此SQL是一个较复杂的查询,inner join/left join了多个表,其中有几个表的数据量都在百万级以上。
我拿到手并没多想,先看了SQL结构,没什么大问题。然后就跑了db2expln和db2advis,db2expln 也是显示每个表都走index了,没有扫表的

#### db2advis
Recommending indexes...
total disk space needed for initial set [ 682.400] MB
total disk space constrained to         [69886.654] MB
Trying variations of the solution set.
Optimization finished.9  indexes in current solution
[12511.0449] timerons  (without recommendations)
[6372.6714] timerons  (with current solution)
[49.06%] improvement


Recommending indexes...
total disk space needed for initial set [ 660.656] MB
total disk space constrained to         [69886.654] MB
Trying variations of the solution set.
Optimization finished.9  indexes in current solution[22776.0215] timerons  (without recommendations)[22370.5879] timerons  (with current solution)[1.78%] improvement


Left Outer Nested Loop Join
|  Piped Inner
|  Access Table Name = XXXXXX  ID = 599,4
|  |  Index Scan:  Name = YYYYYY  ID = 3
|  |  |  Regular Index (Not Clustered)
|  |  |  Index Columns:
|  |  |  |  1: DELETED (Ascending)
|  |  |  |  2: OPPORTUNITY_ID (Ascending)
|  |  |  |  3: ASSIGNED_USER_ID (Ascending)
|  |  |  |  4: TYPE (Ascending)
|  |  #Columns = 0
|  |  Compressed Table
|  |  #Key Columns = 2
|  |  |  Start Key: Inclusive Value
|  |  |  |  1: ?
|  |  |  |  2: ?
|  |  |  Stop Key: Inclusive Value
|  |  |  |  1: ?
|  |  |  |  2: ?
|  |  Index-Only Access
|  |  Index Prefetch: Sequential(99), Readahead
|  |  Isolation Level: Uncommitted Read
|  |  Lock Intents
|  |  |  Table: Intent None
|  |  |  Row  : None
|  |  Sargable Index Predicate(s)
|  |  |  #Predicates = 1
|  |  |  Insert Into Integer Sorted Temp Table  ID = t2
|  |  |  |  #Columns = 1
|  |  |  |  #Sort Key Columns = 1
|  |  |  |  |  Key 1: (Ascending)
|  |  |  |  Sortheap Allocation Parameters:
|  |  |  |  |  #Rows     = 28490.000000
|  |  |  |  |  Row Width = 20
|  |  |  |  Duplicate Elimination
|  Integer Sorted Temp Table Completion  ID = t2
|  List Prefetch Preparation
|  |  Access Table Name = XXXXXX  ID = 599,4
|  |  |  #Columns = 1
|  |  |  Compressed Table
|  |  |  RID List Fetch Scan
|  |  |  Fetch Using Prefetched List
|  |  |  |  Prefetch: 105 Pages
|  |  |  Isolation Level: Uncommitted Read
|  |  |  Lock Intents
|  |  |  |  Table: Intent None
|  |  |  |  Row  : None
|  |  |  Sargable Predicate(s)
|  |  |  |  #Predicates = 3


select substr(INDNAME,1,25) as INDNAME, FULLKEYCARD
from syscat.indexes
where tabname='XXXXXX' and tabschema='SCTID'#    INDNAME    FULLKEYCARD
1    YYYYYY        -1
2    SSSSSS        -1
3    XXXXXX(NEW)   3,844,196
4    ZZZZZZ        -1

在表上执行了RUNSTATS with indexes all后:

1    YYYYYY      4,985,715
2    YYYYYY      4,985,715
3    YYYYYY      3,844,196
4    YYYYYY      4,684,818


Recommending indexes...
total disk space needed for initial set [ 802.328] MB
total disk space constrained to         [69986.213] MB
Trying variations of the solution set.
A better solution was found.  Continuing search.
Optimization finished.10  indexes in current solution
[5586.8818] timerons  (without recommendations)
[5165.5610] timerons  (with current solution)
[7.54%] improvement




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