
After becoming addicted to the new experimental Google Beta Shortcuts that let you navigate through results with your keyboard, it started to irritate me that I didn’t get to use the shortcut keys when I use a quick search in the Firefox address bar using the “?” keyword. Good thing it’s a very simple to change.

沉迷于新的实验性Google Beta快捷方式后 ,您可以使用键盘浏览结果,这让我很烦恼,当我在Firefox地址栏中使用“ ?” 关键词。 好东西,更改非常简单。

If you don’t have a keyword bookmark for Google Search yet, you can start by making a bookmark to this link (right-click and choose bookmark this link), and name it something useful.




Now right-click the new link and choose Properties.


Here’s where you’ll want to add the keyword ? into the keyword box, to make it look like this. (If you already have a keyword bookmark for Google Search, then add in the URL above into the location box here.

这是您要添加关键字的地方? 放入关键字框中,使其看起来像这样 (如果您已经拥有Google搜索的关键字书签,则将上面的URL添加到此处的位置框中。

Now when you search in the location bar using the ? keyword like this…

现在,当您使用?在位置栏中搜索时。 像这样的关键字...

You’ll get sent to the new experimental keyword navigation results:


I really should figure out why the google description for this site is so strange…


You can also install the google by keyword search plugin for Firefox or IE7.

您也可以为Firefox或IE7安装google by关键字搜索插件 。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/internet/firefox/make-firefox-quick-search-use-googles-beta-search-keys/



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