
Although most advertisements have made their way online, you can’t deny the power of a flyer. If you have a product or service you’re selling and want to post a flyer on your local bulletin board, vertical tear-offs at the bottom make it easy for people to grab your contact info. Here’s how to make them in Word.

尽管大多数广告已经在网上发布,但您不能否认传单的力量。 如果您要销售的产品或服务,并想在当地的公告板上张贴传单,底部的垂直撕下部分将使人们可以轻松获取您的联系信息。 这是在Word中制作它们的方法。

创建垂直撕纸 (Creating Vertical Tear-Offs)

Make sure the meat of your flyer contains enough content and design to attract passerby. Microsoft provides a few flyer templates that can get you going in the right direction, or you can create your own. However, make sure you leave enough white space at the bottom to give room for your vertical tear-offs.

确保传单中的肉包含足够的内容和设计以吸引路人。 Microsoft提供了一些传单模板,可以使您朝正确的方向前进,也可以创建自己的传单模板。 但是,请确保在底部留有足够的空白空间,以便为垂直撕开留出空间。

Once you’re finished with the flyer’s content and design, it’s time to create your vertical tear-offs.


As we mentioned before, it’s important to leave enough space at the bottom for the tear-offs. A good rule of thumb is to give the bottom of the page a 3” margin (which is what we’re going with in our example), but it depends on how much information you plan to put in your tear-offs.

如前所述,重要的是在底部留出足够的空间以用于撕下。 一个好的经验法则是给页面底部留出3英寸的页边距(这是我们在示例中所要处理的),但这取决于您计划在剥离中添加多少信息。

To set the margin, go to the “Layout” tab and click the “Margins” button.


From the drop-down menu, choose the “Custom Margins” option at the bottom.


The Page Setup window will open with the “Margins” tab already selected. Set the bottom margin to 3” and then click “OK.”

页面设置窗口将打开,并且已选择“页边距”选项卡。 将底部边距设置为3”,然后单击“确定”。

That should give you plenty of room for your tear-offs.


To make the tear-offs, we’re going to use a table in the document footer. The table should only be one row but can be between eight and ten columns. Again, this depends on the amount of information you want to put in your tear-offs.

为了完成任务,我们将在文档页脚中使用表格。 该表只能是一行,但可以在八到十列之间。 再次,这取决于您要提供的信息量。

Double-click the footer area of the document to open it. Next, switch to the “Insert” tab and then click the “Table” button.

双击文档的页脚区域以将其打开。 接下来,切换到“插入”选项卡,然后单击“表格”按钮。

On the drop-down menu, use the grid to create your table. We’re going with an 8×1 table—eight columns and one row.

在下拉菜单上,使用网格创建表。 我们将使用8×1的表-8列和1行。

Now, you’ll need to resize your new table to match the 3” margin. Just grab the bottom edge of the table and drag.

现在,您需要调整新表的大小以匹配3英寸的边距。 只需抓住桌子的底部边缘并拖动即可。

Now that you’ve got the table set up, it’s time for the text. Most tear-offs use a vertical text direction to fit in more information.

现在您已经建立了表格,是时候输入文本了。 大多数撕纸使用垂直文本方向以容纳更多信息。

To rotate the text, highlight all the columns in your table, right-click any of the selected columns, and then select “Text Direction” from the context menu.


You can choose whichever orientation works best for you. Once you select your orientation, click “OK.”

您可以选择最适合自己的方向。 选择方向后,点击“确定”。

Now you can enter your information—name, phone, email, or whatever else you want.


You can use a different font, change the text size, or even insert a small image—it’s all up to you.


If you do insert an image, be prepared for the table to get a little out of whack because Word defaults to inserting the image inline with the text. Don’t worry; it’s an easy fix.

如果您确实要插入图像,请准备好使表格有所帮助,因为Word默认情况下是将图像插入文本中。 不用担心这很容易解决。

First, click the “Layout Options” icon next to the image.


On the pop-up menu, select the “Behind Text” options.


Now all that’s left is to resize the image and position it where you want it.


Now, copy and paste the contents of that cell into the other cells of your table.


All that’s left to do is print it out, cut the lines on the sides of the tear-offs, and hang your flyers. Good luck!

剩下要做的就是打印出来,剪掉撕纸边上的线条,然后悬挂传单。 祝好运!

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/398635/how-to-make-vertical-tear-offs-in-word/


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