Ext.extend() 体现了程序员非凡的制造轮子的能力。它基于 javascript 古老的对象模型,最大程度地模拟出现代面向对象语言的类型继承的语意。但是在程序界有太多的“与XXX很像”,但是实际上又有很多差别。要想最彻底、最精确地理解 Ext.extend(),最直接(往往也是最有效)的方法就是去读它的源代码。为了达到更好的可读性,我更改了部分变量名称,加上了详细的注释。

  1 /**
  2          * <p>Extends one class to create a subclass and optionally overrides members with the passed literal. This method
  3          * also adds the function "override()" to the subclass that can be used to override members of the class.</p>
  4          * For example, to create a subclass of Ext GridPanel:
  5          * <pre><code>
  6 MyGridPanel = Ext.extend(Ext.grid.GridPanel, {
  7     constructor: function(config) {
  9 //      Create configuration for this Grid.
 10         var store = new Ext.data.Store({...});
 11         var colModel = new Ext.grid.ColumnModel({...});
 13 //      Create a new config object containing our computed properties
 14 //      *plus* whatever was in the config parameter.
 15         config = Ext.apply({
 16             store: store,
 17             colModel: colModel
 18         }, config);
 20         MyGridPanel.superclass.constructor.call(this, config);
 22 //      Your postprocessing here
 23     },
 25     yourMethod: function() {
 26         // etc.
 27     }
 28 });
 29 </code></pre>
 30  *
 31  * <p>This function also supports a 3-argument call in which the subclass's constructor is
 32  * passed as an argument. In this form, the parameters are as follows:</p>
 33  * <div class="mdetail-params"><ul>
 34  * <li><code>subclass</code> : Function <div class="sub-desc">The subclass constructor.</div></li>
 35  * <li><code>superclass</code> : Function <div class="sub-desc">The constructor of class being extended</div></li>
 36  * <li><code>overrides</code> : Object <div class="sub-desc">A literal with members which are copied into the subclass's
 37  * prototype, and are therefore shared among all instances of the new class.</div></li>
 38  * </ul></div>
 39  *
 40  * @param {Function} superclass The constructor of class being extended.
 41  * @param {Object} overrides <p>A literal with members which are copied into the subclass's
 42  * prototype, and are therefore shared between all instances of the new class.</p>
 43  * <p>This may contain a special member named <tt><b>constructor</b></tt>. This is used
 44  * to define the constructor of the new class, and is returned. If this property is
 45  * <i>not</i> specified, a constructor is generated and returned which just calls the
 46  * superclass's constructor passing on its parameters.</p>
 47  * <p><b>It is essential that you call the superclass constructor in any provided constructor. See example code.</b></p>
 48  * @return {Function} The subclass constructor from the <code>overrides</code> parameter, or a generated one if not provided.
 49  */
 50 Ext.extend = function(){
 51     // inline overrides
 52     var io = function(o){
 53         for(var m in o){
 54             this[m] = o[m];
 55         }
 56     };
 57     var oc = Object.prototype.constructor; // 如果一个对象的 constructor == oc,说明它是使用类似 { age:22 } 这种语法创建的字面量对象,
 58                                            // 而且没有对constructor属性赋值
 60     return function(subClass, superClass, overrides){
 61         if(typeof superClass == 'object'){
 62             // 如果 superClass 是对象而不是构造函数,就说明是使用的是
 63             // var Cat = Ext.extend(Animal, { 64             //     say : function() { 65             //         document.writeln("I'm a cat name " + this.name);
 66             //     }
 67             // });
 68             // 这种方式调用的。也就是说返回值是subClass, subClass 参数其实是 superClass,superClass参数其实是overrides,overrides参数应该被忽略
 69             overrides = superClass; // 忽略 overrides 参数
 70             superClass = subClass; // subClass 参数其实是 superClass
 71             // subClass 参数将作为将来的返回值。
 72             // 如果 overrides 对象没有自定义构造函数,为其定义一个,并且里面调用父类构造函数;
 73             // 如果 overrides 对象含有自定义构造函数,把overrides的构造函数赋给子类
 74             subClass = overrides.constructor != oc ? overrides.constructor : function(){
 75                     superClass.apply(this, arguments); // 调用父类构造函数(前提是子类构造函数的参数可以比父类少,但是顺序要一致)
 76                 };
 77         }
 79         // 原型式继承。之所以创建一个临时构造函数F,而不是令 subClass.prototype = new SuperClass,
 80         // 是为了更改子类的prototype的时候不会影响到父类的prototype
 81         var F = function(){},
 82             subPrototype, // 子类构造函数的 Prototype
 83             superPrototype = superClass.prototype; // 父类构造函数的 Prototype
 85         F.prototype = superPrototype;
 86         subPrototype = subClass.prototype = new F();
 87         subPrototype.constructor=subClass;
 88         // 只所以没写成 subClass.superclass=superClass,是为了在overrides对象的constructor方法里
 89         // 可以使用诸如 “MyGridPanel.superclass.constructor.call(this, config)”这种(读起来比较
 90         // 自然的)写法调用父类构造函数。
 91         subClass.superclass=superPrototype;
 92         // 如果 superclass.prototype 是字面量对象,确保 superclass.prototype。constructor 指向 superClass
 93         if(superPrototype.constructor == oc){
 94             superPrototype.constructor=superClass;
 95         }
 96         // 为子类增加一个override()方法。调用 subClass.override(o) 等价于调用 Ext.override(subClass, o)
 97         subClass.override = function(o){
 98             Ext.override(subClass, o);
 99         };
100         // 增加一个名为 superclass() 的实例方法,这样在overrides对象的constructor方法里
101         // 就可以使用诸如 “this.superclass().constructor.call(this, config)”来调用父类
102         // 构造函数,而且没有依赖子类构造函数的名称。
103         subPrototype.superclass = subPrototype.supr = (function(){
104             return superPrototype;
105         });
106         // 为子类增加一个实例方法: override()
107         subPrototype.override = io;
108         // 将 overrides 对象里的方法复写到 subClass.prototype 中
109         Ext.override(subClass, overrides);
110         // 为子类增加一个extend()方法。调用 subClass.extend(o); 等价于调用 Ext.extend(subClass, o);
111         subClass.extend = function(o){return Ext.extend(subClass, o);};
112         return subClass;
113     };
114 }();

下面这张对象图则是执行了 var SubClass = Ext.extend(SuperClass, { someprop : 'some' }) 之后的效果。

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