
训练需要support set原图+mask,query set原图,使用query集计算loss更新参数。

support set和query set的cls一样,但是取的不同的图

query_name = self.new_exist_class_list[index][0]
sample_class = self.new_exist_class_list[index][1]  # random sample a class in this img
# return class's mask_list
support_img_list = self.binary_pair_list[sample_class]  # all img that contain the sample_class

pred = model(query_rgb, support_rgb, support_mask, history_mask)

loss = loss_calc_v1(pred, query_mask, 0)


PIL读入之后对象中w, h = img.size,转为numpy数组后变为:h,w,c(通道是RGB),转为Tensor后变为:c,h,w,最后如果要使用cv2保存图像需要转为:h,w,c


image = cv2.imread(image_path, cv2.IMREAD_COLOR) image = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)  image = np.float32(image)

1.1 数据集文件夹:

1.2 Dataset和Dataloader:首先自定义Dataset类重写__getitem__方法:

index对应单张图片序号,batch_size不同也可能取到不同的类: 1 w a y − 1 s h o t \color{red}{1 way-1shot} 1way−1shot

# loading data# trainset
dataset = Dataset_train(data_dir=data_dir, fold=options.fold, input_size=input_size, normalize_mean=IMG_MEAN,normalize_std=IMG_STD,prob=options.prob)
trainloader = data.DataLoader(dataset, batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=True, num_workers=4)# ipdb.set_trace()
# valset
# this only a quick val dataset where all images are 321*321.
valset = Dataset_val(data_dir=data_dir, fold=options.fold, input_size=input_size, normalize_mean=IMG_MEAN,normalize_std=IMG_STD)
valloader = data.DataLoader(valset, batch_size=options.bs_val, shuffle=False, num_workers=4,drop_last=False)

1.21 Dataset得到query图片名和support图片名



文件夹 图片+类别 数量
split0_train.txt 2286
split1_train.txt 3425
split2_train.txt 5883
split3_train.txt 2086

由于我是设置fold 0作为测试集:
parser.add_argument('-fold', type=int, help='fold', default=0)
所以new_exist_class_list [ 0 ] \color{red}{[0]} [0]得到的是除split0_train.txt文件之外的三个文件夹列表 训 练 集 \color{red}{训练集} 训练集new_exist_class_list中训练集某张图片名称,**new_exist_class_list [ 1 ] \color{red}{[1]} [1]得到这张训练图片所属类别:



        while True:support_name = support_img_list[random.randint(0, len(support_img_list) - 1)]   # [0, l-1]if support_name != query_name:break



1.22 Dataset加载图片

由于pytorch的顺序是 ( b a t c h , c , h , w ) \color{red}{(batch,c,h,w)} (batch,c,h,w),所以需要进行PIL类型到numpy类型转换,tensorflow,numpy的顺序是(batch,h,w,c):

support_rgb = self.normalize(self.ToTensor(scale_transform_rgb(self.flip(flip_flag,# PIL formatImage.open(os.path.join(self.data_dir, 'JPEGImages', support_name + '.jpg'))))))
  • c v 2. i m r e a d ( ) \color{red}{cv2.imread()} cv2.imread()得到的img数据类型是np.array()类型。 B G R ( 默 认 ) \color{red}{BGR(默认)} BGR(默认)
  • 通过Image.open(path)读入的图片为Image对象,不是普通的数组。 w , h = i m g . s i z e \color{red}{w, h = img.size} w,h=img.size、 R G B ( 默 认 ) \color{red}{RGB(默认)} RGB(默认)
    将 P I L \color{red}{PIL} PIL类型转化成numpy类型之后: H ∗ W ∗ C \color{red}{H*W*C} H∗W∗C
  • p l t \color{red}{plt} plt。matplotlib.pyplot.imshow()和matplotlib.pyplot.show()正好可以对应PIL对象读入的RGB,示例如下:
    # 2. cover show
def show_mask_in_img2(imgfile, maskfile, trueMaskfile):image1 = Image.open(imgfile)image2 = Image.open(maskfile)image3 = Image.open(trueMaskfile)plt.figure()plt.subplot(221)plt.imshow(image1)plt.subplot(222)plt.imshow(image2)plt.subplot(223)plt.imshow(image1)plt.imshow(image2, alpha=0.5)plt.subplot(224)plt.imshow(image3)plt.show()



opencv的接口使用BGR,而matplotlib.pyplot 则是RGB模式

import cv2
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt  img = cv2.imread('lena_std.tif')
b,g,r = cv2.split(img)
img2 = cv2.merge([r,g,b])
plt.show()  cv2.imshow('bgr image',img)
cv2.imshow('rgb image',img2)



参考:Extracting a region from an image using slicing in Python, OpenCV


  # Load Imageimg_fn = os.path.join(self.input_path, filenames)img = Image.open(img_fn)  # RGB(默认)# img.show()# resize/crop if needed:[128*128*3]if self.input_size != 0:height = width = self.input_sizeimg = img.resize((height, width), Image.BILINEAR)   # 将PIL类型转化成numpy类型img = np.array(img).uint8()    # H*W*C


transforms.Resize([h, w])

例如transforms.Resize([224, 224])就能将输入图片转化成224×224的输入特征图。


from PIL import Image
from torchvision import transformsimg = Image.open('1.jpg')
w, h = img.size
resize = transforms.Resize([224,244])
img = resize(img)
resize2 = transforms.Resize([h, w])
img = resize2(img)

需要注意的一点是PILImage对象size属性返回的是w, h,而resize的参数顺序是h, w。

当 图 像 格 式 为 R G B A 时 \color{red}{当图像格式为RGBA时} 当图像格式为RGBA时,Image.open(‘—.jpg’)读取的格式为RGBA(其中A表示图像的alpha通道,即RGBA共四个通道),而cv2.imread(’—.jpg’)读取的格式是BGR,只有三个通道。


# uniform(1 ,  6)# output:  3.001161523486847scaled_size = int(random.uniform(1, 1.5)*input_size)

Ps:Python 中的 random.uniform( ) 函数

  • x – 随机数的最小值,包含该值。
  • y – 随机数的最大值,不包含该值。
  • 返回一个浮点数
# _*_ coding: utf-8 _*_
import random
print("uniform(1 ,  6) 的随机返回值为 : ",  random.uniform(1 ,  6))print("uniform(10, 16) 的随机返回值为 : ",  random.uniform(10, 16))# 输出:
# uniform(1 ,  6) 的随机返回值为 :  3.001161523486847
# uniform(10, 16) 的随机返回值为 :  13.70906147017741


output: 0 <= n < 1.0flip_flag = random.random()


    def flip(self, flag, img):if flag > 0.5:return F.hflip(img)else:return img

最后调用ToTensor函数从 H ∗ W ∗ C \color{red}{H*W*C} H∗W∗C转为 C ∗ H ∗ W \color{red}{C*H*W} C∗H∗W:

self.ToTensor = torchvision.transforms.ToTensor()

save_pred_every = len(trainloader)

下面的save_pred_every = len(trainloader)其实是11394/4=2848.5之后没有抛弃得到的2849个batch_size

1.23 DataLoader定义batch_size装载图片 C ∗ H ∗ W \color{red}{C*H*W} C∗H∗W为 B ∗ C ∗ H ∗ W \color{red}{B*C*H*W} B∗C∗H∗W

dataset = Dataset_train(data_dir=data_dir, fold=options.fold, input_size=input_size, normalize_mean=IMG_MEAN,normalize_std=IMG_STD,prob=options.prob)
trainloader = data.DataLoader(dataset, batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=True, num_workers=4)# ipdb.set_trace()
# valset
# this only a quick val dataset where all images are 321*321.
valset = Dataset_val(data_dir=data_dir, fold=options.fold, input_size=input_size, normalize_mean=IMG_MEAN,normalize_std=IMG_STD)
valloader = data.DataLoader(valset, batch_size=options.bs_val, shuffle=False, num_workers=4,drop_last=False)

1.24 margin_h = random.randint(0, scaled_size - input_size)是取闭区间[0,scaled_size - input_size]中的一个int数。

附:CaNet-master Dataset类__getitem__方法完整代码:

    def __getitem__(self, index):# new_exist_class_list.append([img_name, class],...)# give an query index,sample a target class firstquery_name = self.new_exist_class_list[index][0]sample_class = self.new_exist_class_list[index][1]  # random sample a class in this img# return class's mask_listsupport_img_list = self.binary_pair_list[sample_class]  # all img that contain the sample_class# random sample a img_class's data, ensure different from query_namewhile True:support_name = support_img_list[random.randint(0, len(support_img_list) - 1)]   # [0, l-1]if support_name != query_name:break# input_size=[321, 321]input_size = self.input_size[0]# random scale and crop for support# uniform(1 ,  6)# output:  3.001161523486847scaled_size = int(random.uniform(1, 1.5)*input_size)# interpolation (int, optional): Desired interpolation enum defined by `filters`_.# Default is ``PIL.Image.BILINEAR``.# If input is Tensor, only ``PIL.Image.NEAREST``, ``PIL.Image.BILINEAR``and ``PIL.Image.BICUBIC`` are supported.scale_transform_mask = torchvision.transforms.Resize([scaled_size, scaled_size], interpolation=Image.NEAREST)scale_transform_rgb = torchvision.transforms.Resize([scaled_size, scaled_size], interpolation=Image.BILINEAR)#  output: 0 <= n < 1.0flip_flag = random.random()support_rgb = self.normalize(self.ToTensor(scale_transform_rgb(self.flip(flip_flag,# PIL formatImage.open(os.path.join(self.data_dir, 'JPEGImages', support_name + '.jpg'))))))support_mask = self.ToTensor(scale_transform_mask(self.flip(flip_flag,Image.open(os.path.join(self.data_dir, 'Binary_map_aug', 'train', str(sample_class),support_name + '.png')))))margin_h = random.randint(0, scaled_size - input_size)margin_w = random.randint(0, scaled_size - input_size)# 3 * h * w, size_h_wsupport_rgb = support_rgb[:, margin_h:margin_h + input_size, margin_w:margin_w + input_size]support_mask = support_mask[:, margin_h:margin_h + input_size, margin_w:margin_w + input_size]# random scale and crop for queryscaled_size = input_sizescale_transform_mask = torchvision.transforms.Resize([scaled_size, scaled_size], interpolation=Image.NEAREST)scale_transform_rgb = torchvision.transforms.Resize([scaled_size, scaled_size], interpolation=Image.BILINEAR)# query imgs don't flipflip_flag = 0query_rgb = self.normalize(self.ToTensor(scale_transform_rgb(self.flip(flip_flag,Image.open(os.path.join(self.data_dir, 'JPEGImages', query_name + '.jpg'))))))query_mask = self.ToTensor(scale_transform_mask(self.flip(flip_flag,Image.open(os.path.join(self.data_dir, 'Binary_map_aug', 'train', str(sample_class),query_name + '.png')))))margin_h = random.randint(0, scaled_size - input_size)margin_w = random.randint(0, scaled_size - input_size)# ipdb.set_trace()query_rgb = query_rgb[:, margin_h:margin_h + input_size, margin_w:margin_w + input_size]query_mask = query_mask[:, margin_h:margin_h + input_size, margin_w:margin_w + input_size]if self.history_mask_list[index] is None:history_mask = torch.zeros(2,41,41).fill_(0.0)else:if random.random() > self.prob:history_mask = self.history_mask_list[index]else:history_mask = torch.zeros(2, 41, 41).fill_(0.0)return query_rgb, query_mask, support_rgb, support_mask, history_mask, sample_class, indexdef flip(self, flag, img):if flag > 0.5:return F.hflip(img)else:return imgdef __len__(self):return len(self.new_exist_class_list)



for epoch in range(0, num_epoch):begin_time = time.time()tqdm_gen = tqdm.tqdm(trainloader)for i_iter, batch in enumerate(tqdm_gen):query_rgb, query_mask, support_rgb, support_mask, history_mask, sample_class, index = batchquery_rgb = (query_rgb).cuda(0)support_rgb = (support_rgb).cuda(0)support_mask = (support_mask).cuda(0)query_mask = (query_mask).cuda(0).long()  # change formation for crossentropy usequery_mask = query_mask[:, 0, :, :]  # remove the second dim,change formation for crossentropy usehistory_mask=(history_mask).cuda(0)optimizer.zero_grad()# pred = torch.Size([4, 2, 41, 41])pred = model(query_rgb, support_rgb, support_mask, history_mask)# index 1 sum = 1pred_softmax = F.softmax(pred, dim=1).data.cpu()# update history maskfor j in range (support_mask.shape[0]):sub_index = index[j]dataset.history_mask_list[sub_index] = pred_softmax[j]pred = nn.functional.interpolate(pred, size=input_size, mode='bilinear', align_corners=True)# upsample# pred:[4, 2, 321, 321]# query mask:[4, 321, 321]# output: tensor(n)loss = loss_calc_v1(pred, query_mask, 0)loss.backward()optimizer.step()# highest_iou is last epoch max iou# tqdm_gen.set_description('e:%d loss = %.4f-:%.4f' % (tqdm_gen.set_description('epoch:%d loss = %.4f-:%.4f' % (epoch, loss.item(), highest_iou))# save training losstempory_loss += loss.item()if i_iter % (save_pred_every - 1) == 0 and i_iter != 0:     # every epoch: saveprint("---------------save----------------")loss_list.append(tempory_loss / save_pred_every)plot_loss(checkpoint_dir, loss_list, save_pred_every)np.savetxt(os.path.join(checkpoint_dir, 'loss_history.txt'), np.array(loss_list))tempory_loss = 0

其中pred的tensor尺寸: p r e d = t o r c h . S i z e ( [ 4 , 2 , 41 , 41 ] ) \color{red}{pred = torch.Size([4, 2, 41, 41])} pred=torch.Size([4,2,41,41])

pred = model(query_rgb, support_rgb, support_mask, history_mask)

2.1 torch.max(input, dim) 函数

  • 返回值:减少一个维度,两个Tensor 索引的最大值,索引)

_, pred_label = torch.max(pred, 1)

随后pred_label维度从 [ 64 , 2 , 321 , 321 ] \color{red}{[64, 2, 321, 321]} [64,2,321,321]变为:

  • pred_label: [ 64 , 321 , 321 ] \color{red}{[64, 321, 321]} [64,321,321]
  • query_mask:[64, 321, 321]


inter_list, union_list, _, num_predict_list = get_iou_v1(query_mask, pred_label)


import torch
a = torch.tensor([[1,5,62,54], [2,6,2,6], [2,65,2,6]])
print(a)# 输出:
tensor([[ 1,  5, 62, 54],[ 2,  6,  2,  6],[ 2, 65,  2,  6]])

索引每行的最大值:(在计算准确率时第一个tensor values是不需要的,所以我们只需提取第二个tensor,并将tensor格式的数据转换成array格式。)

torch.max(a, 1)
# 输出:
values=tensor([62,  6, 65]),
indices=tensor([2, 3, 1]))

2.2 softmax(index 1 sum = 1)

之后经过softmax后(index 1 sum = 1),之后尺寸变为: p r e d s o f t m a x = T e n s o r : ( 4 , 2 , 41 , 41 ) \color{red}{pred_softmax=Tensor:(4,2,41,41)} preds​oftmax=Tensor:(4,2,41,41)
其中,[4, 2, 41, 41]的softmax dim=1表示每一个像素点2class概率之和为1。(2分类:背景目标)

pred_softmax = F.softmax(pred, dim=1).data.cpu()



>>> import torch
>>> import torch.nn.functional as F
>>> logits = torch.rand(2,2)
>>> pred = F.softmax(logits, dim=1)
>>> logits
tensor([[0.4140, 0.4571],[0.9392, 0.6504]])
>>> pred
tensor([[0.4892, 0.5108],[0.5717, 0.4283]])

2.3 nn.functional.interpolate


pred = nn.functional.interpolate(pred, size=input_size, mode='bilinear', align_corners=True)# upsample

2.4 计算损失:torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss()

  • pred:[4, 2, 321, 321]
  • query mask:[4, 321, 321]
  • output: tensor(n)

loss = loss_calc_v1(pred, query_mask, 0)


2、然后将Softmax之后的结果取log,将乘法改成加法减少计算量,同时保障函数的单调性 。其



# pred:[4, 2, 321, 321]
# query mask:[4, 321, 321]
# output : tensor
def loss_calc_v1(pred, label, gpu):label = label.long()criterion = torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss(ignore_index=255).cuda(gpu)return criterion(pred, label)

三、验证集val Evaluation

pred = model(query_rgb, support_rgb, support_mask, history_mask)
pred_softmax = F.softmax(pred, dim=1).data.cpu()# update history mask
for j in range(support_mask.shape[0]):sub_index = index[j]valset.history_mask_list[sub_index] = pred_softmax[j]# pred:[4, 2, 321, 321]pred = nn.functional.interpolate(pred, size=input_size, mode='bilinear',align_corners=True)  # upsample  # upsample_, pred_label = torch.max(pred, 1)# pred_label:[64, 321, 321]
# query_mask:[64, 321, 321]
inter_list, union_list, _, num_predict_list = get_iou_v1(query_mask, pred_label)
for j in range(query_mask.shape[0]):  # batch size# fold 0 : 1-5 - 10# fold 1 : 6-10 - 6all_inter[sample_class[j] - (options.fold * 5 + 1)] += inter_list[j]all_union[sample_class[j] - (options.fold * 5 + 1)] += union_list[j]

3.1 计算IOU

3.11 输出布尔值的Tensor:

(pred_label[i] > 0)


3.12 输出0/1值的Tensor:

(pred_label[i] > 0).float()


torch.sum((pred_label[i] > 0).float())

3.13 之后求内部所有值的和:




query_rgb, query_mask, support_rgb, support_mask, history_mask, sample_class, index = batch


4.1 val

4.11 在eval()阶段会使用with torch.no_grad()


4.12 验证的时候batch_size=64,枚举valloader:

            for i_iter, batch in enumerate(valloader):query_rgb, query_mask, support_rgb, support_mask, history_mask, sample_class, index = batchquery_rgb = (query_rgb).cuda(0)support_rgb = (support_rgb).cuda(0)support_mask = (support_mask).cuda(0)query_mask = (query_mask).cuda(0).long()  # change formation for crossentropy usequery_mask = query_mask[:, 0, :, :]  # remove the second dim,change formation for crossentropy usehistory_mask = (history_mask).cuda(0)pred = model(query_rgb, support_rgb, support_mask, history_mask)pred_softmax = F.softmax(pred, dim=1).data.cpu()# update history maskfor j in range(support_mask.shape[0]):sub_index = index[j]valset.history_mask_list[sub_index] = pred_softmax[j]# pred:[4, 2, 321, 321]pred = nn.functional.interpolate(pred, size=input_size, mode='bilinear',align_corners=True)  #upsample  # upsample_, pred_label = torch.max(pred, 1)# pred_label:[64, 321, 321]# query_mask:[64, 321, 321]inter_list, union_list, _, num_predict_list = get_iou_v1(query_mask, pred_label)for j in range(query_mask.shape[0]):   # batch size# fold 0 : 1-5 - 10# fold 1 : 6-10 - 6all_inter[sample_class[j] - (options.fold * 5 + 1)] += inter_list[j]all_union[sample_class[j] - (options.fold * 5 + 1)] += union_list[j]IOU = [0] * 5for j in range(5):IOU[j] = all_inter[j] / all_union[j]mean_iou = np.mean(IOU)print('IOU:%.4f' % (mean_iou))if mean_iou > best_iou:best_iou = mean_iouelse:break

4.13 每个DataLoader打包好的64张图片,计算inter之和、union之和、mIOU

for j in range(query_mask.shape[0]):   # batch size# fold 0 : 1-5 - 10# fold 1 : 6-10 - 6all_inter[sample_class[j] - (options.fold * 5 + 1)] += inter_list[j]all_union[sample_class[j] - (options.fold * 5 + 1)] += union_list[j]

由于每次测试使用5cls,所以枚举5次,索引0-4,计算 I O U \color{red}{IOU} IOU和 m I O U \color{red}{mIOU} mIOU:

for j in range(5):IOU[j] = all_inter[j] / all_union[j]
mean_iou = np.mean(IOU)


print('IOU:%.4f' % (mean_iou))
if mean_iou > best_iou:best_iou = mean_iou

4.14 通过plot_iou函数来画出IOU随着每个epoch的变化曲线,并保存最好的权重:

plot_iou(checkpoint_dir, iou_list)
np.savetxt(os.path.join(checkpoint_dir, 'iou_history.txt'), np.array(iou_list))
if best_iou > highest_iou:highest_iou = best_ioumodel = model.eval()torch.save(model.cpu().state_dict(), osp.join(checkpoint_dir, 'model', 'best' '.pth'))model = model.train()best_epoch = epochprint('A better model is saved')


model.eval() : 告诉我们的网络,这个阶段是用来测试的,于是模型的参数在该阶段不进行更新。

其中,里面的model = model.eval()、model = model.train()



5.1 加载best.pth

model.load_state_dict(torch.load(pthfile, map_location='cpu'))

5.2 输出预测的mask(321,321)

输出的pred_label维度[64, 321, 321],之后pred_label[i]维度为[321, 321],使用cv2.imwrite无最后一个维度,输出灰度图

  • Image.open()之后对象通道数为: [ W , H ] \color{red}{[W, H]} [W,H],可以通过w, h = img.size()知道;(如果之后转numpy数组会变成 [ H , W , C ] \color{red}{[H, W, C]} [H,W,C])
  • 之后转Tensor变为 [ C , H , W ] \color{red}{[C, H, W]} [C,H,W],像素值由0-255变为0-1
    修改dataset_val将没有标准化的、resize过的Tensor query图像取出:

  • 在每一个打包后的dataloader中(这里是64张图片),将pred_mask移动到cpu上(不移动会报错),(张量与数组运算报错(Use Tensor.cpu() to copy the tensor to host memory first;RuntimeError: Expected all tensors to be on the same device))
  • 转numpy数组后维度变为 [ C , H , W ] \color{red}{[C, H, W]} [C,H,W]
  • 最后通过修改dataset_val得到query_name[i],img*255之后,通过cv2.imwrite保存图片(实验室服务器cv2.show函数会出问题)
  • 不用加img_rgb = np.uint8(img_rgb),因为cv2.imwrite函数会自动改变数据类型。
for i in range(pred_label.shape[0]):pred_mask = pred_label[i]img = pred_mask.cpu().numpy()cv2.imwrite(pth_file + '{}_pre.jpg'.format(query_name[i]), 255 * img)cv2.waitKey(100)


在单色图中, intensity 是 强度 gray scale 是灰度。而强度一般由 光源的能量和物体反射能量的比例的乘积 决定。 所以如果能量很低,颜色就很暗,极限就是能量为0,是黑色,而能量很大,就很亮,就是白色。

5.3 输出对应于mask的原图(所预测的等比例resize后的原图)


参考:Pytorch中view, transpose, permute等方法的区别

  • t r a n s p o s e 与 p e r m u t e 会 实 实 在 在 的 根 据 需 求 ( 要 交 换 的 d i m ) 把 相 应 的 T e n s o r 元 素 \color{red}{transpose与permute会实实在在的根据需求(要交换的dim)把相应的Tensor元素} transpose与permute会实实在在的根据需求(要交换的dim)把相应的Tensor元素的位置进行调整, 而view 会将Tensor所有维度拉平成一维 (即按行, 这 也 是 为 什 么 v i e w 操 作 要 求 T e n s o r 是 c o n t i g u o u s 的 原 因 \color{red}{这也是为什么view操作要求Tensor是contiguous的原因} 这也是为什么view操作要求Tensor是contiguous的原因),然后再根据传入的的维度(只要保证各维度的乘积=总元素个数即可)信息重构出一个Tensor。


  • transpose改变了数组的维度(axis)排列顺序。比如对于二维数组,如果我们把两个维度的顺序互换,那就是我们很熟悉的矩阵转置。而transpose可以在更多维度的情况下生效。transpose的入参是输出数组的维度排列顺序,序号从0开始计数。
  • reshape仅仅只是改变了数组的shape属性,比如把shape从( 4 , ) (4,)(4,)改成( 2 , 2 ) (2,2)(2,2)
  • 如果我们从最后一个维度开始,依次向前循环打印数组的话,会发现无论怎么样reshape,数组打印的顺序不会发生任何变化。也就是说无论reshape多少次,数组打印顺序不变。

transpose 与 reshape 的最大区别: reshape 修改的只是维度,填充顺序不变,transpose 修改的是轴,填充顺序改变

  • img_rgb输出后维度(3, 321, 321),由于是Image.open打开的,所以第一个维度的3表示每张321*321图的RGB值
  • transpose((1, 2, 0))之后,一张321*321的矩阵,每个点都有RGB3个值,是正常的
  • !!!如果使用reshape,就会出现问题,示例图如下:

img_rgb = img_rgb.cpu().numpy().transpose((1, 2, 0))[:, :, ::-1]
img_rgb = img_rgb.cpu().numpy().reshape([321, 321, 3])[:, :, ::-1]

原图:(没有resize为321, 321)resize之后应该为(3, 321, 321)



  • RGB—>
  • BGR

使用transpose后,再通过 [ : , : , : : − 1 ] \color{red}[:, :, ::-1]{} [:,:,::−1]修改RGB为BGR,就完全正常了:(参考:pytorch实现HWC转CHW)
Ps: i m g 2 = i m g [ : , : , [ 2 , 1 , 0 ] ] \color{red}{img_2 = img[:,:,[2,1,0]]} img2​=img[:,:,[2,1,0]]将最后一个维度C—>BGR(0,1,2)转为RGB(2,1,0)

img_2 = img[:,:,[2,1,0]]


# c h w
img_rgb = query_img[i]
img_rgb = img_rgb.cpu().numpy().transpose((1, 2, 0))[:, :, ::-1]
# img_rgb = img_rgb.cpu().numpy().reshape([321, 321, 3])[:, :, ::-1]
# img_rgb = np.uint8(img_rgb)
cv2.imwrite(pth_file + '{}.jpg'.format(query_name[i]), img_rgb * 255)

5.4 可视化完整代码


"""Evaluation Script"""
import os
import shutil
import cv2import tqdm
import numpy as np
import torch
import torch.optim
import torch.nn as nn
from PIL import Image
from torch.utils.data import DataLoader
import torch.backends.cudnn as cudnn
from torchvision.transforms import Compose
import ipdb
from torch.utils import data
import torch.optim as optim
import torch.backends.cudnn as cudnn
import os.path as osp
from utils import *
import time
import torch.nn.functional as F
import tqdm
import random
import argparse
from dataset_mask_train import Dataset as Dataset_train
from dataset_mask_val import Dataset as Dataset_val
import os
import torch
# from network import Res_Deeplab
from one_shot_network import Res_Deeplab
import torch.nn as nn
import numpy as npparser = argparse.ArgumentParser()parser.add_argument('-lr',type=float,help='learning rate',default=0.00025)parser.add_argument('-prob',type=float,help='dropout rate of history mask',default=0.7)parser.add_argument('-bs',type=int,help='batchsize',default=4)parser.add_argument('-bs_val',type=int,help='batchsize for val',default=64)parser.add_argument('-fold',type=int,help='fold',# default=1)default=0)parser.add_argument('-gpu',type=str,help='gpu id to use',# default='0,1')default='0, 1')parser.add_argument('-iter_time',type=int,default=5)options = parser.parse_args()# data_dir = '/your/dataset/dir/VOCdevkit/VOC2012'
data_dir = './dataset/dir/VOCdevkit/VOC2012'#set gpus
gpu_list = [int(x) for x in options.gpu.split(',')]
os.environ['CUDA_DEVICE_ORDER'] = 'PCI_BUS_ID'
os.environ['CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES'] = options.gputorch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = TrueIMG_MEAN = [0.485, 0.456, 0.406]
IMG_STD = [0.229, 0.224, 0.225]
num_class = 2
num_epoch = 200
learning_rate = options.lr  # 0.000025#0.00025
input_size = (321, 321)
batch_size = options.bs
weight_decay = 0.0005
momentum = 0.9
power = 0.9cudnn.enabled = True# Create network.
model = Res_Deeplab(num_classes=num_class)
# load resnet-50 pretrained parameter
model = load_resnet50_param(model, stop_layer='layer4')
model = nn.DataParallel(model, [0, 1])# disable the  gradients of not optimized layers
turn_off(model)checkpoint_dir = 'checkpoint/fo=%d/'% options.fold
check_dir(checkpoint_dir)# loading data# trainset
dataset = Dataset_train(data_dir=data_dir, fold=options.fold, input_size=input_size, normalize_mean=IMG_MEAN,normalize_std=IMG_STD,prob=options.prob)
trainloader = data.DataLoader(dataset, batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=True, num_workers=4)# ipdb.set_trace()
# valset
# this only a quick val dataset where all images are 321*321.
valset = Dataset_val(data_dir=data_dir, fold=options.fold, input_size=input_size, normalize_mean=IMG_MEAN,normalize_std=IMG_STD)
valloader = data.DataLoader(valset, batch_size=options.bs_val, shuffle=False, num_workers=4,drop_last=False)# ipdb.set_trace()
save_pred_every = len(trainloader)optimizer = optim.SGD([{'params': get_10x_lr_params(model), 'lr': 10 * learning_rate}],lr=learning_rate, momentum=momentum, weight_decay=weight_decay)loss_list = [] #track training loss
iou_list = [] #track validaiton iou
highest_iou = 0pthfile = '/media/D_4TB/zhouhongjie/1.few-shot segmentation/3.CaNet/CaNet-master/checkpoint/fo=000/model/best.pth'
pth_file = '/media/D_4TB/zhouhongjie/1.few-shot segmentation/3.CaNet/CaNet-master/checkpoint/fo=0/pred_img/'
model.load_state_dict(torch.load(pthfile, map_location='cpu'))
tempory_loss = 0  # accumulated loss
# model = model.train()
best_epoch=0if __name__ == '__main__':with torch.no_grad():print('-----------------------Evaluation---------------------------')model = model.eval()valset.history_mask_list = [None] * 1000best_iou = 0for eva_iter in range(options.iter_time):all_inter, all_union, all_predict = [0] * 5, [0] * 5, [0] * 5  # [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]for i_iter, batch in enumerate(valloader):query_rgb, query_mask, support_rgb, support_mask, history_mask, sample_class, index, query_name, query_img = batchquery_rgb = (query_rgb).cuda(0)support_rgb = (support_rgb).cuda(0)support_mask = (support_mask).cuda(0)query_mask = (query_mask).cuda(0).long()  # change formation for crossentropy usequery_mask = query_mask[:, 0, :, :]  # remove the second dim,change formation for crossentropy usehistory_mask = (history_mask).cuda(0)pred = model(query_rgb, support_rgb, support_mask, history_mask)pred_softmax = F.softmax(pred, dim=1).data.cpu()# update history maskfor j in range(support_mask.shape[0]):sub_index = index[j]valset.history_mask_list[sub_index] = pred_softmax[j]# pred:[64, 2, 321, 321]pred = nn.functional.interpolate(pred, size=input_size, mode='bilinear',align_corners=True)  # upsample  # upsample_, pred_label = torch.max(pred, 1)for i in range(pred_label.shape[0]):# # output query pred_mask# # pred_label = np.array(pred_label)# # [321, 321]# pred_mask = pred_label[i]# img = pred_mask.cpu().numpy()# # cv2.imshow("result", img)# cv2.imwrite(pth_file + '/masks/' + '{}_pre.jpg'.format(query_name[i]), 255 * img)# cv2.waitKey(100)## # c h w# # output query img# img_rgb = query_img[i]# img_rgb = img_rgb.cpu().numpy().transpose((1, 2, 0))[:, :, ::-1]# # img_rgb = img_rgb.cpu().numpy().reshape([321, 321, 3])[:, :, ::-1]# # img_rgb = np.uint8(img_rgb)# cv2.imwrite(pth_file + '/images/' + '{}.jpg'.format(query_name[i]), img_rgb * 255)# cv2.waitKey(100)# output query_masktrue_mask = query_mask[i]true_mask = true_mask.cpu().numpy()cv2.imwrite(pth_file + '/trueMasks/' + '{}_true.jpg'.format(query_name[i]), 255 * true_mask)cv2.waitKey(100)# pred_label:[64, 321, 321]# query_mask:[64, 321, 321]inter_list, union_list, _, num_predict_list = get_iou_v1(query_mask, pred_label)for j in range(query_mask.shape[0]):  # batch size# fold 0 : 1-5 - 10# fold 1 : 6-10 - 6all_inter[sample_class[j] - (options.fold * 5 + 1)] += inter_list[j]all_union[sample_class[j] - (options.fold * 5 + 1)] += union_list[j]IOU = [0] * 5for j in range(5):IOU[j] = all_inter[j] / all_union[j]mean_iou = np.mean(IOU)print('IOU:%.4f' % (mean_iou))if mean_iou > best_iou:best_iou = mean_iouelse:break#     iou_list.append(best_iou)#     plot_iou(checkpoint_dir, iou_list)#     np.savetxt(os.path.join(checkpoint_dir, 'iou_history.txt'), np.array(iou_list))#     if best_iou > highest_iou:#         highest_iou = best_iou#         model = model.eval()#         torch.save(model.cpu().state_dict(), osp.join(checkpoint_dir, 'model', 'best' '.pth'))#         model = model.train()#         best_epoch = epoch#         print('A better model is saved')##     print('IOU for this epoch: %.4f' % (best_iou))##     model = model.train()#     model.cuda()## epoch_time = time.time() - begin_time# print('best epoch:%d ,iout:%.4f' % (best_epoch, highest_iou))# print('This epoch taks:', epoch_time, 'second')# print('still need hour:%.4f' % ((num_epoch - epoch) * epoch_time / 3600))# 1. margin show
def show_mask_in_img(imgfile, maskfile):img = cv2.imread(imgfile, 1)mask = cv2.imread(maskfile, 0)contours, _ = cv2.findContours(mask, cv2.RETR_TREE, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)cv2.drawContours(img, contours, -1, (0, 0, 255), 1)img = img[:, :, ::-1]img[..., 2] = np.where(mask == 1, 255, img[..., 2])plt.imshow(img, alpha=0.6)plt.show()# 2. cover show
def show_mask_in_img2(imgfile, maskfile, trueMaskfile, pred_img_save_name):image1 = Image.open(imgfile)image2 = Image.open(maskfile)image3 = Image.open(trueMaskfile)# img = Image.open(imgfile)  # 打开图片# mask = sio.loadmet(maskfile)  # 打开掩膜# array = np.array(img)# # array维度 [W, H, C] -> [C, W, H]# array = np.transpose(array, [2, 0, 1])# array = array * mask  # 点乘# # array维度 [C, W, H] -> [W, H, C]# array = np.transpose(array, [1, 2, 0])# img = Image.fromarray(array, mode='RGB')  # ????# img.show()image1 = image1.convert('RGBA')image2 = image2.convert('RGBA')   # RGBA save to jpg ERROR, but to png TRUEimage = Image.blend(image1, image2, 0.4)# image.show()image.save(pred_img_save_name)# image1 = plt.imread(imgfile)# image2 = plt.imread(maskfile)# image3 = plt.imread(trueMaskfile)## plt.figure()## plt.subplot(221)# plt.imshow(image1)## # plt.title("pred_mask")# plt.subplot(222)# plt.imshow(image2)## # plt.title("pred_mask_img")# plt.subplot(223)# plt.imshow(image1)# plt.imshow(image2, alpha=0.5)## # plt.title("true_mask_img")# plt.subplot(224)# plt.imshow(image1)# plt.imshow(image3, alpha=0.5)## plt.show()# 3. cover show 4 imgs
def show_mask_in_img2(imgfile, maskfile, trueMaskfile, pred_img_save_name):image1 = Image.open(imgfile)image2 = Image.open(maskfile)image3 = Image.open(trueMaskfile)# img = Image.open(imgfile)  # 打开图片# mask = sio.loadmet(maskfile)  # 打开掩膜# array = np.array(img)# # array维度 [W, H, C] -> [C, W, H]# array = np.transpose(array, [2, 0, 1])# array = array * mask  # 点乘# # array维度 [C, W, H] -> [W, H, C]# array = np.transpose(array, [1, 2, 0])# img = Image.fromarray(array, mode='RGB')# img.show()## image1 = image1.convert('RGBA')# image2 = image2.convert('RGBA')  # RGBA save to jpg ERROR, but to png TRUE# image = Image.blend(image1, image2, 0.4)# # image.show()# image.save(pred_img_save_name)# image1 = plt.imread(imgfile)# image2 = plt.imread(maskfile)# image3 = plt.imread(trueMaskfile)plt.figure()plt.subplot(221)plt.imshow(image1)# plt.title("pred_mask")plt.subplot(222)plt.imshow(image2)# plt.title("pred_mask_img")plt.subplot(223)plt.imshow(image1)plt.imshow(image2, alpha=0.5)# plt.title("true_mask_img")plt.subplot(224)plt.imshow(image1)plt.imshow(image3, alpha=0.5)# plt.show()plt.savefig(pred_img_save_name)


import os
import cv2
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# import testimport matplotlib.image as mpimg
from PIL import Image
from test import show_mask_in_img, show_mask_in_img2path_file = '/media/D_4TB/zhouhongjie/1.few-shot segmentation/3.CaNet/CaNet-master/checkpoint/fo=0/pred_img/'
img_path = os.path.join(path_file, 'images')
mask_path = os.path.join(path_file, 'masks')
show_path = os.path.join(path_file, 'show')
trueMask_path = os.path.join(path_file, 'trueMasks')
pred_img_save_path = os.path.join(path_file, 'pred_img')if __name__ == '__main__':for i in os.listdir(img_path):img_name = os.path.join(img_path, i)   # all pathimg_number = i.split('.')[0]mask_name = os.path.join(mask_path, img_number + '_pre.jpg')trueMask_name = os.path.join(trueMask_path, img_number + '_true.jpg')pred_img_save_name = os.path.join(pred_img_save_path, img_number + '_prePIL.png')# show_mask_in_img(img_name, mask_name)show_mask_in_img2(img_name, mask_name, trueMask_name, pred_img_save_name)# image = mpimg.imread(img_name)# image = np.require(image, dtype='f4', requirements=['O', 'W'])# image.flags.writeable = True# Image.fromarray(np.uint8(image))# mask = mpimg.imread(mask_name)# image = image[:, :, ::-1]# image[:, :, :][mask[:, :] > 0] = 255## show_name = os.path.join(show_path, img_number + '.png')# cv2.imwrite(show_name, image)


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