
  • 简介
  • 安装
  • Retrying
    • 初试
    • 最大重试次数
    • 最大重试时间
    • 重试间隔
    • 随机间隔
    • 指数级重试间隔
    • 自定义异常重试
    • 自定义返回重试
    • 参数
  • Tenacity
    • 初试
    • 最大重试次数
    • 最大重试时间
    • 组合停止条件
    • 重试间隔
    • 随机间隔
    • 指数级重试间隔
    • 重试间隔链
    • 自定义异常重试
    • 自定义返回重试
    • 显式重试
    • 重新捕获异常
    • 重试前记日志
    • 重试后记日志
    • 重试失败后记日志
    • 重试统计
    • 自定义回调函数
    • 上下文管理器
    • 支持异步和协程
    • 参数
  • 参考文献


Retrying 是一个通用重试库,用于简化任何需要重试的任务,已不再维护,功能:

  • 通用装饰器
  • 指定停止条件,如重试次数
  • 指定等待条件,如重试间的指数回退休眠
  • 自定义异常重试
  • 自定义重试预期返回的结果

Tenacity 是上述库的分支,修复了一些BUG,增加了新功能:

  • 异步协程重试
  • 上下文管理器重试
  • 组合停止条件

推荐使用 Tenacity


pip install retrying
pip install tenacity




import random
from retrying import retryn = 0  # 记录重试次数@retry
def do_something_unreliable():global nif random.randint(0, 10) > 1:n += 1raise Exceptionelse:print(f'tried {n} times')n = 0  # 重置重试次数for i in range(5):do_something_unreliable()# tried 1 times# tried 2 times# tried 4 times# tried 5 times# tried 13 times


import random
from retrying import retryn = 0  # 记录重试次数@retry(stop_max_attempt_number=3)  # 最大重试次数
def do_something_unreliable():global nif random.randint(0, 10) > 1:n += 1raise Exceptionelse:print(f'tried {n} times and success.')n = 0  # 重置重试次数for i in range(5):try:do_something_unreliable()except Exception as e:print(f'tried {n} times but failed.')n = 0  # 重置重试次数# tried 3 times but failed.# tried 1 times and success.# tried 0 times and success.# tried 2 times and success.# tried 3 times but failed.



import time
from retrying import retryn = 0  # 记录重试次数@retry(stop_max_delay=3000)  # 最大重试时间为3s
def do_something_unreliable():global nn += 1raise Exceptionstart = time.time()
end = time.time()
print(f'tried {n} times, pass {end - start} seconds')
# tried 796060 times, pass 2.999951124191284 seconds


import time
import random
from retrying import retryn = 0  # 记录重试次数
start = time.time()  # 开始时间@retry(wait_fixed=500)  # 重试间隔0.5秒
def do_something_unreliable():global n, startif random.randint(0, 3) > 1:n += 1raise Exceptionelse:end = time.time()print(f'tried {n} times, pass {end - start} seconds')n = 0  # 重置重试次数for i in range(5):do_something_unreliable()start = time.time()  # 更新开始时间# tried 0 times, pass 0.0 seconds# tried 3 times, pass 1.538625955581665 seconds# tried 1 times, pass 0.5115864276885986 seconds# tried 1 times, pass 0.5024125576019287 seconds# tried 0 times, pass 0.0 seconds


import time
import random
from retrying import retryn = 0  # 记录重试次数
start = time.time()  # 开始时间@retry(wait_random_min=500, wait_random_max=1000)  # 重试间隔0.5-1秒
def do_something_unreliable():global n, startif random.randint(0, 3) > 1:n += 1raise Exceptionelse:end = time.time()print(f'tried {n} times, pass {end - start} seconds')n = 0  # 重置重试次数for i in range(5):do_something_unreliable()start = time.time()  # 更新开始时间# tried 1 times, pass 0.7865383625030518 seconds# tried 1 times, pass 0.5917379856109619 seconds# tried 6 times, pass 4.129276990890503 seconds# tried 0 times, pass 0.0 seconds# tried 3 times, pass 2.2903735637664795 seconds



import time
import random
from retrying import retryn = 0  # 记录重试次数
start = time.time()  # 开始时间@retry(wait_exponential_multiplier=1000, wait_exponential_max=10000)  # 指数级重试间隔=2^x*1000ms,10s封顶
def do_something_unreliable():global n, startif random.randint(0, 3) > 1:n += 1raise Exceptionelse:end = time.time()print(f'tried {n} times, pass {end - start} seconds')n = 0  # 重置重试次数for i in range(5):do_something_unreliable()start = time.time()  # 更新开始时间# tried 0 times, pass 0.0 seconds# tried 1 times, pass 2.0003767013549805 seconds# tried 0 times, pass 0.0 seconds# tried 0 times, pass 0.0 seconds# tried 4 times, pass 24.02167558670044 seconds


只重试 IOError

import random
from retrying import retryn = 0  # 记录重试次数@retry(retry_on_exception=lambda x: isinstance(x, IOError))  # 自定义异常重试
def do_something_unreliable():global nif random.randint(0, 10) > 1:n += 1raise IOErrorelse:print(f'tried {n} times')n = 0  # 重置重试次数for i in range(5):do_something_unreliable()# tried 5 times# tried 2 times# tried 3 times# tried 6 times# tried 2 times

只重试 IOError,其余抛出

import random
from retrying import retryn = 0  # 记录重试次数@retry(retry_on_exception=lambda x: isinstance(x, IOError), wrap_exception=True)  # 自定义异常结果
def do_something_unreliable():global nif random.randint(0, 10) > 1:n += 1raise IOErrorelse:print(f'tried {n} times')n = 0  # 重置重试次数if random.randint(0, 2) > 1:raise IndexErrorfor i in range(5):try:do_something_unreliable()except Exception as e:print(e)# tried 4 times# tried 5 times# tried 2 times# tried 6 times# tried 1 times# RetryError[Attempts: 2, Error:#   File "C:\Users\Administrator\Envs\test\lib\site-packages\retrying.py", line 200, in call#     attempt = Attempt(fn(*args, **kwargs), attempt_number, False)#   File "D:/mycode/xxx.py", line 18, in do_something_unreliable#     raise IndexError# ]


返回为 None 则重试

import random
from retrying import retryn = 0  # 记录重试次数@retry(retry_on_result=lambda x: x is None)  # 自定义异常重试
def do_something_unreliable():global nif random.randint(0, 10) > 1:n += 1return Noneelse:return nfor i in range(5):print(f'tried {do_something_unreliable()} times')n = 0  # 重置重试次数# tried 10 times# tried 8 times# tried 0 times# tried 10 times# tried 3 times


参数 功能
stop_max_attempt_number 最大重试次数
stop_max_delay 最大重试时间(毫秒)
wait_fixed 重试间隔(毫秒)
wait_random_min 和 wait_random_max 随机重试间隔(毫秒)
wait_exponential_multiplier 和 wait_exponential_max 指数级重试间隔(毫秒)
retry_on_exception 自定义异常重试
wrap_exception 是否抛出其余重试
retry_on_result 自定义异常结果



import random
from tenacity import retryn = 0  # 记录重试次数@retry
def do_something_unreliable():global nif random.randint(0, 10) > 1:n += 1raise Exceptionelse:print(f'tried {n} times')n = 0  # 重置重试次数for i in range(5):do_something_unreliable()# tried 1 times# tried 0 times# tried 4 times# tried 7 times# tried 3 times


import random
from tenacity import retry, stop_after_attemptn = 0  # 记录重试次数@retry(stop=stop_after_attempt(3))  # 最大重试次数
def do_something_unreliable():global nif random.randint(0, 10) > 1:n += 1raise Exceptionelse:print(f'tried {n} times and success.')n = 0  # 重置重试次数for i in range(5):try:do_something_unreliable()except Exception as e:print(f'tried {n} times but failed.')n = 0  # 重置重试次数# tried 1 times and success.# tried 3 times but failed.# tried 3 times but failed.# tried 2 times and success.# tried 2 times and success.



import time
from tenacity import retry, stop_after_delayn = 0  # 记录重试次数@retry(stop=stop_after_delay(3))  # 最大重试时间为3s
def do_something_unreliable():global nn += 1raise Exceptionstart = time.time()
end = time.time()
print(f'tried {n} times, pass {end - start} seconds')
# tried 206456 times, pass 2.9916257858276367 seconds


通过操作符 | 组合多个停止条件

import time
from tenacity import retry, stop_after_attempt, stop_after_delayn = 0  # 记录重试次数@retry(stop=stop_after_attempt(300000) | stop_after_delay(3))  # 最大重试30w次 或 最长重试3秒
def do_something_unreliable():global nn += 1raise Exceptionstart = time.time()
end = time.time()
print(f'tried {n} times, pass {end - start} seconds')
# tried 206456 times, pass 2.9916257858276367 seconds


import time
import random
from tenacity import retry, wait_fixedn = 0  # 记录重试次数
start = time.time()  # 开始时间@retry(wait=wait_fixed(0.5))  # 重试间隔0.5秒
def do_something_unreliable():global n, startif random.randint(0, 3) > 1:n += 1raise Exceptionelse:end = time.time()print(f'tried {n} times, pass {end - start} seconds')n = 0  # 重置重试次数for i in range(5):do_something_unreliable()start = time.time()  # 更新开始时间# tried 1 times, pass 0.5027601718902588 seconds# tried 2 times, pass 1.0299296379089355 seconds# tried 0 times, pass 0.0 seconds# tried 3 times, pass 1.5316619873046875 seconds# tried 4 times, pass 2.0474536418914795 seconds


import time
import random
from tenacity import retry, wait_randomn = 0  # 记录重试次数
start = time.time()  # 开始时间@retry(wait=wait_random(min=0.5, max=1))  # 重试间隔0.5-1秒
def do_something_unreliable():global n, startif random.randint(0, 3) > 1:n += 1raise Exceptionelse:end = time.time()print(f'tried {n} times, pass {end - start} seconds')n = 0  # 重置重试次数for i in range(5):do_something_unreliable()start = time.time()  # 更新开始时间# tried 3 times, pass 2.287365674972534 seconds# tried 0 times, pass 0.0 seconds# tried 2 times, pass 1.4969894886016846 seconds# tried 0 times, pass 0.0 seconds# tried 6 times, pass 4.51520299911499 seconds


import time
import random
from tenacity import retry, wait_fixed, wait_randomn = 0  # 记录重试次数
start = time.time()  # 开始时间@retry(wait=wait_fixed(0.5) + wait_random(min=0.5, max=1))  # 重试间隔1-1.5秒
def do_something_unreliable():global n, startif random.randint(0, 3) > 1:n += 1raise Exceptionelse:end = time.time()print(f'tried {n} times, pass {end - start} seconds')n = 0  # 重置重试次数for i in range(5):do_something_unreliable()start = time.time()  # 更新开始时间# tried 2 times, pass 2.9294729232788086 seconds# tried 0 times, pass 0.0 seconds# tried 0 times, pass 0.0 seconds# tried 3 times, pass 3.8608667850494385 seconds# tried 1 times, pass 1.4092319011688232 seconds



import time
import random
from tenacity import retry, wait_exponentialn = 0  # 记录重试次数
start = time.time()  # 开始时间@retry(wait=wait_exponential(multiplier=1, min=1, max=10))  # 指数级重试间隔=2^x*1s,最小1s,最大10s
def do_something_unreliable():global n, startif random.randint(0, 3) > 1:n += 1raise Exceptionelse:end = time.time()print(f'tried {n} times, pass {end - start} seconds')n = 0  # 重置重试次数for i in range(5):do_something_unreliable()start = time.time()  # 更新开始时间# tried 0 times, pass 0.0 seconds# tried 6 times, pass 35.06491994857788 seconds# tried 2 times, pass 3.013124942779541 seconds# tried 1 times, pass 1.010573387145996 seconds# tried 0 times, pass 0.0 seconds


import time
import random
from tenacity import retry, wait_fixed, wait_chainn = 0  # 记录重试次数
start = time.time()  # 开始时间@retry(wait=wait_chain(*[wait_fixed(0.5)] * 3 + [wait_fixed(1)] * 2 + [wait_fixed(2)]))  # 重试间隔链,先3个0.5秒,再2个1秒,之后都是2秒
def do_something_unreliable():global nif n == 10:returnn += 1end = time.time()print(f'tried {n} times, pass {end - start} seconds')raise Exceptiondo_something_unreliable()
# tried 1 times, pass 0.0 seconds
# tried 2 times, pass 0.5056586265563965 seconds
# tried 3 times, pass 1.0193772315979004 seconds
# tried 4 times, pass 1.5333683490753174 seconds
# tried 5 times, pass 2.5386297702789307 seconds
# tried 6 times, pass 3.5489938259124756 seconds
# tried 7 times, pass 5.551833629608154 seconds
# tried 8 times, pass 7.559761047363281 seconds
# tried 9 times, pass 9.561469554901123 seconds
# tried 10 times, pass 11.570155143737793 seconds


只重试 IOError

import random
from tenacity import retry, retry_if_exception_typen = 0  # 记录重试次数@retry(retry=retry_if_exception_type(IOError))  # 自定义异常重试
def do_something_unreliable():global nif random.randint(0, 10) > 1:n += 1raise IOErrorelse:print(f'tried {n} times')n = 0  # 重置重试次数for i in range(5):do_something_unreliable()# tried 5 times# tried 2 times# tried 3 times# tried 6 times# tried 2 times


返回为 None 则重试

import random
from tenacity import retry, retry_if_resultn = 0  # 记录重试次数@retry(retry=retry_if_result(lambda x: x is None))  # 自定义异常结果
def do_something_unreliable():global nif random.randint(0, 10) > 1:n += 1return Noneelse:return nfor i in range(5):print(f'tried {do_something_unreliable()} times')n = 0  # 重置重试次数# tried 10 times# tried 8 times# tried 0 times# tried 10 times# tried 3 times


from tenacity import retry, stop_after_delay, TryAgain@retry(stop=stop_after_delay(3))
def do_something_unreliable(n):"""显式重试"""n += 1if n == 10:raise TryAgainreturn nn = 0
while n <= 15:try:n = do_something_unreliable(n)except:n += 1else:print(n, end=' ')
# 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 12 13 14 15 16



import time
from tenacity import retry, stop_after_attempt, stop_after_delayn = 0
start = time.time()@retry(reraise=True, stop=stop_after_attempt(3))
def do_something_unreliable():"""超过最大重试次数后抛出异常"""global nn += 1raise IOError(f'tried {n} times but failed.')@retry(reraise=True, stop=stop_after_delay(3))
def do_something_unreliable1():"""超过最大重试时间后抛出异常"""end = time.time()raise IOError(f'tried {end - start:.4f} seconds but failed.')try:do_something_unreliable()
except Exception as e:print(e)
except Exception as e:print(e)
# tried 3 times but failed.
# tried 2.9864 seconds but failed.


import sys
import logging
from tenacity import retry, stop_after_attempt, before_loglogging.basicConfig(stream=sys.stderr, level=logging.DEBUG)logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)@retry(stop=stop_after_attempt(3), before=before_log(logger, logging.DEBUG))
def do_something_unreliable():raise IOError('Fail')try:do_something_unreliable()
except Exception as e:print(e)
# RetryError[<Future at 0x1b0342d7a58 state=finished raised OSError>]
# DEBUG:__main__:Starting call to '__main__.do_something_unreliable', this is the 1st time calling it.
# DEBUG:__main__:Starting call to '__main__.do_something_unreliable', this is the 2nd time calling it.
# DEBUG:__main__:Starting call to '__main__.do_something_unreliable', this is the 3rd time calling it.


import sys
import time
import logging
from tenacity import retry, stop_after_attempt, after_loglogging.basicConfig(stream=sys.stderr, level=logging.DEBUG)logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)@retry(stop=stop_after_attempt(3), after=after_log(logger, logging.DEBUG))
def do_something_unreliable():time.sleep(0.5)raise IOError('Fail')try:do_something_unreliable()
except Exception as e:print(e)
# DEBUG:__main__:Finished call to '__main__.do_something_unreliable' after 0.500(s), this was the 1st time calling it.
# DEBUG:__main__:Finished call to '__main__.do_something_unreliable' after 1.000(s), this was the 2nd time calling it.
# DEBUG:__main__:Finished call to '__main__.do_something_unreliable' after 1.500(s), this was the 3rd time calling it.
# RetryError[<Future at 0x22b45e07a58 state=finished raised OSError>]


import sys
import time
import logging
from tenacity import retry, stop_after_attempt, before_sleep_loglogging.basicConfig(stream=sys.stderr, level=logging.DEBUG)logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)@retry(stop=stop_after_attempt(3), before_sleep=before_sleep_log(logger, logging.DEBUG))
def do_something_unreliable():time.sleep(0.5)raise IOError('Fail')try:do_something_unreliable()
except Exception as e:print(e)
# DEBUG:__main__:Retrying __main__.do_something_unreliable in 0.0 seconds as it raised OSError: Fail.
# DEBUG:__main__:Retrying __main__.do_something_unreliable in 0.0 seconds as it raised OSError: Fail.
# RetryError[<Future at 0x1c840b96ac8 state=finished raised OSError>]


from tenacity import retry, stop_after_attempt@retry(stop=stop_after_attempt(3))
def do_something_unreliable():raise IOError('Fail')try:do_something_unreliable()
# {'start_time': 756545.281, 'attempt_number': 3, 'idle_for': 0, 'delay_since_first_attempt': 0.0}

do_something_unreliable.retry.statistics["attempt_number"] 可直接获取重试次数,不用手动计算


retry_state 是 RetryCallState 的实例

from tenacity import retry, stop_after_attempt, retry_if_resultn = 0def return_value(retry_state):"""自定义回调函数"""return retry_state.outcome.result()  # 返回函数产生的最后结果或异常@retry(stop=stop_after_attempt(3),retry_error_callback=return_value,retry=retry_if_result(lambda x: isinstance(x, int)))
def do_something_unreliable():global nn += 1return nprint(do_something_unreliable())
# 3


结合 for 循环和上下文管理器

from tenacity import Retrying, RetryError, stop_after_attempttry:for attempt in Retrying(stop=stop_after_attempt(3)):with attempt:raise Exception('Fail')
except RetryError:pass


from tenacity import AsyncRetrying, RetryError, stop_after_attemptasync def function():try:async for attempt in AsyncRetrying(stop=stop_after_attempt(3)):with attempt:raise Exception('Fail')except RetryError:pass


import trio
import asks
import tornado
from tenacity import retry@retry
async def my_async_function(loop):await loop.getaddrinfo('', 53)@retry
def my_async_function(http_client, url):yield http_client.fetch(url)@retry(sleep=trio.sleep)
async def my_async_function(loop):await asks.get('https://example.org')


参数 功能 取值
stop 停止条件 最大重试次数 stop_after_attempt
最大重试时间 stop_after_delay
wait 等待条件 重试间隔 wait_fixed
指数级重试间隔 wait_exponential
重试间隔链 wait_chain
retry 重试条件 自定义异常 retry_if_exception_type
自定义返回 retry_if_result
reraise 是否抛出异常 bool
before 重试前动作 重试前记日志 before_log
after 重试后动作 重试后记日志 after_log
before_sleep 重试失败后动作 before_sleep_log 重试失败后记日志
retry_error_callback 回调函数


  1. Retrying GitHub
  2. Tenacity GitHub
  3. Tenacity Documentation
  4. Tornado Documentation
  5. Trio Documentation
  6. asks Documentation
  7. 少有人知的 Python “重试机制”
  8. Python利器:retrying失败、异常重试模块库


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    目录 安装 Tenacity 导入 Tenacity 模块 为需要重试的函数添加装饰器 调用重试函数 常用的重试方法 Tenacity 示例 Tenacity 是一个用于 Python 的重试库,它提 ...

  2. Python 中最强大的错误重试库

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    python clicknium 库自动化千牛桌面端 千牛是阿里巴巴集团卖家工作台,商家经营的必备工具,今天我们使用python来自动化千牛桌面端. clicknium 是基于 python 实现的一 ...

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