

37. The number of students in our school ________.

A increased B is increased C has increased D are increased

38. Since the road is wet this morning,last night ______.

A it must be raining B it must rain

C it must have rained D it must have been rained

39. The medicine will ______ you good.

A do B save C give D help

40. The harder he studies, _______.

A he’ll make great progress B the greater progress he’ll make

C he’ll make greater progress D the greater he’ll make progress

41. The stone was so heavy that it was difficult for the old man to ______ it.

A lift B reach C rise D touch

42. This room is _______ any of the others in the building.

A the biggest than B big as C bigger than D the biggest of

43. The old man could not decide ________ the money or to put it in the bank.

A if he spent B whether to spend

C that he spent D what to spend

44. Nobody knew _______ there.

A how long time I had been B how long had I been

C how long time had I been D how long I had been

45. Nothing could stop _______.

A him come B that the came

C him from coming D him to come

46. Are you sure you don’t have _____advice to give me?I really need _____.

A any;any B some;any C some; some D any; some

47. The policeman caught the man _________ the arm.

A by B with C on D at

48. Why can’t you do this small__-for me?I’ve helped you often enough in The past.

A work B demand C earn D good

49. ________ your step,or you might fall into the water.

A See B Watch C Miss D Look at

50. The problem of pollution in this city is more serious than ______ in other cities.

A that B it C this D those

51. It is very kind ______ see me.

A from you to B as C of you to D like that

52. I ________ my bicycle on the left side.

A get off from B get down C get down from D get off

53. Dick found himself walking _______ the direction of the post office.

A to B by C along D in

54. Today’s weather isn’t as cold as it was yesterday, ________?

A wasn’t B is it C was it D isn’t it

55. The noise of desks _______ could be heard out in the street.

A. opened and closed B. to be opened and closed

C. being opened and closed D. having been opened and closed

56. A few years later,I found my hometown completely _______.

A. changed B. changing C. to be changed D. to change

57. This novel is worthy of _______.

A. reading B. read C. having read D. being read

58. It looks _______ it’s going to rain.

A. that B. as C. as if D. like that

59. They live ______ the other side of the road.

A. in B. on C. for D. by

60. This lesson is _______ than the last one.

A. more easier B. more easy C. very easier D. much easier

61. This book is for students ______ native language is not English.

A. of whom B. that C. which D. whose

62. You may not go out _______ your work is done.

A. before B. until C. where D. as

63. Look what Father_______ me when he came from work.

A. brought B. took C. carried D. fetched

64. ________, I would have gone to see him.

A. Have I had time B. Had I time

C. Had I had time D. would I have had

65. What would you ________ to eat tonight?

A. like B. wish C. want D. hope

66. Coal ________ electricity very often.

A. is used to producing B. is used to produce

C. used to produce D. used to producing

67. Never _______ till tomorrow what may be done today.

A. put on B. put away C. put off D. put up

68. Mother kept inviting Mrs. Smith to stay for lunch,and finally she _______.

A. gave out B. gave off C. gave in D. gave away

69. France is ________ only European country I have visited.

A. an B. a C. the D. /

70. _______ that we were late,we started to run.

A. Know B. To know C. Knowing D. Being known

71. Just think Ann got the house _______ all by herself!

A. paint B. be painted C. to paint D. painted

72. To get an education, _______.

A. one must work hard B. working hard is important

C. to work hard is necessary D. it is needed to work hard




Dear David,

How are you?

I meant to write you for some time.





37 C 38 C 39A 40 B

41 A 42 C 43 B 44 D 45C

46 D 47 A 48 D 49 B 50 A

51 C 52D 53 D 54 B 55C

56 A 57 D 58 C 59 B 60 D

61 D 62 B 63 A 64 C 65 A

66 B 67 C 68 C 69 C 70 C

71 D 72 A





第五档(很好):(40-50) 完全完成了试题规定的任务

第四档(好):(30-39) 完成了试题规定的任务

第三档(适当):(20—29) 基本完成了试题规定的任务

第二档(较差)(10—19) 未适当完成试题规定的任务

第一档(差)(1—9分) 未完成试题规定的任务




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