
全称:Human Computation Workshop(HCOMP2010)

时间:July 25, 2010

地点:Washington, D.C., USA

收录论文情况:共有4个session, 包括: Invited Talk(1篇), Market design(3篇), Human Computation in practice(10 篇), Task and process design(5篇),合计19篇(包括长文和poster)


  • 对human computation的介绍:"a relatively new research area that studies the process of channeling the vast internet population to perform tasks or provide data towards solving difficult problems that no known efficient computer algorithms can yet solve."
  • 现有的HC应用类型:
    • Game with a purpose:  the ESP game
    • Crowdsourcing marketplaces: Amazon Mechanical Turk
    • Identity verification tasks: reCAPTCHA


  • Abstraction of human computation tasks into taxonomies of mechanisms
  • Theories about what makes some human computation tasks fun and addictive
  • Differences between collaborative vs. competitive tasks
  • Programming languages, tools and platforms to support human computation
  • Domain-specific implementation challenges in human computation games
  • Cost, reliability, and skill of labelers
  • Benefits of one-time versus repeated labeling
  • Game-theoretic mechanism design of incentives for motivation and honest reporting
  • Design of manipulation-resistance mechanisms in human computation
  • Effectiveness of CAPTCHAs
  • Concerns regarding the protection of labeler identities
  • Active learning from imperfect human labelers
  • Creation of intelligent bots in human computation games
  • Utility of social networks and social credit in garnering data
  • Optimality in the context of human computation
  • Focus on tasks where crowds, not individuals, have the answers
  • Limitations of human computation


Invited Talk(1篇)

Using games to improve productivity in software engineering
Ross Smith
页面: 1 - 1

Market design(3篇)

Task search in a human computation market
Lydia B. Chilton,   John J. Horton,   Robert C. Miller,   Shiri Azenkot
页面: 1 - 9 
The anatomy of a large-scale human computation engine
Shailesh Kochhar,   Stefano Mazzocchi,   Praveen Paritosh
页面: 10 - 17  
Sellers' problems in human computation markets
M. Six Silberman,   Joel Ross,   Lilly Irani,   Bill Tomlinson
页面: 18 - 21

Human Computation in practice(10 篇)

Frontiers of a paradigm: exploring human computation with digital games
Markus Krause,   Aneta Takhtamysheva,   Marion Wittstock,   Rainer Malaka
页面: 22 - 25  
GiveALink tagging game: an incentive for social annotation
Li Weng,   Filippo Menczer
页面: 26 - 29      
Crowdsourcing participation inequality: a SCOUT model for the enterprise domain
Osamuyimen Stewart,   David Lubensky,   Juan M. Huerta
页面: 30 - 33      
Mutually reinforcing systems
John Ferguson,   Marek Bell,   Matthew Chalmers
页面: 34 - 37     
A note on human computation limits
Paul Rohwer
页面: 38 - 40    
Reconstructing the world in 3D: bringing games with a purpose outdoors
Kathleen Tuite,   Noah Snavely,   Dun-Yu Hsiao,   Adam M. Smith,   Zoran PopoviC
页面: 41 - 44    
Improving music emotion labeling using human computation
Brandon G. Morton,   Jacquelin A. Speck,   Erik M. Schmidt,   Youngmoo. E. Kim
页面: 45 - 48    
Webpardy: harvesting QA by HC
Hidir Aras,   Markus Krause,   Andreas Haller,   Rainer Malaka
页面: 49 - 52    
Measuring utility of human-computer interaction
Michael Toomim,   James A. Landay
页面: 53 - 53     
Translation by iterative collaboration between monolingual users
Chang Hu,   Benjamin B. Bederson,   Philip Resnik
页面: 54 - 55

Task and process design(5篇)

Sentence recall game: a novel tool for collecting data to discover language usage patterns
Jun Wang,   Bei Yu
页面: 56 - 59    
Word sense disambiguation via human computation
Nitin Seemakurty,   Jonathan Chu,   Luis von Ahn,   Anthony Tomasic
页面: 60 - 63     
Quality management on Amazon Mechanical Turk
Panagiotis G. Ipeirotis,   Foster Provost,   Jing Wang
页面: 64 - 67     
Exploring iterative and parallel human computation processes
Greg Little,   Lydia B. Chilton,   Max Goldman,   Robert C. Miller
页面: 68 - 76    
Toward automatic task design: a progress report
Eric Huang,   Haoqi Zhang,   David C. Parkes,   Krzysztof Z. Gajos,   Yiling Chen


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