condiments Paper • condimentsPaper

First example: TGF-beta dataset • bioc2021trajectories

slingshot requires a minimum of two inputs: (1)a matrix representing the cells in a reduced-dimensional space. (2)a vector of cluster labels.


(1)getLineages function to identify global lineage structrue by construsting MST on the clusters

(2)getCurves function to construct smooth curves and infer the psudotime variable

  • simulated dataset 1 (single trajectory) and dataset 2 (bifurcating)
# generate synthetic count data representing a single lineage
means <- rbind(# non-DE genesmatrix(rep(rep(c(0.1,0.5,1,2,3), each = 300),100),ncol = 300, byrow = TRUE),# early deactivationmatrix(rep(exp(atan( ((300:1)-200)/50 )),50), ncol = 300, byrow = TRUE),# late deactivationmatrix(rep(exp(atan( ((300:1)-100)/50 )),50), ncol = 300, byrow = TRUE),# early activationmatrix(rep(exp(atan( ((1:300)-100)/50 )),50), ncol = 300, byrow = TRUE),# late activationmatrix(rep(exp(atan( ((1:300)-200)/50 )),50), ncol = 300, byrow = TRUE),# transientmatrix(rep(exp(atan( c((1:100)/33, rep(3,100), (100:1)/33) )),50), ncol = 300, byrow = TRUE)
counts <- apply(means,2,function(cell_means){total <- rnbinom(1, mu = 7500, size = 4)rmultinom(1, total, cell_means)
rownames(counts) <- paste0('G',1:750)
colnames(counts) <- paste0('c',1:300)
sce <- SingleCellExperiment(assays = List(counts = counts))#####dataset2
library(slingshot, quietly = FALSE)
rd <- slingshotExample$rd
cl <- slingshotExample$cldim(rd) # data representing cells in a reduced dimensional space

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