



This image collection provides access to high-resolution satellite monitoring of the tropics for the primary purpose of reducing and reversing the loss of tropical forests, contributing to combating climate change, conserving biodiversity, contributing to forest regrowth, restoration and enhancement, and facilitating sustainable development, all of which must be Non-Commercial Use.

To learn how to access the Basemaps, follow the sign up instructions here.

NICFI mosaics contain both monthly and biannual collections. (Biannual collections are generated every 6 months.) The type of the mosaic is stored in the image metadata field 'cadence'. Use that field along with the start and end date for each mosaic to find the desired imagery.

Full details about the Basemaps are available in Planet's NICFI Basemap spec.

For more information about NICFI (Norway's International Climate and Forest Initiative) and the NICFI Basemaps, see the FAQ.

In support of NICFI's mission, you can use this data for a number of projects including, but not limited to:

  • Advance scientific research about the world's tropical forests and the critical services they provide.
  • Implement and improve policies for sustainable forest management and land use in developing tropical forest countries and jurisdictions.
  • Increase transparency and accountability in the tropics.
  • Protect and improve the rights of indigenous peoples and local communities in tropical forest countries.
  • Innovate solutions towards reducing pressure on forests from global commodities and financial markets.



NICFI的马赛克包含每月和半年的收集。(马赛克的类型被存储在图像元数据字段 "cadence "中。使用该字段以及每个马赛克的开始和结束日期来查找所需的图像。

关于Basemaps的全部细节可以在Planet的NICFI Basemap规格中找到。




Dataset Availability

2015-12-01T00:00:00 - 2021-06-29T00:00:00

Dataset Provider


Collection Snippet



4.77 meters

Bands Table

Name Description
B Blue
G Green
R Red
NIR Near-infrared


Name Type Description
cadence String The interval the mosaic covers: monthly or biannual


var nicfi = ee.ImageCollection('projects/planet-nicfi/assets/basemaps/africa');// Filter basemaps by date and get the first image from filtered results
var basemap= nicfi.filter(ee.Filter.date('2021-03-01','2021-07-01')).first();Map.centerObject(basemap, 4)var vis = {"bands":["R","G","B"],"min":64,"max":5454,"gamma":1.8};Map.addLayer(basemap, vis, '2021-03 mosaic');
Map.addLayer(basemap.normalizedDifference(['N','R']).rename('NDVI'),{min:-0.55,max:0.8,palette: ['8bc4f9', 'c9995c', 'c7d270','8add60','097210']}, 'NDVI', false);

var nicfi = ee.ImageCollection('projects/planet-nicfi/assets/basemaps/americas');// Filter basemaps by date and get the first image from filtered results
var basemap= nicfi.filter(ee.Filter.date('2021-03-01','2021-07-01')).first();Map.centerObject(basemap, 4)var vis = {"bands":["R","G","B"],"min":64,"max":5454,"gamma":1.8};Map.addLayer(basemap, vis, '2021-03 mosaic');
Map.addLayer(basemap.normalizedDifference(['N','R']).rename('NDVI'),{min:-0.55,max:0.8,palette: ['8bc4f9', 'c9995c', 'c7d270','8add60','097210']}, 'NDVI', false);

var nicfi = ee.ImageCollection('projects/planet-nicfi/assets/basemaps/asia');// Filter basemaps by date and get the first image from filtered results
var basemap= nicfi.filter(ee.Filter.date('2021-03-01','2021-07-01')).first();Map.setCenter(107, 10, 4);var vis = {"bands":["R","G","B"],"min":64,"max":5454,"gamma":1.8};Map.addLayer(basemap, vis, '2021-03 mosaic');
Map.addLayer(basemap.normalizedDifference(['N','R']).rename('NDVI'),{min:-0.55,max:0.8,palette: ['8bc4f9', 'c9995c', 'c7d270','8add60','097210']}, 'NDVI', false);

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