

class NCNN_EXPORT Blob
public:// emptyBlob();public:
#if NCNN_STRING// blob namestd::string name;
#endif // NCNN_STRING// layer index which produce this blob as outputint producer;// layer index which need this blob as inputint consumer;// shape hintMat shape;


{producer = -1;consumer = -1;



// data read wrapper
class NCNN_EXPORT DataReader
public:DataReader();virtual ~DataReader();#if NCNN_STRING// parse plain param text// return 1 if scan success//解析模型文件 ,成功返回1virtual int scan(const char* format, void* p) const;
#endif // NCNN_STRING// read binary param and model data// return bytes read//读取二进制模型数据 返回字节数virtual size_t read(void* buf, size_t size) const;// get model data reference// return bytes referencedvirtual size_t reference(size_t size, const void** buf) const;



class ExtractorPrivate;
class NCNN_EXPORT Extractor
public:virtual ~Extractor();// copyExtractor(const Extractor&);// assignExtractor& operator=(const Extractor&);// clear blob mats and alloctorsvoid clear();// enable light mode// intermediate blob will be recycled when enabled// enabled by defaultvoid set_light_mode(bool enable);// set thread count for this extractor// this will overwrite the global setting// default count is system dependedvoid set_num_threads(int num_threads);// set blob memory allocatorvoid set_blob_allocator(Allocator* allocator);// set workspace memory allocatorvoid set_workspace_allocator(Allocator* allocator);#if NCNN_VULKANvoid set_vulkan_compute(bool enable);void set_blob_vkallocator(VkAllocator* allocator);void set_workspace_vkallocator(VkAllocator* allocator);void set_staging_vkallocator(VkAllocator* allocator);
#endif // NCNN_VULKAN#if NCNN_STRING// set input by blob name// return 0 if successint input(const char* blob_name, const Mat& in);// get result by blob name// return 0 if success// type = 0, default// type = 1, do not convert fp16/bf16 or / and packingint extract(const char* blob_name, Mat& feat, int type = 0);
#endif // NCNN_STRING// set input by blob index// return 0 if successint input(int blob_index, const Mat& in);// get result by blob index// return 0 if success// type = 0, default// type = 1, do not convert fp16/bf16 or / and packingint extract(int blob_index, Mat& feat, int type = 0);#if NCNN_VULKAN
#if NCNN_STRING// set input by blob name// return 0 if successint input(const char* blob_name, const VkMat& in);// get result by blob name// return 0 if successint extract(const char* blob_name, VkMat& feat, VkCompute& cmd);// set input by blob name// return 0 if successint input(const char* blob_name, const VkImageMat& in);// get result by blob name// return 0 if successint extract(const char* blob_name, VkImageMat& feat, VkCompute& cmd);
#endif // NCNN_STRING// set input by blob index// return 0 if successint input(int blob_index, const VkMat& in);// get result by blob index// return 0 if successint extract(int blob_index, VkMat& feat, VkCompute& cmd);// set input by blob index// return 0 if successint input(int blob_index, const VkImageMat& in);// get result by blob index// return 0 if successint extract(int blob_index, VkImageMat& feat, VkCompute& cmd);
#endif // NCNN_VULKANprotected:friend Extractor Net::create_extractor() const;Extractor(const Net* net, size_t blob_count);private:ExtractorPrivate* const d;
int Extractor::input(const char* blob_name, const VkImageMat& in)
{int blob_index = d->net->find_blob_index_by_name(blob_name);if (blob_index == -1){NCNN_LOGE("Try");const std::vector<const char*>& input_names = d->net->input_names();for (size_t i = 0; i < input_names.size(); i++){NCNN_LOGE("    ex.input(\"%s\", in%d);", input_names[i], (int)i);}return -1;}return input(blob_index, in);
int Extractor::input(int blob_index, const Mat& in)
{if (blob_index < 0 || blob_index >= (int)d->blob_mats.size())return -1;d->blob_mats[blob_index] = in;return 0;

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