安卓市场(Android Market)

安卓市场(Android Market)

Android (HiMarket) China market is the earliest and largest Android software and online game download platform, Netdragon well-known products, provide good service for users of mobile phone software. Since its launch in September 29, 2009, the product is dedicated to providing the most comprehensive and efficient software and game download services for the majority of Android enthusiasts. Through innovation, meticulous work, Android has the most market for a wide variety of applications, the average daily application downloads up to tens of millions of times, has developed into the largest domestic mobile phone has Chinese client, tablet client, PC client and web client (built 91 mobile phone assistant) application market full download channels.

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Android market chart 2

Android market by the famous Android professional forum Android network development, the market is a veteran of the domestic Android Software Chinese publishing platform, the original Chinese software covers a large amount of application program is a full cultural market, localization, relying on Android web developers alliance strong support, every day there have been fresh Chinese software with you meet. Android market "mobile phone client" and "tablet computer client" and "end" and other download channels, the user can freely choose the "mobile phone download", "push" and "scan two-dimensional code" and "computer download" and other means of easy access to Android software and games. Android market provides you with one-stop software download, management and upgrade services, Android mobile phone, Android market. [1-2]

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To provide users with Android mobile software acquisition and management services; to provide partners with Android applications, distribution channels and advertising revenue. [2]

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1, the most complete software, the largest number of users. Android market to provide massive software

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