
树莓派驱动ws2812 网上一搜几乎都是 用的 rpi-ws281x 这个库



sudo pip3 install rpi-ws281x


看看官方的示例程序 ,这是一个名为 strandtest.py 的示例程序
当然还有其他的示例程序 Github链接

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# NeoPixel library strandtest example
# Author: Tony DiCola (tony@tonydicola.com)
# Direct port of the Arduino NeoPixel library strandtest example.  Showcases
# various animations on a strip of NeoPixels.import time
from rpi_ws281x import PixelStrip, Color
import argparse# LED strip configuration:
LED_COUNT = 16        # Number of LED pixels.
LED_PIN = 18          # GPIO pin connected to the pixels (18 uses PWM!).
# LED_PIN = 10        # GPIO pin connected to the pixels (10 uses SPI /dev/spidev0.0).
LED_FREQ_HZ = 800000  # LED signal frequency in hertz (usually 800khz)
LED_DMA = 10          # DMA channel to use for generating signal (try 10)
LED_BRIGHTNESS = 255  # Set to 0 for darkest and 255 for brightest
LED_INVERT = False    # True to invert the signal (when using NPN transistor level shift)
LED_CHANNEL = 0       # set to '1' for GPIOs 13, 19, 41, 45 or 53# Define functions which animate LEDs in various ways.
def colorWipe(strip, color, wait_ms=50):"""Wipe color across display a pixel at a time."""for i in range(strip.numPixels()):strip.setPixelColor(i, color)strip.show()time.sleep(wait_ms / 1000.0)def theaterChase(strip, color, wait_ms=50, iterations=10):"""Movie theater light style chaser animation."""for j in range(iterations):for q in range(3):for i in range(0, strip.numPixels(), 3):strip.setPixelColor(i + q, color)strip.show()time.sleep(wait_ms / 1000.0)for i in range(0, strip.numPixels(), 3):strip.setPixelColor(i + q, 0)def wheel(pos):"""Generate rainbow colors across 0-255 positions."""if pos < 85:return Color(pos * 3, 255 - pos * 3, 0)elif pos < 170:pos -= 85return Color(255 - pos * 3, 0, pos * 3)else:pos -= 170return Color(0, pos * 3, 255 - pos * 3)def rainbow(strip, wait_ms=20, iterations=1):"""Draw rainbow that fades across all pixels at once."""for j in range(256 * iterations):for i in range(strip.numPixels()):strip.setPixelColor(i, wheel((i + j) & 255))strip.show()time.sleep(wait_ms / 1000.0)def rainbowCycle(strip, wait_ms=20, iterations=5):"""Draw rainbow that uniformly distributes itself across all pixels."""for j in range(256 * iterations):for i in range(strip.numPixels()):strip.setPixelColor(i, wheel((int(i * 256 / strip.numPixels()) + j) & 255))strip.show()time.sleep(wait_ms / 1000.0)def theaterChaseRainbow(strip, wait_ms=50):"""Rainbow movie theater light style chaser animation."""for j in range(256):for q in range(3):for i in range(0, strip.numPixels(), 3):strip.setPixelColor(i + q, wheel((i + j) % 255))strip.show()time.sleep(wait_ms / 1000.0)for i in range(0, strip.numPixels(), 3):strip.setPixelColor(i + q, 0)# Main program logic follows:
if __name__ == '__main__':# Process argumentsparser = argparse.ArgumentParser()parser.add_argument('-c', '--clear', action='store_true', help='clear the display on exit')args = parser.parse_args()# Create NeoPixel object with appropriate configuration.strip = PixelStrip(LED_COUNT, LED_PIN, LED_FREQ_HZ, LED_DMA, LED_INVERT, LED_BRIGHTNESS, LED_CHANNEL)# Intialize the library (must be called once before other functions).strip.begin()print('Press Ctrl-C to quit.')if not args.clear:print('Use "-c" argument to clear LEDs on exit')try:while True:print('Color wipe animations.')colorWipe(strip, Color(255, 0, 0))  # Red wipecolorWipe(strip, Color(0, 255, 0))  # Green wipecolorWipe(strip, Color(0, 0, 255))  # Blue wipeprint('Theater chase animations.')theaterChase(strip, Color(127, 127, 127))  # White theater chasetheaterChase(strip, Color(127, 0, 0))  # Red theater chasetheaterChase(strip, Color(0, 0, 127))  # Blue theater chaseprint('Rainbow animations.')rainbow(strip)rainbowCycle(strip)theaterChaseRainbow(strip)except KeyboardInterrupt:if args.clear:colorWipe(strip, Color(0, 0, 0), 10)


新建一个py文件,copy上面那个示例程序,使用命令行运行 (直接在IDE运行会报错,目前不知道解决办法)
比如 我建的名字为 test.py, 放在了桌面

cd Desktop
sudo python3 test.py




sudo nano /etc/modprobe.d/snd-blacklist.conf


blacklist snd_bcm2835

ctrl+o保存 ctrl+x退出


sudo nano /boot/config.txt


# Enable audio (loads snd_bcm2835)


# Enable audio (loads snd_bcm2835)

ctrl+o保存 ctrl+x退出


sudo reboot


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