安卓透明教程(Android transparent tutorial)

安卓透明教程(Android transparent tutorial)

First, this is the BRO team's approach,

First, decompile framework_res.apk

Two, find res/value/styles.xml





Second search




Third search




Three, search

Change the next two lines together




Four, search in turn

Add under them respectively


That is, the fourth step is to add 5 of the above code under each subject



Add code to this topic


Six. Make a transparent picture named screen_background_fly.png and put it in the drawable-mdpi folder.

Seven, back up, and resources.arsc and you just add transparent pictures put in the original APK inside.

Eight, installation, here will not say more.

The second method is similar to the first one. In principle, the picture is changed to reference color. (I'm doing it all right. That's the way it is.) I'll repeat it for ease of understanding.

First, decompile framework_res.apk

Two, find res/value/styles.xml


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