YouTube Music is Google’s replacement for Google Play Music. The service is mainly for streaming music from YouTube’s library, but you can also upload your own tunes to the cloud. Here’s how to upload and manage your music library.

YouTube音乐可以代替Google Play音乐 。 该服务主要用于从YouTube库中流式传输音乐,但是您也可以将自己的音乐上传到云中。 这是上传和管理音乐库的方法。

If you were a Google Play Music user, transferring your account to YouTube Music will carry over your uploaded music. New YouTube Music users can easily upload music to YouTube Music in a few steps. Your uploaded music is available to stream from the YouTube Music app on any device.

如果您是Google Play音乐用户,那么将您的帐户转移到YouTube音乐将继续您上传的音乐。 新的YouTube音乐用户可以通过几个步骤轻松地将音乐上传到YouTube音乐。 您可以在任何设备上通过YouTube音乐应用流式传输您上传的音乐。

如何将音乐上传到YouTube音乐 (How to Upload Music to YouTube Music)

Uploading music to your YouTube Music account can only be done through a web browser on a computer, not your phone. To get started, navigate to in a web browser, such as Chrome.

将音乐上传到您的YouTube音乐帐户只能通过计算机上的网络浏览器完成,而不能通过手机进行。 首先, 请在网络浏览器(例如Chrome)中导航至 。

Next, click your profile photo in the top-right corner.


Select “Upload Music” from the menu.


A file browser window will open. Navigate to the folder that contains the music you want to upload. In this case, we’re using the “Music” folder.

文件浏览器窗口将打开。 导航到包含您要上传的音乐的文件夹。 在这种情况下,我们使用“音乐”文件夹。

Select all of the music files you wish to upload. You can select multiple files by holding the Ctrl key on Windows or the Cmd key on Mac while selecting.

选择您要上传的所有音乐文件。 选择时,按住Windows上的Ctrl键或Mac上的Cmd键,可以选择多个文件。

Once you’ve selected all of your music files, click the “Open” button.


YouTube Music will now ask you to review its “Use Policy.” Click “Accept” if you agree to the legal document.

YouTube音乐现在将要求您查看其“使用​​政策”。 如果您同意法律文件,请单击“接受”。

The music file(s) upload progress will be shown in the bottom-left corner of the page.


Once the uploading is complete, the music files will be processed. You can click the “Go To Library” button to see all of your uploaded music.

上传完成后,音乐文件将被处理。 您可以单击“转到库”按钮以查看所有上传的音乐。

如何查看和管理上载的音乐 (How to View and Manage Uploaded Music)

You can view all of your uploaded music in one place by visiting your library in the YouTube Music app. This can be done from your computer, iPhone, iPad, or Android device.

您可以在YouTube音乐应用中访问您的音乐库,在一个地方查看所有上传的音乐。 您可以在计算机,iPhone,iPad或Android设备上完成此操作。

查看和管理您计算机上上传的音乐 (View and Manage Uploaded Music on Your Computer)

On your computer, navigate to in a web browser, such as Chrome.

在您的计算机上,在网络浏览器(例如Chrome)中导航到 。

Click the third icon from the left at the top of the screen to go to your Library.


Your music is divided into two sections: YouTube Music and Uploads. Select the drop-down menu and click “Uploads” if it’s not already displayed.

您的音乐分为两个部分:YouTube音乐和上载。 选择下拉菜单,然后点击“上传”(如果尚未显示)。

To manage a song, hover your mouse over it and click the three-dot menu icon.


From the menu, you can choose to “Play Next,” “Add to Queue,” “Add to Playlist,” or “Delete Song.”


在iPhone,iPad或Android上查看和管理上传的音乐 (View and Manage Uploaded Music on Your iPhone, iPad, or Android)

On your iPhone, iPad, or Android device, open the YouTube Music app, and tap the “Library” tab in the bottom bar.

在iPhone , iPad或Android设备上,打开YouTube音乐应用,然后点击底部栏中的“库”标签。

If this is your first time using the app, you might be asked to allow YouTube Music to play audio files from your device. Tap “Not Now” to ignore.

如果这是您第一次使用该应用,则可能会要求您允许YouTube音乐播放设备中的音频文件。 点击“不立即”忽略。

From here, we can select “Albums,” “Songs,” or “Artists.” Let’s tap “Songs.”

在这里,我们可以选择“专辑”,“歌曲”或“艺术家”。 让我们点击“歌曲”。

Your library is divided into two sections: YT Music and Uploads. Tap the “Uploads” tab at the top of the screen.

您的音乐库分为两个部分:YT音乐和上载。 点击屏幕顶部的“上传”标签。

Tap the three-dot menu icon to the right of a song to bring up the menu.


From here you can choose to “Play Next,” “Add to Queue,” “Download,” Add to Playlist,” or “Delete Song.”




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