
Define — Measure — Analyze — Improve — Control
定 — 量 — 析 — 进 —

5.控制新体系。通过修订激励机制、方针、目标等使改进后的体系制度化。可以应用ISO 9000之类的体系来保证文件化体系的正确性。

What is the Six Sigma Black Belt Program?

Motorola has set forth-key initiatives as a means of meeting our fundamental objective of Total Customer Satisfaction. Key initiatives include Six Sigma Quality, Total Cycle Time Reduction, and Product and Manufacturing leadership. The Motorola Chief Executive Office has committed to achieve Six Sigma and beyond results in everything we do, and strive for a 10X reduction in defects every two years.

In order for each business unit to make the breakthrough improvements required to reach the Six Sigma and beyond goals, it will be important to identify, develop and support a cadre of individuals from all disciplines who will champion the use of quality improvement tools and strategies. This infrastructure must be in place if change is to occur, and if the knowledge and skills supporting such change are to be transferred to, and utilized within, each business unit. This infrastructure can be used by the business units as leverage to drive improvements in both quality systems and new product development cycle time.

Six Sigma champions will be selected from engineering, manufacturing, service and support areas, and, when properly trained and supported, can serve as change agents, internal consultants, mentors and coaches throughout various levels and business units of the corporation.  Known as Six Sigma Green Belts, Black Belts and Master Black Belts, these champions are individuals who have developed a synergistic proficiency between their discipline and the Six Sigma strategies and tools.  They will continually work towards institutionalizing the effective use of these tools throughout the corporation to reach Six Sigma and beyond results.  The purpose of the Six Sigma Black Belt Program is to develop Motorola associates in the appropriate Black Belt skills.

Green Belt, Black Belt and Master Black Belt

The success of Six Sigma depends heavily on the individuals who have the knowledge and skill to effectively implement the continuous improvement process.  These individuals integrate their problem solving and statistical skills with their knowledge of the application areas and the business to form the infrastructure that ensures success of the Six-Sigma program.

A hierarchy of Green Belts, Black Belts and Master Black Belts provides the range of knowledge, experience, and leadership that can be utilized by business managers to address a wide variety of continuous improvement projects.

Green Belts have received training in a core of required statistical and problem solving tools and serve as local experts on projects in their own area of expertise.  Black Belts are more experienced than Green Belts and are able to apply a wider range of tools across a broader range of projects in their organization and can serve as project leaders.  Master Black Belts are Black Belts who have achieved a high level of training and experience and provide a strong leadership role in the Black Belt community and in the business.

Six Sigma Black Belt Skills

The Six Sigma Black Belt Skills are categorized in three areas: Core Skills, Technical Skills, and Interpersonal Skills.

Core Skills Include: Introduction to the Black Belt Program, Six Steps to Six Sigma Concepts, Continuous Improvement, Quality System Overview, Process Characterization Concepts, Benchmarking Concepts, Quality Function Deployment Concepts, Basic Statistics, Problem Solving, Comparative Methods and Leadership.

Technical Skills Include: Nonparametric Statistics, Measurement System Analysis, Design and Analysis of Experiments (DOE), Process Capability and Control (SPC), Robust Design / Tolerance Analysis, Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA), Reliability and Availability, Categorical Data Analysis, Survey Design and Analysis, Multivariate Methods, Advanced Regression Modeling, and Time Series / Forecasting.

Interpersonal Skills include: Change Management, Professional Presentations, Consulting, Teamwork, Influencing, Business Skills, Project Management, Teaching, and Coaching.

Green Belts are trained in the core skills (except leadership) and two technical skills.  Black Belts are trained in the core skills, four technical skills and two interpersonal skills.  Master Black Belts are trained in the core skills, eight technical skills and four interpersonal skills.

Green Belt


·          Has proven ability to effectively utilize statistical, problem solving and quality tools as applicable to his / her own area of expertise.

·          Is trained in core Black Belt skills, and two (2) additional technical skills.

·          Has demonstrated application of problem solving, comparative methods, and two other technical skills.


·          Actively participates on continuous improvement teams.

·          Identifies potential green and black belts.

Provides training and consulting as needed under mentoring of a Black Belt or Master Black Belt.

Black Belt


·          Has proven ability to effectively utilize statistical, problem solving and quality tools as applicable to his / her own area of expertise.

·          Have strong interpersonal skills.

·          Has proven experience in applying statistical, problem solving and quality tools as applicable to his / her own area of expertise.

·          Has met the requirements of a Green Belt.

·          Is trained in leadership, two (2) additional technical skills and two (2) additional interpersonal skills.

·          Has demonstrated application of problem solving, comparative methods, leadership, eight (8) other technical skills and two (2) interpersonal skills.


·          Drives the effective use of statistical, problem solving, and quality tools through leadership, consulting and training.

·          Actively facilitates and/or lead continuous improvement teams.

·          Actively mentors Black and Green Belt candidates.

·          Identifies, communicates, and applies new statistical techniques.

Communicates Black Belt related success stories / applications both inside and outside his / her organization.

Master Black Belt


·          Has proven ability to effectively utilize statistical, problem solving and quality tools as applicable to his / her own area of expertise.

·          Have strong interpersonal skills.

·          Has proven experience in applying statistical, problem solving and quality tools as applicable to his / her own area of expertise.

·          Has advanced university-level coursework/training in statistical theory and methods.

·          Has minimum 5 Years experience in statistical and problem solving applications.

·          Has broad knowledge of statistical, problem solving, and quality tools

·          Has Demonstrated innovation in the development and/or application of statistical, problem solving, and quality tools to support the business.

·          Attends and participates in conferences and other technical meetings of Motorola organizations, as well as, those of professional technical societies.


·          Drives the effective use of statistical, problem solving, and quality tools through leadership, consulting and training.

·          Actively facilitates and/or lead continuous improvement teams.

·          Identifies, communicates, and applies new statistical techniques.

·          Communicates Black Belt related success stories / applications both inside and outside his / her organization.

·          Full Time devoted to Black Belt activities

·          Works with management to drive Black Belt development and the use of statistical, problem solving, and quality tools to support the business

·          Mentors Green, Black, and Master Black Belt candidates

·          Champions/Leads the Black Belt Development Process

·          Provides leadership in Customer Satisfaction and Continuous Improvement Programs

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