
by William Woodhead

威廉伍德黑德(William Woodhead)

我们如何更新入职体验并获得更多用户 (How we updated our onboarding experience and got more users)

我们过去将转化率提高60%的方法 (Methods we used to increase conversion by 60%)

As a product designer and developer, I have spent a lot of time thinking about the elements of a successful User Onboarding experience. It’s a difficult process that is crucial for good conversion, and it is often overlooked.

作为产品设计师和开发人员,我花了很多时间思考成功的User Onboarding体验的要素。 这是一个艰难的过程,对获得良好的转化至关重要,而且常常被人们忽略。

In this piece, I’m going to describe the process we went through, (while working on our brand management software), so that you can apply the lessons we learnt for your own User Onboarding flow.

在本篇文章中,我将描述(在使用品牌管理软件时 )我们所经历的过程,以便您可以将所学的课程应用于您自己的用户入职流程。

Why listen to me? Well we recently grew our overall sign-in conversion by 60% after launching our User Onboarding flow as part of our product launch on Product Hunt. Here’s what Jonathan Price had to say about it on the day of the launch:

为什么听我说? 好吧,在我们通过Product Hunt 推出产品的过程中,启动了User Onboarding流程后,我们最近将整体登录转换提高了60%。 以下是乔纳森·普莱斯(Jonathan Price)在发布当天要说的话:

“The Product Hunt themed landing page was really outstanding — possibly the most polished Product Hunt launch I’ve seen. Great work.”

“以“产品搜索”为主题的着陆页非常出色-可能是我见过的最精美的“产品搜索”发布。 做得好。”

那么什么是用户入职? (So what is User Onboarding?)

Here’s a definition from trychameleon:


“User onboarding is the system of actively guiding users to find new value in your product.”


So it’s all about communicating valuable features to your users.


But who are these users? Are they first-time users? Are they new(ish) users who are returning to your product?

但是这些用户是谁? 他们是第一次用户吗? 他们是返回您产品的新用户吗?

And what does “value” mean? Features that users might value? User behaviours that you might value? eg. sign-ins or subscriptions?

“价值”是什么意思? 用户可能会看重的功能? 您可能会重视的用户行为? 例如。 登录或订阅?

Immediately it’s clear that User Onboarding is not a straightforward UX task.


We have multiple users-types, and multiple features that we think the users would find valuable. How do we make sense of it all? How do we communicate the value of the product in an effective way? And then what are we actually trying to achieve by showing off features to users?

我们有多种用户类型,以及我们认为用户会认为有价值的多种功能。 我们如何理解这一切? 我们如何有效地传达产品的价值? 然后,我们到底要通过向用户展示功能来实现什么呢?

第一步-审核您的用户旅程 (First step — Audit your user journeys)

It might seem obvious, but the first step is working out how new and existing users move through your app. Is there one journey that everyone takes, or are there multiple different paths?

这看起来似乎很明显,但是第一步是确定新用户和现有用户如何在您的应用中移动。 是每个人都走一次旅程,还是有多条不同的道路?

We did this step with the help of the General Assembly UX students who employed user-testing to understand how new users experienced our app for the first time. This process also helped us categorize our users into three different user-types:

我们在大会 UX学员的帮助下完成了这一步骤,他们通过用户测试来了解新用户如何第一次体验我们的应用程序。 此过程还帮助我们将用户分为三种不同的用户类型:

  • First 20 seconds前20秒
  • First session第一届
  • First month第一个月

At the end of this process we had a much better understanding about how users moved through our app. But we still didn’t know what value we wanted to communicate to them or what the end goal was.

在此过程结束时,我们对用户如何通过我们的应用程序移动有了更好的了解。 但是我们仍然不知道我们想与他们交流什么价值或最终目标是什么。

神奇时刻介绍 (Introducing the Magic Moment)

In the depths of our confusion about User Onboarding, we came across this video. It talks about how Facebook designed their user journeys to get users to a “Magic Moment”.

在我们对用户入门的困惑中,我们偶然看到了这个视频 。 它讨论了Facebook如何设计用户旅程,以使用户进入“神奇时刻”。

The Magic Moment is when a user suddenly understands what the core value of your product really is. It’s the moment when a user “gets it”. For Facebook it was when you saw a photo of one of your friends.

神奇时刻是用户突然理解产品真正的核心价值的时候。 这是用户“得到它”的时刻。 在Facebook上,您看到的是一个朋友的照片。

For us at Pilcro, we realized our Magic Moment is when a user copies a brand asset for the first time. This is when they truly understand why they should use Pilcro.

对于我们在Pilcro的公司来说,我们意识到我们的魔力时刻是用户首次复制品牌资产。 这是他们真正了解为什么要使用Pilcro的时候。

With the Magic Moment in mind, we devised this table to help order our thoughts.


Then we tried to map these same aims to possible strategies of achieving them.


At this point we had some strategies to achieve the aims. It was time to look into what visual Onboarding components were available to us — what tools and tricks could we pull out of the User Onboarding locker to make it all come to life.

在这一点上,我们有一些实现目标的策略。 现在是时候来看看我们可以使用哪些可视的Onboarding组件-我们可以从User Onboarding储物柜中抽出哪些工具和技巧以使它们全部变为现实。

用户入职选项 (User Onboarding Options)

After all the analysis, User Onboarding still comes down to writing some UI components that communicate value to the users. So what are these UI components? What options are available to app developers and UX designers?

在完成所有分析之后,“用户入职”仍然归结为编写一些与用户交流价值的UI组件。 那么这些UI组件是什么? 应用程序开发人员和UX设计人员可以使用哪些选项?

There are of course infinite options for User Onboarding components, but here is a concise list of our favourites with User Onboarding example images from other apps.

当然,User Onboarding组件有无限的选项,但这是我们的最爱的简要列表,其中包含来自其他应用程序的User Onboarding示例图像。

模态 (Modals)

Take over the whole screen, forcing a user to stop in their tracks to show them something useful.


上下文弹出窗口 (Contextual popups)

Information when and where the user needs it. Tooltips are the most common example of this:

用户何时何地需要的信息。 工具提示是最常见的示例:

空的空间 (Empty Space)

Use empty lists and grids in the app’s UI to show helpful tips and call-to-actions.


进度指标 (Progress Indicator)

Show an indicator of how well the user is doing. This can last for the entire lifespan of the user on your product and can be gamified.

显示用户表现的指标。 这可以持续使用您的产品的整个用户寿命,并且可以被游戏化。

With these options in mind, we plotted this table to work out which User Onboarding options suited which user-types best and why. The green squares are the best fits while the red squares are a bad fit.

考虑到这些选项,我们绘制了此表,以找出最适合哪种用户类型以及为什么的用户入职选项。 绿色方块最适合,而红色方块不适合。

At this point, we had all the pieces of the puzzle ready.


  1. We had identified the different user-types.我们已经确定了不同的用户类型。
  2. We had identified the strategies to use for our user-types.我们已经确定了用于我们的用户类型的策略。
  3. We had identified UI components to realise these strategies.我们已经确定了实现这些策略的UI组件。

Time to put it all together.


那么我们实际上做了什么? (So what did we actually do?)

用户利益模式 (User benefits modal)

  • Only on first visit仅在第一次访问时
  • Communicate some core user benefits of the app.传达应用程序的一些核心用户利益。
  • Purpose — get users to hang around.

    目的 -让用户闲逛。

上下文弹出窗口 (Contextual popups)

  • Get users familiar with the interface very quickly很快让用户熟悉界面
  • Show them the most important features and buttons.向他们展示最重要的功能和按钮。
  • Product Hunt themed to give visitors from Product Hunt some visual consistency.以“产品搜索”为主题,为“产品搜索”的访问者提供视觉一致性。
  • Purpose — get users to the Magic Moment

    目的 -吸引用户进入神奇时刻

聪明地利用空白空间 (Smart use of Empty Space)

  • Show call-to-actions where there is no content在没有内容的地方显示号召性用语
  • Purpose — never leave a user outside of a flow

    目的 —永远不要让用户脱离流程

进度指示器 (Progress indicator)

  • Show users a percentage bar of how much of a ‘power-user’ they are.向用户显示他们占多少“超级用户”。
  • Purpose — push users to behave how we want them to.

    目的 -促使用户按照我们希望他们的方式行事。

而且数字不会说谎 (And the numbers don’t lie)

How did we know that the User Onboarding design worked? Here are the stats.

我们如何知道User Onboarding设计有效? 这是统计数据。

We more than doubled our conversions to the product from the website in the week after deploying the new user onboarding.


We grew our overall sign in conversion by 60%.


Admittedly, the launch helped with these stats as there was more buzz around our product. But the new User Onboarding undoubtedly played a crucial role in the success of the launch.

可以肯定的是,由于围绕我们产品的更多嗡嗡声,此次发布对这些统计数据有所帮助。 但是,毫无疑问,新的User Onboarding对启动成功起到了至关重要的作用。

事后思考-为什么用户入门如此困难? (Afterthought — Why is User Onboarding so difficult?)

  • Product owners are too close to the product. How can a product owner possibly know how it feels to experience their product for the first time?产品负责人离产品太近。 产品负责人怎么可能知道第一次体验他们的产品的感觉?
  • Different users find value in different parts of the product. So guiding them to find value is not a linear journey that all users share. Different users might have different Magic Moments.不同的用户在产品的不同部分中发现价值。 因此,引导他们寻找价值并不是所有用户共享的线性旅程。 不同的用户可能具有不同的魔术时刻。
  • Different users behave differently and move through your product differently. Some users like having their hand held when Onboarding into a new product, some users just like to dive straight in and play around. How do you craft a UX experience that serves the Onboarding needs of all different users?不同的用户有不同的行为方式,并且在产品中的移动方式也不同。 有些用户喜欢在入手新产品时手握,有些用户只是喜欢直接潜入水中玩耍。 您如何设计出能够满足所有不同用户的入职需求的UX体验?
  • Different users have different knowledge of your product. So how do you know how much information to give someone?不同的用户对您的产品有不同的了解。 那么,您如何知道要给某人多少信息呢?
  • The tech behind crafting a good User Onboarding experience is often very complex as it requires adding a whole new visual layer to your application.打造良好的用户入门体验背后的技术通常非常复杂,因为它需要在您的应用程序中添加一个全新的可视层。

User Onboarding is a complex challenge because you have to deal with a matrix of different users, features, aims and behaviours. However, if you approach it in the right way, you can make you app really shine for your new users. Good luck!

用户入职是一个复杂的挑战,因为您必须处理一系列不同的用户,功能,目标和行为。 但是,如果您以正确的方式进行操作,则可以使您的应用真正为新用户所用。 祝好运!

亲自体验 (Experience it for yourself)

Check out our user onboarding for yourself at this link. Let us know what you think!

通过此链接自行查看我们的用户入职情况。 让我们知道您的想法!

Pilcro offers free brand management software for G-Suite.


翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-we-updated-our-onboarding-experience-and-got-more-users-b0cd353677d6/



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