
Recently we explained what RSS Feeds are and how you can benefit from them, and today we are back to show you how you can get all your RSS Feeds displaying on your desktop. Read on to find out how.

最近,我们解释了什么是RSS Feed,以及如何从中受益。今天,我们再次向您展示如何在桌面上显示所有RSS Feed。 阅读,了解如何。

在桌面上获取RSS feed (Getting RSS Feeds on Your Desktop)

The first thing you need to do is grab a copy of Adobe Air.

您需要做的第一件事是获取Adobe Air的副本。

Once downloaded, double-click on the exe file to get it installed.


When prompted, accept the license terms by clicking on the agree button.


Once you have Adobe Air installed, you will also need to grab yourself a copy of Snackr. So head over to their website and click the install button.

一旦安装了Adobe Air,您还需要获取一份Snackr副本。 因此,转到他们的网站并单击安装按钮。

We know the file is safe so we can just click open.


Then go ahead and kick off the installation.


Just like a normal .Net program, you will have to choose an installation location for Snackr.


Once installed, head into the settings of Snackr and enable Google Reader synchronization.

安装完成后,进入Snackr的设置并启用Google Reader同步。

That’s all there is to it.





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