2020/04/07 每日十句英语口语

These two words are used for saying that you are not certain about something, or that something may or may not be true.
Perhaps is more formal and is used in writing while maybe is used more in spoken English
e.g. I wondered if perhaps he had changed his mind about attending the party.
e.g. ‘When can you give me an answer?’ ‘I don’t know. May


These two words can confuse even native speakers. Probably is used for saying that something is likely to be true, and possibly that it may be true but you are not certain.
e.g. If house prices are low, it’s probably because there is a lack of demand.
e.g. ‘Would you consider moving to another country for your work?’ ‘Possibly, I’m not sure.’


It is used when what you are saying is based on what you have heard, not on what you know is true and therefore fact.
e.g. Apparently, she resigned because she had an argument with her boss.
e.g. There is, apparently, going to be an announcement about the new CEO tomorrow.



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