2020/04/07 每日十句英语口语


I’m starving/hungry.我饿死了
What are we going to eat tonight?我们今晚吃什么?
What smells so good? What are you making/baking/cooking? 是什么这么香?你在做、烤、煮什么?
It’s time to eat.可以吃饭了!
George,would you help set the table?乔治,你能帮忙摆桌子吗?


Where’s the tourist information center?旅游信息问讯处在哪儿?
May I have a free city map? 能给我一张免费的城市地图吗?
Are there any sightseeing buses?这里有旅游观光巴士吗?
Where is the gift shop?这里有礼品店吗?
I need to buy some souvenir.我想要买一些纪念品。



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