
1、 从官网下载,需要注册用户信息。下载window安装包即可。最新版为OpenCASCADE-7.6.0-vc14。
2、默认安装到C盘 C:OpenCASCADE-7.6.0-vc14-64\ 下。

4、 很关键,看官方的帮助文件。路径为doc\下,有chm,pdf等多种格式。
You can define the environment variables with env.bat script located in the $CASROOT folder. This script accepts two arguments to be used: the version of Visual Studio (vc10 – vc142) and the architecture (win32 or win64).
6、 顺便,执行一下同路径下的 custom.bat 文件,这是支持第三方工具使用的。
7、这里,就可以执行msvc.bat 来打开项目进行自己编译了。


CASROOT is used to define the root directory of Open CASCADE Technology;
•PATH is required to define the path to OCCT binaries and 3rdparty folder;
•LD_LIBRARY_PATH is required to define the path to OCCT libraries (on UNIX platforms only; DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH variable in case of macOS);
•MMGT_OPT (optional) if set to 1, the memory manager performs optimizations as described below; if set to 2, Intel ® TBB optimized memory manager is used; if 0 (default), every memory block is allocated in C memory heap directly (via malloc() and free() functions). In the latter case, all other options starting with MMGT, except MMGT_CLEAR, are ignored;
•MMGT_CLEAR (optional) if set to 1 (default), every allocated memory block is cleared by zeros; if set to 0, memory block is returned as it is;
•MMGT_CELLSIZE (optional) defines the maximal size of blocks allocated in large pools of memory. Default is 200;
•MMGT_NBPAGES (optional) defines the size of memory chunks allocated for small blocks in pages (operating-system dependent). Default is 10000;
•MMGT_THRESHOLD (optional) defines the maximal size of blocks that are recycled internally instead of being returned to the heap. Default is 40000;
•MMGT_MMAP (optional) when set to 1 (default), large memory blocks are allocated using memory mapping functions of the operating system; if set to 0, they will be allocated in the C heap by malloc();
•CSF_LANGUAGE (optional) defines default language of messages;
•CSF_DEBUG (optional, Windows only): if defined then a diagnostic message is displayed in case of an exception;
•CSF_DEBUG_BOP (optional): if defined then it should specify directory where diagnostic data on problems occurred in Boolean operations will be saved;
•CSF_MDTVTexturesDirectory defines the directory for available textures when using texture mapping;
•CSF_ShadersDirectory (optional) defines the directory for GLSL programs for Ray Tracing renderer (embedded resources are used when variable is undefined);
•CSF_SHMessage (optional) defines the path to the messages file for ShapeHealing;
•CSF_XSMessage (optional) defines the path to the messages file for STEP and IGES translators;
•CSF_StandardDefaults, CSF_StandardLiteDefaults*, **CSF_XCAFDefaults, and CSF_PluginDefaults define paths to directory where configuration files for OCAF persistence are located (required for open/save operations with OCAF documents);
•CSF_IGESDefaults and CSF_STEPDefaults (optional) define paths to directory where resource files of IGES and STEP translators are located;
•CSF_XmlOcafResource is required in order to set the path to XSD resources, which defines XML grammar.
•CSF_MIGRATION_TYPES is required in order to read documents that contain old data types, such as TDataStd_Shape;

已经开始编译,希望没有错误。win10+vs2019 community+OpenCASCADE-7.6.0

2021-12-25: 补充:

  1. 设置正确的编译器VC142后编译成功。参见下图:

  2. 编译成功后,再运行示例程序,不再有任何错误,我使用原厂的dll总是保存自己生成的dll文件找不到。运行参见下图:

3. 后续看如何使用c#进行后续自己玩了。


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