• iris websocket服务端

package mainimport ("fmt""github.com/kataras/iris""github.com/kataras/iris/websocket"
)func main() {app := iris.New()app.Get("/", func(ctx iris.Context) {ctx.ServeFile("websockets.html", false) // second parameter: enable gzip?})setupWebsocket(app)// x2// http://localhost:8080// http://localhost:8080// write something, press submit, see the result.app.Run(iris.Addr(":8080"))
}func setupWebsocket(app *iris.Application) {// create our echo websocket serverws := websocket.New(websocket.Config{ReadBufferSize:  1024,WriteBufferSize: 1024,})ws.OnConnection(handleConnection)// register the server on an endpoint.// see the inline javascript code in the websockets.html,// this endpoint is used to connect to the server.app.Get("/echo", ws.Handler())// serve the javascript built'n client-side library,// see websockets.html script tags, this path is used.app.Any("/iris-ws.js", websocket.ClientHandler())
}func handleConnection(c websocket.Connection) {// Read events from browserc.On("chat", func(msg string) {// Print the message to the console, c.Context() is the iris's http context.fmt.Printf("%s sent: %s\n", c.Context().RemoteAddr(), msg)// Write message back to the client message owner with:// c.Emit("chat", msg)// Write message to all except this client with:c.To(websocket.Broadcast).Emit("chat", msg)})
  • 客户端html页面websockets.html

<!-- the message's input -->
<input id="input" type="text" /><!-- when clicked then an iris websocket event will be sent to the server,
at this example we registered the 'chat' -->
<button onclick="send()">Send</button><!-- the messages will be shown here -->
<pre id="output"></pre>
<!-- import the iris client-side library for browser-->
<script src="/iris-ws.js"></script><script>var scheme = document.location.protocol == "https:" ? "wss" : "ws";var port = document.location.port ? (":" + document.location.port) : "";// see app.Get("/echo", ws.Handler()) on main.govar wsURL = scheme + "://" + document.location.hostname + port+"/echo";var input = document.getElementById("input");var output = document.getElementById("output");// Ws comes from the auto-served '/iris-ws.js'var socket = new Ws(wsURL)socket.OnConnect(function () {output.innerHTML += "Status: Connected\n";});socket.OnDisconnect(function () {output.innerHTML += "Status: Disconnected\n";});// read events from the serversocket.On("chat", function (msg) {addMessage(msg);});function send() {addMessage("Me: " + input.value); // write ourselvessocket.Emit("chat", input.value); // send chat event data to the websocket serverinput.value = ""; // clear the input}function addMessage(msg) {output.innerHTML += msg + "\n";}
  • 启动服务端后,打开三个localhost:8080页面






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