


firm可大可小,大至航空公司小至小商店。如:a machinery import firm机器设备进出口公司。firm多用于法律的律师行一类的。 firm: a company, especially one that provides services rather than producing good ,for example financial or legal services


company是商界的任何一个从事商业的企业,可以是独资、合资或是股份有限公司。一般用company是针对的是某一个特定的公司。例如说“我们公司”这句话英文就该说“Our company”而不说“Our firm”,更不说“Our enterprise”。用得最广,常指生产或出售产品的商行(公司)、经营服务性项目的公司或从事公益事业的公司,如交通运输、飞机制造、信托、保险、电话、电信、自来水、煤气、电力等公司,常略做co.。

  1. A business enterprise; a firm. 商业企业;公司
  2. Abbr. co.,co,Co.A partner or partners not specifically named in afirm’s title: 缩写 co.,co,Co.合伙人:没有专门用商行命名的一个合股人或多个合股人: company: an organization that produces goods or provides services in order to make profit



  1. A body that is granted a charter legally recognizing it as a separate legal entity having its own rights, privileges, and liabilities distinct from those of its members.
  2. Such a body created for purposes of government.Also called body corporate
    法人:因政府的原因而建立的这各实体也作body corporate
  3. A group of people combined into or acting as one body. 集体:结合为一体或作为一体一起行动的一群人 corporation: a large companythat employs a lot of people,especially one that includes several smallercompanies



  1. countable] a company,organization ,or business commercial enterprises such as banks and foodmanufacturers state/public enterpriseespecially British English (=one owned by the government)
  2. [uncountable] the activity of starting and running businesses •the management of state enterprise(=done by the government) - see also free enterprise ,private enterprise
  3. countable] a large and complicated project, especially one that isdone with a group of other people -synonym initiative •The programme is a joint enterprise with the London Business School.
  4. uncountable] the ability to think of new activites or ideas and makethem work • We’re looking for young people with enterprise and creativity.
    注:private enterprise/free enterprise 私企




《企业名称的问题》一文认为:“‘公司’的英语名称不是company(简缩词为Co. 〕,就是corporation(简缩同为Corp。)。”该文作者或许是为强调company与corporation乃“公司”的两个首选对应词才这么说的,但这样做毕竟有以偏概全和误导读者之赚。众所周知,在表示“公司”“及“企业”之义时,英文中除了使用company和corporation,也不时使用“公司’'广义上的对应词,诸如firm,house, business, concern, combine, Partnership, complex, group, consortium, establishment, venture, conglomerate, multinational,transnational等。就是在专有公司名称中,“公司”也决非只有company与corporation之说,lines,agency等也是名正言顺的“公司”,有时甚至是前老所不能替代的“公司”。


  1. line(s):(轮船、航空、航运等)公司。例如: Atlantic Container Line 大西洋集装箱海运公司。 Hawaiian Air Lines,夏威夷航空公司
  2. agency:公司,代理行。例如: The Austin AdvertisingAgency 奥斯汀广告公司 China Ocean Shipping Agency中国外轮代理公司
  3. store(s) 百货公司。例如: Great Universal Store 大世界百货公司(英) Tesco Stores (Holdings)坦斯科百货公司(英〕
  4. associates(联合)公司。例如: British Nuclear Associates英国核子联合公司 Subsea EquipmentAssociates Ltd.海底设备联合有限公司(英、法、美合办)
  5. system(<a href=“http://www.iselong.com/online/Radio.htm"target=”_blank" >广播、航空等)公司。例如:Mutual Broadcasting System 相互 Malaysian Airline Svqtpm Rhd. 马来西亚航空公司
  6. office:公司,多与head,home branch等同连用。例如 3M China Limited Guangzhou Branch Office 3M中国有限公司广州分公司 China Books Import and Export Corporation (Head Office) 中国图书进出口总公司
  7. service(s):(服务)公司。例如: Africa-New Zealand Service 非洲–新西兰眼务公司 Tropic Air Services 特罗皮克航空公司
  8. 此外,exchange,center等词在特定的上下文中也可转义表示“公司”。例如: American Manufacturers Foreign Credit Insurance Exchange 美国制造商出口信用保险公司 Binks (Shanghai ) engineering Exhibition Center, Ltd. 宾克斯(上海)涂装工程设备展示有限公司


  1. Consolidated coal Company 联合煤炭公司(美)
  2. United Aircraft Corporation联合飞机公司(美)
  3. Allied Food Industry Co.联合食品工业公司(新加坡)
  4. Integrated oil Company联合石油公司

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