财务与计算机 英文简历模板

Basic CV

Name: Miss Zhang Nationality: Chinese

Current location: Guangzhou National: Han

Exit and Entry: Meizhou is: 155 cm ? kg

Marital Status: Single Age: 20 years old

Training Certification: integrity badge:

Job search intention and work experience

Personnel types: ordinary job ?

Position: Finance categories: accounting, financial categories, administrative / personnel categories: clerical category,

Work Experience: 2 Title: No Title

Job type: Full-time arrived to date: at any time

Monthly requirements: 1500 - 2000 hope that the working area: Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Foshan

Personal experience: Company Name: Shenzhen beginning and end of a printing date :2008-03 ~ 2009-06

Company nature: private-owned industries: paper, printing, packaging

Positions: Accounting

Job Description: industrial enterprises are familiar with the general taxpayer accounting processes, billing systems have security tax, online tax return, invoice certification and know-how to complete an independent accounting, the preparation of statements of accounts processing and financial K3 Kingdee and UF software applications.

Reasons for leaving:

Company Name: Dongguan toy factory start-stop date :2005-09 ~ 2007-07

Company nature: the private sector in their respective professions:

Positions: intern

Job description: the use of the company during the summer internship.

Reasons for leaving:

Educational background

Graduate institutions: technical schools Whampoa, Guangdong Province

Highest level of education: secondary school graduation date: 2008-07-01

Studies by one: the financial and computer studies II:

By education and training experience: the termination of the start date school years (institutions) to obtain a certificate of professional certificate number

Sanyou 2002-09 2005-07 Joint School / Junior High School

Guangdong Province 2005-09 2008-07 Whampoa Finance and computer technicians secondary schools

Language ability

Foreign Language: English General

Mandarin level: the level of fine Cantonese: Good

The ability to work and other expertise

Personality steady, prudent, and has motivated, reliable person, able to take the initiative to work and love of work, would like to achieve self-worth. Has a good team spirit and high sense of responsibility, can withstand the pressure, have a stronger adaptability and learning ability, willing to accept criticism to improve ourselves.

Industrial enterprises are familiar with the general taxpayer accounting processes, tax master IC invoicing, online tax return, invoice certification and know-how to complete an independent accounting, the preparation of statements of accounts processing and K3 Yongyou Kingdee and financial software applications and so on.

Detailed personal autobiography

Received a certificate: a certificate of their qualification, technical grade five abacus & P certificate, intermediate computer skills in office software applications certificate

Monthly requirements: 1800 ~ 2500, I have the account guarantor Guangzhou

Personal Contact


Tel: 13418822xxx home phone:

Phone: 13418822xxx QQ number: 798374850

E-mail: Personal Homepage:

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