def schtask_com():


Written by Honglei Jiang. Modified from corresponding VB version.


* Advanced Python and COM

* Using the Task Scheduler

* Starting an Executable at a Specific Time


import win32com.client, sys

#A constant that specifies a time-based trigger.

TriggerTypeTime = 1

#A constant that specifies an executable action.

ActionTypeExec = 0


# Create the TaskService object.

service = win32com.client.Dispatch("Schedule.Service")



# Get a folder to create a task definition in.

#Dim rootFolder

rootFolder = service.GetFolder("\\")

taskDefinition = service.NewTask(0)

#Define information about the task.

#Set the registration info for the task by

#creating the RegistrationInfo object.

regInfo = taskDefinition.RegistrationInfo

regInfo.Description = "Start notepad at a certain time"

regInfo.Author = "Author Name"


# Set the principal for the task

principal = taskDefinition.Principal

# Set the logon type to interactive logon

principal.LogonType = 3

# Set the task setting info for the Task Scheduler by

# creating a TaskSettings object.


settings = taskDefinition.Settings

settings.Enabled = True #If True, the task is enabled.

settings.StartWhenAvailable = True

settings.Hidden = False #If False, the task will be visible in the UI. The default is False.

settings.MultipleInstances = 0 # Starts a new instance while an existing instance of the task is running.

# settings.RunOnlyIfNetworkAvailable = True


# Create a time-based trigger.

triggers = taskDefinition.Triggers

trigger = triggers.Create(TriggerTypeTime)

# Trigger variables that define when the trigger is active.

from datetime import datetime

from datetime import timedelta

time = + timedelta(0,30)

startTime = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S') #YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.

#time = DateAdd("s", 30, Now) #start time = 30 seconds from now

#startTime = XmlTime(time)

time = + timedelta(0,5 *30)

endTime = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S')

#time = DateAdd("n", 5, Now) #end time = 5 minutes from now

#endTime = XmlTime(time)

print "startTime :" , startTime

print "endTime :" , endTime

trigger.StartBoundary = startTime

trigger.EndBoundary = endTime

trigger.ExecutionTimeLimit = "PT5M" #Five minutes

trigger.Id = "TimeTriggerId"

trigger.Enabled = True


# Create the action for the task to execute.

# Add an action to the task to run notepad.exe.

Action = taskDefinition.Actions.Create( ActionTypeExec )

Action.Path = "C:\\Windows\\System32\\notepad.exe"

print "Task definition created. About to submit the task..."


# Register (create) the task.



TaskFolder.RegisterTaskDefinition( _

ByVal path, # The name of the task.

ByVal definition, # The definition of the task that is registered.

ByVal flags, _ #0x6 TASK_CREATE_OR_UPDATE

ByVal userId, _

ByVal password, _

ByVal longonType, #3 User must already be logged on. The task will be run only in an existing interactive session.

[ ByVal sddl ], _

ByRef task _




rootFolder.RegisterTaskDefinition( "Test TimeTrigger", taskDefinition, 6, None,None , 3)

print "Task submitted."

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