
I’m a UX Writer. It’s a designated human on the software development team who writes words for interfaces. All the words. From the tiniest tooltips to navigation, to buttons, to errors, and so on, ad infinitum. UX writing is less writing and more solving puzzles. For instance, try naming a button that allows the user to close the current window in order to be able to return to the page later OR edit the information they just entered. One button. Good luck!

我是UX作家。 它是软件开发团队的指定人员,他们为接口编写单词。 所有的话。 从最微小的工具提示到导航,再到按钮,再到错误等等,都是无限的。 UX写作是更少的写作,而是更多的难题。 例如,尝试命名一个允许用户关闭当前窗口的按钮,以便以后可以返回到页面或编辑他们刚刚输入的信息。 一键。 祝好运!

UX writing is a fairly new phenomenon, as it took the industry a good decade to realize that designers are not exactly equipped to work with words and copywriters have a very hazy understanding of user experience and development.


As any new phenomenon, it’s slowly growing in demand and is starting to sound “sexy” (forgive me) to the general audience. More and more writers notice that ads and articles are not as creatively satisfying as making products. Also, it pays more. It just does.

与任何新现象一样,它的需求正在缓慢增长,并开始向普通观众听起来“性感”(请原谅我)。 越来越多的作家注意到,广告和文章在创意上不如制作产品令人满意。 另外,它付出更多。 就是这样。

Those who dare to venture out of their copy-crafting comfort zone discover UX writing and wonder how to get their foot in the door and land on the design team. There are also designers learning the content part because someone has to, and copywriters who are doing UI writing already, intuitively and chaotically, because they don’t know what is happening and why.

那些敢于走出仿制设计舒适区的人会发现UX写作,并且想知道如何踏上大门并加入设计团队。 也有设计师学习内容部分是因为有人必须这样做,还有撰稿人已经在进行直观,无序的UI编写,因为他们不知道发生了什么以及为什么。

It is especially true for the massive, powerful yet young Ukrainian software market. Ukraine is a glowing ember of brilliant designers and devs, making products that easily bite into venture capitals flowing from the Valley. Here are just a few examples of Ukrainian products: Grammarly, Preply, CleanMyMac, Setapp, Looksery (bought by Snap Inc.), TemplateMonster, etc.

对于庞大,强大而又年轻的乌克兰软件市场而言,尤其如此。 乌克兰是杰出的设计师和开发人员的炽热余烬,其产品很容易咬入从硅谷流出的风险资本。 这里只是乌克兰产品的一些示例:语法,Preply,CleanMyMac,Setapp,Looksery(由Snap Inc.购买),TemplateMonster等。

To support the demand for talent, the talent itself has created an extraordinary education hub in the country’s capital — Creative and Tech School Projector. A few years ago they invited me to speak at a conference. Then another one. Then I gave a few stand-alone lectures on the emergence of UX writing. Finally, I recorded an online lecture about Lorem Ipsum and how much it sucks. I think that gave us both an idea.

为了满足对人才的需求,人才本身已经在该国首都创建了一个非凡的教育中心-创新与技术学校投影仪。 几年前,他们邀请我在会议上发言。 然后另一个。 然后,我就UX写作的出现做了一些独立的讲座。 最后,我录制了有关Lorem Ipsum及其吸收量的在线讲座 。 我认为这给了我们两个想法。

如果我完成了整个课程怎么办? (What if I made a whole course?)

I live in Toronto now, so the usual offline, face-to-face, non-socially-distant version wasn’t available. We decided it’s going to be half-and-half. We’ll record the lectures for online use, I’ll check homeworks remotely and give real-time feedback. We’ll have a few webinars, a thesis project in partnership with Preply, and an online graduation.

我现在住在多伦多,因此无法使用通常的离线,面对面,非社交距离的版本。 我们决定将一半。 我们将录制讲座以供在线使用,我将远程检查作业并提供实时反馈。 我们将提供一些网络研讨会,与Preply合作的论文项目以及在线毕业。

It was going according to the plan at first. I drafted the course and created simple slideshows to support my lectures. Once I started filling them with actual content, that’s where the hardships began. It felt like writing a book, a mega-tutorial, an instruction on the Use of Words, and it turned out to be far beyond the scope of anything I’ve ever done. I was not equipped for this.

起初是按照计划进行的。 我起草了课程并创建了简单的幻灯片以支持我的演讲。 一旦我开始用实际内容填充它们,这就是困难的开始。 感觉就像是写一本书,一部大型教程,一部关于单词使用的说明,结果远远超出了我做过的任何事情。 我没有装备。

Promo shoot for the course at Projector HQ in Kiev, Ukraine

第一阶段 冒名顶替综合症。 (Stage one. Impostor syndrome.)

I immediately started doubting everything I know and do. What if I’m a fraud who sneaked their way into software development by sheer luck? What if my knowledge is a cheap mix of intuition and plagiarism and I have no foundation under my content decisions? Trust me, this downward spiral is a fun ride. Classic deconstruction of self, down to the very core.

我立即开始怀疑我所知道和做的一切。 如果我是个骗子,纯粹靠运气潜入软件开发该怎么办? 如果我的知识是直觉和窃的廉价组合,而我在内容决策上没有基础,该怎么办? 相信我,这个下降的螺旋是一个有趣的旅程。 经典自我解构,直至核心。

You know what pulled me out of it? Typography. When I started as a copywriter years ago, I didn’t know what serif was. When I finished the whole typography lecture without pulling up any articles and only went to check the accuracy after, I realized that I am, probably, not entirely hopeless. And I can simply tell whatever I know, and if I don’t know enough, I can read more, and if I still don’t know enough, so be it. Because hey, I’m only one person.

你知道是什么让我退出了吗? 版式。 几年前当我开始担任撰稿人时,我不知道什么是衬线。 当我结束了整个印刷术讲座而不写任何文章,只是去检查准确性之后,我意识到我可能并不是完全没有希望。 而且我可以简单地告诉我所知道的一切,如果我不够了解,我可以,如果我仍然不够了解,就这样吧。 因为嘿,我只是一个人。

第二阶段。 优先事项。 (Stage two. Priorities.)

The next hardest thing was choosing what to talk about. The course is 9 30-min lectures. This is really not much time to cover so many dense subjects. Here’s what I ended up with:

接下来最困难的事情是选择谈论什么。 本课程为9节30分钟的讲座。 确实没有太多时间来讨论这么多密集的主题。 我最终得到的是:

I. What’s happening. What is UX Writing, its place and purpose.

I.发生了什么事。 UX写作是什么,它的位置和目的。

II. Basic’s best. Foundations of good user experience and good writing.

二。 基本的最好的。 良好的用户体验和良好的写作基础。

III. Fonts and typefaces. Use of fonts in UI, what you need as a writer.

三, 字体和字体。 在UI中使用字体,这是您作为作家需要的。

IV. Usability, user flows, user stories.

IV。 可用性,用户流,用户故事。

V. Microcopy, Pt.1. Basic rules. Notifiers, errors, and statuses.

V.显微镜,Pt.1。 基本规则。 通知程序,错误和状态。

VI. UX Writing in a project. Working within a team.

VI。 UX编写项目。 在团队中工作。

VII. Psychology of language. Focus, bias, priming, eyes and brain.

七。 语言心理学。 专注,偏见,启动,眼睛和大脑。

VIII. Microcopy, Pt.2. Instructions, descriptions, labels, forms.

八。 显微镜,Pt.2。 说明,说明,标签,表格。

IX. Staying sane and happy. How to not lose it while organizing content.

九。 保持理智和快乐。 如何在组织内容时不丢失它。

One last thing was inventing home tasks. My only priority here was focusing on the subject of the lecture as much as possible and not being boring. Here’s an example of what I ended up with:

最后一件事是发明家庭作业。 在这里,我唯一的优先事项是尽可能地专注于演讲的主题,不要感到无聊。 这是我最终得到的一个例子:

Open Spotify or Apple Music. You’ve been asked to write a notification about a new feature introduced to the service. How would you approach the task? What would you ask? Write an example notification for a feature called “Local shows” that makes a playlist of songs by artists who have upcoming shows in your area.

打开Spotify或Apple Music。 已要求您编写有关该服务引入的新功能的通知。 您将如何处理任务? 你会问什么 为名为“本地节目”的功能编写示例通知,该功能会列出您所在地区即将演出的艺术家的歌曲播放列表。

Two days of recording sessions in the soundproof studio at Projector.

第三阶段。 记录。 (Stage three. Record.)

Now it was time to record the lectures. It’s only the single most important day of the year, when I need to look perfect, feel perfect, speak on camera for 6 hours straight, and keep in mind every important detail of every lecture. So why not have it the next morning after a 16-hour flight Toronto-Kiev? In January. While I’m down with the flu. Just to spice things up.

现在是时候录制讲座了。 这只是一年中最重要的一天,当我需要看起来完美,感觉完美,连续6个小时在相机上讲话并记住每堂课的每个重要细节时。 那么,为什么在多伦多-基辅(Toronto-Kiev)进行了16小时的飞行后第二天早上却没有呢? 在一月。 当我感冒了。 只是为了使事情变得有趣。

When a few days before the flight I started coming down with a fever, I was legitimately panicking. I think I scared my body into recovery because on the day of, I was fresh and beaming. Not a trace of illness, a clear head, and healthy, euphoric anxiety that kept me alert.

航班起飞前几天,我开始发烧下来,我确实感到恐慌。 我想我害怕自己的身体恢复,因为那天我很新鲜,也很高兴。 没有一丝疾病,清晰的脑袋和健康愉悦的焦虑使我保持警觉。

Recording is hard. It’s HARD. I’ve done photoshoots where you need to look at the camera but don’t need to speak. I’ve done lectures where you need to speak but don’t need to look at the camera. I haven’t tried both. YouTubers, my apologies for thinking what you do is easy, you have my eternal respect.

录音很难 。 这个很难(硬。 我已经完成了相片拍摄,您需要看一下相机但不需要讲话。 我已经完成了一些您需要讲话但不需要注视摄像机的讲座。 我都没有尝试过。 YouTube员工,我很抱歉地认为您的工作很简单,因此您将永远受到我的尊重。

I kept forgetting what I needed to say, kept focusing too much on being funny because I didn’t see the audience and I din’t know if they were laughing or not. Kept making the same gestures that (as I found out much later) look incredibly cringy. Our videographer is a genius so the lectures still look good.

我一直忘了我该说些什么,因为我看不见观众,也不知道他们是否在笑,所以我一直将注意力集中在逗趣上。 保持相同的手势(就像我以后发现的那样)看起来令人难以置信。 我们的摄影师是个天才,所以演讲仍然不错。

第四阶段。 时光倒流。 (Stage four. Time-turner.)

Time-turner is the thing I forgot to mention on my rider when signing up for the course. Since I am one person with a full-time job, checking 153 home tasks per week is not exactly feasible. I was dying is what I’m trying to say.

报名参加课程时,我忘了在车手身上提到时光倒流。 因为我是一个全职工作的人,所以每周检查153个家庭任务并不完全可行。 我要死的是我想说的。

We had to move the course a bit and it landed on February, the month that I’ve chosen for my remote-work-retreat in Bali. I’m aware of how privileged I’m going to sound, but it was really hard to balance work, course, and life. What was supposed to be a chill month with friends by the oceanside, turned out to be a hysterical quest with a search for stable WiFi and night-long homework checkups. Please add 6-hour time difference to the equation.

我们不得不稍稍调整一下路线,于2月降落,这是我为巴厘岛的远程工作休闲所选择的月份。 我知道我会听起来有多特权,但要平衡工作,课程和生活确实很困难。 与海边的朋友在一起原本应该是一个寒冷的月份,结果却变成了歇斯底里的追求,寻找稳定的WiFi和一整夜的家庭作业检查。 请在方程式中加上6小时时差。

By the second week I pleaded guilty and admitted I can’t do it. We reorganized the schedule, allowing for one class per week instead of two. I slowly caught up with homeworks but I am still sorry that I didn’t give enough feedback or paid enough attention to all students in the beginning. Well, you can’t hope to make it all right the first time.

在第二周之前,我认罪并承认自己做不到。 我们重新安排了时间表,每周只上一堂课,而不是两堂课。 我慢慢赶上了家庭作业,但对于一开始我没有给所有学生足够的反馈或给予足够的关注,我仍然感到遗憾。 好吧,您不能希望第一次就做到这一点。

Also, I’ve discovered that checking UX writing homework is not like checking someone’s design, where you have common misconceptions and mistakes, and can almost copy-paste your comments for different students. You need to fix grammar (remember these are all ESL students), fix syntax, fix the very thinking behind the work.

另外,我发现检查UX编写家庭作业并不像检查某人的设计那样,因为在这里您有常见的误解和错误,几乎可以将您的评论复制粘贴给不同的学生。 您需要修正语法(记住这些都是ESL学生),修正语法,修正工作背后的思想。

第五阶段。 奖励。 (Stage five. Rewards.)

After weeks of feedback and adding missing articles, we arrived at our thesis project. It’s there and then that I actually felt like we’ve accomplished something with my first precious batch of students. Only 11 out of 25 made it to the end. It’s an online course, people get lazy and give up. But these 11! The progress they made was unbelievable.

经过数周的反馈并添加了缺失的文章,我们开始了我们的论文项目。 在那里,然后我真的觉得我们已经与第一批宝贵的学生完成了一些事情。 25名选手中只有11名晋级决赛。 这是一门在线课程,人们变得懒惰并放弃。 但是这11! 他们取得的进步令人难以置信。

Meaning, I couldn’t believe it when they presented almost perfectly designed screens with poignant corrections and simply wonderful bits of copy. It was mesmerizing. They didn’t learn this from me, a huge part of work was to figure out Figma on your own, learn to draw a bit, learn to place components. Learn to see what looks good, what reads good. And they did.

意思是,当他们展示几乎完美设计的屏幕时,令人难以置信的修正和精美的复制品,我简直不敢相信。 令人着迷。 他们没有从我这里学到东西,很大一部分工作是自己弄清楚Figma,学会画一点点,学会放置零件。 学习了解什么看起来不错,什么看起来不错。 他们做到了。

It was a dramatic difference from where they had started and I finally felt that what we did mattered. If in two months people can get this much out of an online course, they are absolutely unstoppable.

与他们开始的地方截然不同,我终于感到我们所做的事情很重要 。 如果人们可以在两个月内从在线课程中学到很多东西,那么他们绝对是势不可挡的。

第六阶段。 外卖。 (Stage six. Takeaways.)

We had a long and detailed reassessment session. Talked through what went wrong and what went right. Asked the students. Asked ourselves. Made a roadmap for the next course to start in September.

我们进行了长时间而详细的重新评估。 通过错误和正确进行交谈。 问学生。 问自己。 为9月开始的下一门课程制定了路线图。

Takeaways from making an online course:


  1. Having 25 students for one mentor who is also employed elsewhere is a bad idea.一个导师有25个学生,而这个导师也在其他地方工作,这是一个坏主意。
  2. Having 2 classes a week with 3 home tasks for each class it too much.每周有2节课,每节课要完成3个家庭作业。
  3. Online lectures are good but require supporting literature/materials.在线讲座固然不错,但需要支持文献/材料。
  4. Size of homeworks needs to be defined (some ranged from 1 page to 10).需要定义作业的大小(某些作业的范围从1页到10页不等)。
  5. Format of homeworks needs to be defined.家庭作业的格式需要定义。
  6. It’s a good idea to have ready links for common mistakes.准备好常见错误的链接是一个好主意。
  7. People are very different. Ask for their goals and motivation during application.人有很大的不同。 在申请过程中询问他们的目标和动力。
  8. UX Writing is much harder for ESL (English as a Second Language) students because their level varies, unlike with native speakers. They are essentially learning two things at the same time, language and UX.对于ESL(英语作为第二语言)的学生,UX写作要困难得多,因为与母语使用者不同,UX写作的水平各不相同。 他们本质上是在同时学习两件事,即语言和UX。
  9. It’s essential to have someone to back you up with homework checkups. There are days when you don’t have time or don’t feel well.让某人通过作业检查为您提供支持非常重要。 有时候,您没有时间或感觉不舒服。
  10. Seeing how people grow over such a short period of time is worth it all.看到人们在这么短的时间内如何成长是值得的。
  11. Sharing is caring. If you know something, don’t keep it to yourself.分享是关怀。 如果您知道某些内容,请不要保留。

翻译自: https://blog.prototypr.io/how-to-create-a-ux-writing-course-and-not-lose-your-marbles-af12ef8800aa




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  8. 利益相关者软件工程_如何向利益相关者解释用户体验的重要性

    利益相关者软件工程 With the ever increasing popularity of user experience (UX) design there is a growing need ...

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    大萧条时期什么行业走俏 You've read a lot about uncertain times and social distancing. We're all surrounded by t ...


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