
理论部分请移步另一位博主的 自组织特征图(SOFM)详解_datamonday的博客-CSDN博客_sofm算法

算法基于 Martin H. Hagan 的《神经网络设计》 第十四章竞争网络实现。其中按照原书,使用相关性(Wp)而不是距离(||W-P||)作为获胜判定。以后将在学习向量量化(LVQ)网络中使用距离


  • 引入逐渐变小的学习步长

  • 引入墨西哥草帽函数实现“加强中心/抑制周围”

参考代码 AANN_sofm::initNeighborMatrix_MexicoStrawHat(int N)

  • 引入良心变数(conscience),并限制良心变数使用的频率

  • 使用胜出训练参数和需要调整的W(i)之间的距离来决定学习步长a,否则在实践中会发现向量很难收敛在训练数据集形成的曲面上。

(auto a = (P.transpose() - m_layer.W.row(maxIndex)).squaredNorm()/(0.01+m_layer.W.row(maxIndex).squaredNorm());)

AANN_sofm.h 文件

#ifndef AANN_SOFM_H
#define AANN_SOFM_H#include <list>
#include <vector>
#include <Eigen/Dense>
#include "QEigenExt.h"
using namespace Eigen;#include "AANN_instar.h"
/**** 自联想神经网络(Auto-Associative Neural Network , 缩写为AANN)* 是1987年Ballard提出的,其网络原型是一种具有对称拓扑结构的五层前馈传递网络,* AANN 应用到数据检验问题时具有比较明显的物理意义。是BP神经网络的一种特殊情形。* 其特点是有对称拓扑结构,即输出量等于输入量。*/
class AANN_sofm
//    int GetLayerNum() const;
//    bool AppendLayer(AANN_LAYER_PARAM_F layer);virtual bool train( const Eigen::VectorXf &P, int N );virtual bool calc( const Eigen::VectorXf &P, Eigen::VectorXf *A = NULL );float getAlpha( )  const;float getGamma( )  const;long  getRound( )  const;void  setAlpha( const float alpha);void  setGamma( const float gamma);bool  setNeighborMatrix( const MatrixXf neighbors );bool  initNeighborMatrix( int N, int type );bool  initNeighborMatrix_MexicoStrawHat( int N );bool  initNeighborMatrix_Sombrero( int N );const MatrixXf getWMatrix() const;
private:void init();private:
//    AANN_LAYER_LIST_F m_layerList;AANN_LAYER_PARAM_F  m_layer;float m_alpha;float m_gamma;long  m_round;};#endif // AANN_SOFM_H


#include "AANN_sofm.h"#include "activation.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <time.h>
#include <stdio.h>AANN_sofm::AANN_sofm()
{m_alpha = 0.5f;m_gamma = 0.5f;init();
}void AANN_sofm::init()
{m_layer.maxB = -1;m_layer.func = hardlim;m_round = 0;
}float AANN_sofm::getAlpha( ) const
{return m_alpha;
}float AANN_sofm::getGamma( ) const
{return m_gamma;
}long AANN_sofm::getRound( )  const
{return m_round;
}void AANN_sofm::setAlpha( const float alpha)
{m_alpha = alpha;
}void AANN_sofm::setGamma( const float gamma)
{m_gamma = gamma;
}bool  AANN_sofm::setNeighborMatrix( const MatrixXf neighbors )
{if( !neighbors.size() || neighbors.rows() != neighbors.cols()){return false;}m_layer.Neighbors = neighbors;qDebug() << QString( " --------------- neighbors %1 x %2 ---------------" ).arg(neighbors.rows()).arg(neighbors.cols());for(int row=0; row<neighbors.rows(); row++  ){VectorXf r = neighbors.row(row);qDebug() << "  " << r;}return true;
}/*** @brief AANN_sofm::initNeighborMatrix*    set neighbor matris for SOFM* @param eMat*     EX: the neighbor pointers about 7 will be 2,6,8,12*          All others will be like so*          0    1    2    3    4*                    ^*          5    6 <  7  > 8    9*                    v*         10   11   12   13   14*         15   16   17   18   19*         20   21   22   23   24**    Then, neighbor Matrix will be*          0    1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9   10   11   12 .....       20   21   22   23   24*       +----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+*     0 |  1    1    0    0    0    1    0                               .....        0    0    0    0    0*     1 |  1    1    1    0    0    0    1    0                          .....        0    0    0    0    0*     2 |  0    1    1    1    0    0    0    1    0                     .....        0    0    0    0    0*     3 |  0    0    1    1    1    0    0    0    1    0                .....        0    0    0    0    0*     4 |  0    0    0    1    1    0    0    0    0    1    0           .....        0    0    0    0    0*     5 |  1    0    0    0    0    1    1    0    0    0    1    0      .....        0    0    0    0    0*     6 |  0    1    0    0    0    1    1    1    0    0    0    1    0 .....        0    0    0    0    0*     7 |       0    1    0    0    0    1*     8 |            0    1    0    0    0*     9 |                 0    1    0    0*    10 |                      0    1    0*     . |                           0    1*     . |*     . |*     . |*     . |*    22 |  0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0 ...          0    1    1    1    0*    23 |  0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0 ...          0    0    1    1    1*    24 |  0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0 ...          0    0    0    1    1*/
bool  AANN_sofm::initNeighborMatrix( int N, int type = 0 )
{Q_UNUSED( type );if( N <= 0 || N > 10000 ){return false;}MatrixXf neighbor = MatrixXf::Identity( N*N, N*N ) - MatrixXf::Ones( N*N, N*N )/((N+4)*(N+4));for( int row = 0; row < N*N; row++){int x = row%N;int y = row/N;if( (y+N-1)%N < y ){neighbor( ((y+N-1)%N)*N+x,         row ) = 1.f/((N+1)*(N+1));}if( (y+1)%N >y ){neighbor( ((y+1)%N)*N+x,           row ) = 1.f/((N+1)*(N+1));}if( (x+N-1)%N < x ){neighbor(           row, y*N+(x+N-1)%N ) = 1.f/((N+1)*(N+1));}if( (x+1)%N > x ) {neighbor(           row,   y*N+(x+1)%N ) = 1.f/((N+1)*(N+1));}}return setNeighborMatrix( neighbor );
}bool  AANN_sofm::initNeighborMatrix_MexicoStrawHat( int N )
{if( N <= 0 || N > 10000 ){return false;}MatrixXf neighbor = MatrixXf::Identity( N*N, N*N );for( int row = 0; row < N*N; row++)for( int col = row+1; col < N*N; col++){int dx = row%N - col%N;int dy = row/N - col/N;float d1 = 1+dx*dx+dy*dy;float d2 = (dx*dx+dy*dy)*d1*d1;neighbor( row, col ) = neighbor( col, row ) = (1.0f/d2 - 0.07f)/d1;}return setNeighborMatrix( neighbor );
}/*** @brief AANN_sofm::initNeighborMatrix_Sombrero*  refer to https://baike.baidu.com/item/Sombrero%20function/16550687* @return*/
bool  AANN_sofm::initNeighborMatrix_Sombrero( int N )
{if( N <= 0 || N > 10000 ){return false;}MatrixXf neighbor = 0.98*MatrixXf::Identity( N*N, N*N );for( int row = 0; row < N*N; row++)for( int col = row+1; col < N*N; col++){int dx = row%N - col%N;int dy = row/N - col/N;float d2 = dx*dx+dy*dy;float d1  = sqrt( d2 );float d4 = exp(2*d2);
//        float cc =  cos( (3.14f/2-0.1)*d1 );
//        float dd = cc/d4;neighbor( row, col ) = neighbor( col, row ) = cos( (3.14159/2-0.01)*d1 )/d4;}return setNeighborMatrix( neighbor );
}const MatrixXf AANN_sofm::getWMatrix() const
{return m_layer.W;
/*** @brief AANN_sofm::train* @param P     measured vector : 可度量特征信息:如形状,味道,温度,颜色,重量等* @param T     感知的结果,或期望的结果* @return*/
bool AANN_sofm::train( const Eigen::VectorXf &P, int S )
{const int R = P.rows();/* return false if input Dim is different */if( S <= 0 ){return false;}/* return false if input Dim is different */if( ( m_layer.W.cols() > 0 ) && ( m_layer.W.cols() != R ) ){return false;}/* return false if output Dim is different */if( ( m_layer.W.rows() > 0 ) && ( m_layer.W.rows() != S ) ){return false;}if( m_layer.Neighbors.size() && (m_layer.Neighbors.rows() != S || m_layer.Neighbors.cols() != S )){return false;}if( S != m_layer.W.rows() || R != m_layer.W.cols() ){srand( time(NULL) );m_layer.W = MatrixXf::Random( S, R );m_layer.Conscience = VectorXf::Ones( S );}int maxIndex;m_layer.N = (m_layer.W * P).array() + R;/*** @brief round_mask*        随着训练次数增长,应用良心的间隔越来越大,但总是有机会使用*         M = 3 时*           m_round  :   0~7          8~15            16~31          32~63     ...   2^(n+3) ~ 2^(n+3)-1*                 N  :    0             1               2              4       ...       2^n*         round_mask : 0x...FFFFF       1               3              7       ...       (2^(n+1))-1*   apply conscience :    8 x          8 x             8 x            8 x      ...       8 x*         M = 6 时*           m_round  :   0~63        64~127         128~255         256~511    ...   2^(n+6) ~ 2^(n+6)-1*                 N  :    0             1               2              4       ...       2^n*         round_mask : 0x...FFFFF       1               3              7       ...       (2^(n+1))-1*   apply conscience :    64 x        64 x             64 x           64 x     ...       64 x**      应用良心的频率随 M 的增加而呈指数增加,测试中 M=3 能得到比较好的性能*/static int round_mask = 1;int N = m_round >> 3;if( 0 == ( N&(N-1) ) ){round_mask = (N<<1)-1; // 0,1,2,4,8,16,...}if( 0 == ( m_round & round_mask ) ){(m_layer.N.array() * m_layer.Conscience.array()).maxCoeff(&maxIndex);} else {m_layer.N.maxCoeff(&maxIndex);}m_layer.A = VectorXf::Zero(S);m_layer.A[maxIndex] = 1;m_layer.Conscience = m_layer.Conscience.array()/(1+m_layer.A.array()).array();m_layer.Conscience.normalize();VectorXf vecA;if( m_layer.Neighbors.rows() == S ){
//        vecA = ( m_layer.Neighbors * m_layer.A ).unaryExpr(std::ref(satlin<float>));vecA = (m_layer.Neighbors * m_layer.A).normalized();} else {vecA = m_layer.A;}/**  delta W = W(q) - W(q-1) = alpha * A(q) * P(q) - gamma * A(q).diagonal * W(q-1)*/auto a = (P.transpose() - m_layer.W.row(maxIndex)).squaredNorm()/(0.01+m_layer.W.row(maxIndex).squaredNorm());a = fmin( 1.0, fmax( a, m_alpha ));m_layer.deltaW = a * vecA * P.transpose() - a * vecA.asDiagonal() * m_layer.W;m_layer.W = (m_layer.W + m_layer.deltaW);//.rowwise().normalized();m_round++;return true;
}/*** @brief AANN_sofm::calc* @param P     measured vector : 可度量特征信息:如形状,味道,温度,颜色,重量等* @return*/
bool AANN_sofm::calc( const Eigen::VectorXf &P, Eigen::VectorXf *A )
{AANN_LAYER_PARAM_F layer = m_layer;Eigen::VectorXf e;const int R = P.rows();/* return false if input Dim is different */if( ( m_layer.W.cols() <= 0 ) || ( m_layer.W.cols() != R ) ){qWarning() << QString( __FUNCTION__ " : Error! input dim  is different : expect %1, but input data is %2 " ).arg(m_layer.W.cols()).arg( R );return false;}qDebug() << __FUNCTION__ " --- CALC -----------------------";qDebug() << __FUNCTION__ " P = " << P.eval() ;m_layer.A = (m_layer.W * P).unaryExpr(std::ref(m_layer.func));qDebug() << __FUNCTION__ " A = " << m_layer.A;if( A ) {   *A = m_layer.A;   }return true;


void DataWorker::on_start()
{for(int k = 0; !m_bUserQuit && (k < 100000); k++ )  //    while( false == m_bUserQuit ){updateNnData();QThread::msleep(10);}
}#define N 3void DataWorker::reset()
}void DataWorker::updateNnData( )
{QMutexLocker locker( &m_nnLocker );float r = sqrt(m_sofm.getRound()) ;float alpha = (r+500.0f)/( 100*r+1000.0f);m_sofm.setAlpha( alpha );m_sofm.setGamma( alpha );#define PI  3.14159265358979{float a = - acos(sqrt( (rand() % 257) / 256.0001)); // -3.14 * (rand() % 256) / 512.0;float b = PI * (rand() % 12345) / 1000.0;VectorXf P(3);P << cos(a)*sin(b), sin(a), cos(a)*cos(b);if(m_trainSetModel && ( m_sofm.getRound() < 10000) ){
//            WData d(cos(a)*sin(b), cos(a)*cos(b), sin(a));m_trainSetModel->append( WData(P[0],P[1],P[2]));m_trainSetModel->dataChanged( m_trainSetModel->index(0,0), m_trainSetModel->index(-1,-1));}m_sofm.train( P, N*N );}m_dataModel->update(m_sofm.getWMatrix());}





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