Linear Programming

1. Fundamentals

  • objective function and constraints:

    min/max3x1+24x2+13x3+9x4...s.tlinearconstraintsmin/max\quad 3x_1+24x_2+13x_3+9x_4...\\s.t\quad\;\; linear\; constraints min/max3x1​+24x2​+13x3​+9x4​...s.tlinearconstraints

  • optimal solution: a feasible solution that has the min(or max) objective value

  • convex property: the optimal solution must fall in the corner of the feasible region(decided by constraints)

  • geometric interpretation:

    • each constraint defines a half-space, the solutions are the intersection of half-spaces and are called simplex;

    • objective functions form a hyperplane.

2. Standard and Slack forms

  • LP to standard form:

    • convert a minimization into a maximization;

    • add nonnegative constraints: all xxx variables are greater than zero;

      • convert some variables that do not have nonnegative constraints;

      • replace xjx_jxj​ with xj′−xj′′x_j'-x_j''xj′​−xj′′​

    • convert equality constraints into inequality constraints; by replacing === with ≤\le≤ and ≥\ge≥

    • convert ≥\ge≥ into ≤\le≤;

  • Standard form to slack form

    • For example: 2x1+3x2+x3≤5−>2x1+3x2+x3+x4=52x_1+3x_2+x_3\le 5\quad->\quad 2x_1+3x_2+x_3+x_4=52x1​+3x2​+x3​≤5−>2x1​+3x2​+x3​+x4​=5, where x4x_4x4​ is the slack.

    • Put all the slacks to right hand side and get the slack form, for example:

  • Basic Solutions: in slack form, set all RHS variables to 0, and the LHS variables are called basic, RHS variables are nonbasic.

    3. Simplex algorithm

  • Convert into slack form;

  • find the variable in “z row” with biggest coefficient;

  • Do min test and replace the basic value with its corresponding non-basic value;

  • Repeat step 2 and 3 until all variables in “z row” become negative or sometimes LP is obviously unbounded.

  • Why would it terminate? If the number of basic solution(mmm) is finite then iterations would be: (m+nm)\binom{m+n}{m}(mm+n​)

  • LP is Unbounded: when one variable increase, then all of other variables also increase. Non constraints are binding; LP is unbounded.

4. Degeneracy

The objective function’s value doesn’t change between iterations.

  • 1.we need two out of three lines to find a corner which means that one line(constraint) is extra.
  • 2.the reason why one of variable is equal to zero.

5. Cycling

  • If Simplex fails to terminate then it cycles;
  • two or more basic variables compete for leaving, then choose the one with smallest subscript to leave.

6. Infeasible First Basic Solution

  • Example:

7. Auxiliary Linear Programming

  • If original LP is feasible, then the slack form of the auxiliary LP
    will yield a feasible basic solution to the original LP (and the
    corresponding slack form).

8. Duality

  • LP in standard form and its dual

  • Weak Duality: x∗x^*x∗ feasible solution to the primal LP; y∗y*y∗ feasible solution to the dual LP.

  • If

    ​ ∑j=1ncjxj∗=∑i=1mbiyi∗\sum_{j=1}^nc_jx_j^*=\sum_{i=1}^mb_iy_i^*j=1∑n​cj​xj∗​=i=1∑m​bi​yi∗​

    then x∗x^*x∗ and y∗y^*y∗ are optimal solutions to the primal and to the
    dual LPs, respectively.

9. Upper Bounds on Maximization LP

10. Additional Proof

10.1 If S IMPLEX fails to terminate in at most (n+mm)\binom{n+m}{m}(mn+m​)iterations, then it cycles.

Proof Given a set BBB of basic variables(Lemma 29.4), the associated slack form is uniquely determined. There are n+mn+mn+m variables and ∣B∣=m|B|=m∣B∣=m, and therefore, there are at most (n+mm)\binom{n+m}{m}(mn+m​) ways to determine BBB. Thus, there are at most (n+mm)\binom{n+m}{m}(mn+m​) unique slack forms.

To be continue…

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