

Alpha is the first and foremost letter of the Greek alphabet. In the classification of Greek numerals or numbers, it constitutes a value of 1.

Alpha是希腊字母的第一个也是最重要的字母 。 在希腊数字或希腊数字的分类中,它的值为1。

Letters that taken place and occurred from alpha comprise the Latin A and the Cyrillic letter А.


In English, the noun "alpha" is used as a synonym for "beginning", or "first" (in an order of sequence), revealing its Greek roots.

在英语中,名词“ alpha”被用作“ beginning”或“ first”(按顺序的顺序)的同义词,以揭示其希腊语根源。

In Ancient Greek, alpha was articulated [a] and could be either phonemically long ([aː]) or short ([a]).


数学与科学 (Mathematics and Science)

  • The letter alpha corresponds to a variety of concepts in physics and chemistry, consisting of:


    1. Alpha radiation
    2. Angular acceleration
    3. Alpha particles
    4. Alpha carbon
    5. Strength of electromagnetic interaction (as Fine-structure constant)
  • Alpha also corresponds to the thermal expansion coefficient of a compound in physical chemistry.


  • It is also normally used in mathematics in algebraic solutions signifying quantities such as angles.


  • Also, in mathematics, the letter alpha is used to refer to the area underneath a normal curve in statistics to represent the significance level when proving null and alternative hypotheses.


  • In zoology, it is used to name the leading and governing creature in a wolf or dog pack.


  • In aerodynamics, the letter is used as a symbol for the angle of attack of an aircraft and the word "alpha" is used as a synonym for this property.

    在空气动力学中,该字母用作飞机迎角的符号,而单词“ alpha”用作该属性的同义词。

The proportionality operator "∝" (in Unicode: U+221D) is now and then taken false for alpha.

比例运算符“ ∝” (在Unicode中为U + 221D)现在对于alpha而言为假。

The uppercase letter alpha is not commonly used as a symbol for the reason that it is inclined to be provided indistinguishably to the uppercase Latin A.


国际语音字母 (International Phonetic Alphabet)

  • In the International Phonetic Alphabet, the letter ɑ, which appears similar to the lower-case alpha, corresponds to the open back unrounded vowel.


阿尔法和欧米茄 (Alpha and Omega)

  • Alpha, both as a symbol and term, is used to allude to or illustrate a range of things, consisting of the first or highly noteworthy happening of something.

    Alpha (作为符号和术语)用于暗示或说明一系列事物,包括事物的首次出现或高度值得注意的事件。

  • The New Testament has God speaking out himself to be the "Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last." (Revelation 22:13, KJV). Because of this symbolism, the characters and signify the left and right arguments in the APL programming language.

    在《新约》中,上帝大声疾呼自己是“阿尔法与欧米茄,开始与结束,第一与最后”。 (启示录22:13,KJV)。 由于这种象征意义,字符表示APL编程语言中的左右参数。

语言 (Language)

  • The term "alpha" has been used to refer to spot or position in the social hierarchy, examples being "alpha males" or pack leaders.


Reference: Alpha

参考: Alpha

翻译自: https://www.includehelp.com/dictionary/alpha-full-form.aspx



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