthought.1.0.8\ portion of the path should reflect the version of Afterthought that you are using. You can also use the Amender build task in your project, but this requires manually editing the project to add this task. Since NuGet currently does not support modifying the project file directly in this way, Afterthought does not automatically configure itself to run for referenced projects.

If you instead chose to go the source route, simply configure your target project to call Afterthought.Amender.exe referencing the compiled output of the `Afterthought.Amender' project. Also, you can debug the amendment process by configuring the 'Afterthought.Amender' project to amend your target assembly and run this project in debug mode.





    public class AuditableEntity
        public int Id { get; set; }
        public string Color { get; set; }

Afterthought 以后,从ILSpay看到的代码,这一刻一切都明了了。。

using EntityFramework.Patterns.Extensions;
using System;
namespace EntityFramework.Patterns.Tests
    public class ArchivableEntity : IArchivable
        string <DeletedBy>k__BackingField;
        DateTime? <Deleted>k__BackingField;
        public int Id
        public float Value
        public string DeletedBy
                return this.<DeletedBy>k__BackingField;
                this.<DeletedBy>k__BackingField = value;
        public DateTime? Deleted
                return this.<Deleted>k__BackingField;
                this.<Deleted>k__BackingField = value;


  public class AmendAttribute : Attribute, IAmendmentAttribute
      IEnumerable<ITypeAmendment> IAmendmentAttribute.GetAmendments(Type target)
          if (target.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(AuditableAttribute), true).Length > 0)
              ConstructorInfo constructorInfo = typeof (AuditableAmender<>).MakeGenericType(target).GetConstructor(Type.EmptyTypes);
              if (constructorInfo != null)
                  yield return (ITypeAmendment) constructorInfo.Invoke(new object[0]);
          if (target.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(ArchivableAttribute), true).Length > 0)
              ConstructorInfo constructorInfo = typeof(ArchivableAmender<>).MakeGenericType(target).GetConstructor(Type.EmptyTypes);
              if (constructorInfo != null)
                  yield return (ITypeAmendment)constructorInfo.Invoke(new object[0]);


[assembly: Amend]

这家伙,通过在编译完成后,修改了程序,只要实现了IAmendmentAttribute , 那个exe 就知道了。随后一个字,更改dll文件啊,。。。,它就改了。 所以 也就是上个文件中 [pure] 也就有用了, maybe .net framework 了。


用一句歌词说: 我还是原来的我。 但程序集已经不是原来的程序集了。


  public class AmendAttribute : Attribute, IAmendmentAttribute



Afterthought 原来是这样的啊。。。。相关推荐

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