




static struct scull_dev scull_u_device;
static int scull_u_count;       /* initialized to 0 by default */
static uid_t scull_u_owner;     /* initialized to 0 by default */
static spinlock_t scull_u_lock; /* = SPIN_LOCK_UNLOCKED; */static int scull_u_open(struct inode *inode, struct file *filp) {struct scull_dev *dev = &scull_u_device; /* device information */spin_lock(&scull_u_lock);if (scull_u_count && (scull_u_owner != current->cred->uid) &&  /* allow user */(scull_u_owner != current->cred->euid) && /* allow whoever did su */!capable(CAP_DAC_OVERRIDE)) { /* still allow root */spin_unlock(&scull_u_lock);return -EBUSY;   /* -EPERM would confuse the user */}if (scull_u_count == 0)scull_u_owner = current->cred->uid; /* grab it */scull_u_count++;spin_unlock(&scull_u_lock);/* then, everything else is copied from the bare scull device */if ((filp->f_flags & O_ACCMODE) == O_WRONLY) scull_trim(dev);filp->private_data = dev;return 0;          /* success */

scull_u_owner的类型是uid_t ,而新的内核current->cred->uid的类型是kuid_t,所以才报上述错误。

current是一个宏,返回当前进程的上下文,返回类型为struct task_struct*, 结构体定义在<linux/sched.h>;

current->cred的类型为struct cred;结构体定义在<linux/cred.h>

current->cred->uid的类型是struct kgid_t;结构体定义在<linux/uidgid.h>


typedef struct {uid_t val;
} kuid_t;


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