
一种方法是用IImagingFactory 中的CreateImageFromFile


This method lets an application create a decoded image object from a file.


HRESULT CreateImageFromFile(
const WCHAR* filename,
IImage**     image



[in] A WCHAR array containing the name of the source file.


[out] A pointer to the resulting IImage interface pointer.

Return Value

If successful, this method returns S_OK.

This method may return E_POINTER if it fails.


When the decoded image object is created, it only keeps a reference to the external data source and does not immediately decode the image. The decoded image opens the file in read-only mode and allows shared-read access to it.

Be aware that decoded image objects are read-only. In particular, you cannot modify the image data. However, you can display it onto a destination graphics context or push its data into an image sink. For more information, see IImage.


OS Versions: Windows CE 5.0 and later.

Header: Imaging.h.

Link Library: Imaging.


  1. /************************************************************************************
  2. *
  3. *   函数名称        ShowPng
  4. *   函数介绍        显示png图片
  5. *   入口参数        const WCHAR *filename,  //文件路径
  6. *                           CRect *pRect,                    //显示区域
  7. *                           CDC *pDc,                        //dc
  8. *   出口参数        无
  9. *   返回  值          void
  10. *
  11. ***********************************************************************************/
  12. void ShowPng(const WCHAR *filename, CRect *pRect, CDC *pDc)
  13. {
  14. IImagingFactory *pImageFactory = NULL;
  15. IImage *pImage = NULL;
  16. HRESULT hrCreInstance = CoCreateInstance( CLSID_ImagingFactory, NULL,                   CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER,IID_IImagingFactory, (void **)&pImageFactory);
  17. HRESULT hrLoadFile = pImageFactory->CreateImageFromFile(filename, &pImage);
  18. if (S_OK != hrCreInstance || S_OK != hrLoadFile)
  19. {
  20. AfxMessageBox(L"加载图片失败!!!");
  21. return;
  22. }
  23. pImage->Draw( pDc->GetSafeHdc(), pRect, NULL );
  24. pImage->Release();
  25. pImageFactory->Release();
  26. }


  1. #include <Imaging.h>




This function reads an image file, decompresses it, and returns a handle to a bitmap in memory.


HBITMAP SHLoadImageFile (
LPCTSTR pszFileName



[in] The name of the image file to be loaded.

Return Value

A handle to a bitmap if successful, NULL otherwise.


This function converts files of several types, including GIF (Graphics Interchange Format), PNG (Portable Network Graphics), JPG (Joint Photographic Experts Group), ICO (icon), and BMP (bitmap) file formats. Other image file types may be supported if the correct decoder is installed.

When you no longer need the bitmap, call the DeleteObject function to delete it.


Pocket PC: Windows Mobile 2003 and later.

OS Versions: Windows CE .NET 4.0 and later.

Header: Declared in Aygshell.h.

Library: Use Aygshell.lib.

  1. /************************************************************************************
  2. *
  3. *   函数名称        ShowPic
  4. *   函数介绍        显示png图片
  5. *   入口参数        const WCHAR *filename,  //文件路径
  6. *               CRect *pRect,           //显示区域
  7. *               CDC *pDc,       //dc
  8. *   出口参数        无
  9. *   返回  值       void
  10. *
  11. ***********************************************************************************/
  12. void ShowPic(const WCHAR *filename, CRect *pRect, CDC *pDc)
  13. {
  14. CDC dccom;
  15. dccom.CreateCompatibleDC(pDc);
  16. HBITMAP hbitmap = SHLoadImageFile(filename);
  17. CBitmap *bk,pp;
  18. bk = pp.FromHandle(hbitmap);
  19. BITMAP bitmap;
  20. bk->GetBitmap(&bitmap);
  21. CBitmap *pOldbmp = dccom.SelectObject(bk);
  22. pDc->StretchBlt(0,0,pRect->Width(),pRect->Height(),&dccom,0,0,bitmap.bmWidth,bitmap.bmHeight,SRCCOPY);
  23. }

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