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Section I Abbreviations
Directions: Listen to a short talk about the abbreviations used on the Internet. What do these abbreviations mean? Write down the full meaning. (30 points)

  1. AISI _____________________________
  2. IMHO in my humble _________________
  3. FWIW for what it is __________________
  4. CMIIW correct me ____________________
  5. AAMOF _____________________________
  6. BION _____________________________
  7. FYI for your ______________________
  8. MYOB mind your ____________________
  9. SOP ____________ operating procedure
  10. TAFN that’s all _____________________

Section II Dialogues
Directions: Listen to the dialogues and choose the best answers for each of the following statements. Each dialogue will be read once. (30 points)

Dialogue 1
11. They’re going to stay in for _____.
A. one day B. three days C. one week D. two weeks
12. They will stay with _____ at the .
A. their relatives B. their mother C. their children D. their friends
13. How will his son spend the holidays? He will _____ in .
A. go fishing B. go swimming C. go dancing D. go sailing

Dialogue 2
14. How many beds are there in the ward? _____.
A. Four B. Six C. Seven D. Eight
15. The visiting hours are from _____ to _____ in the afternoon.
A. 2:00… 3:00 B. 2:30… 3: C. 2:30… 4:30 D. 3:00… 4:30
16. In the evening the visiting hours are from _____ to _____.
A. 6:30… 8:30 B. 6:30… 9: C. 7:00… 9:00 D. 7:00… 9:30

Dialogue 3
17. A chocoholic is a person who likes _____.
A. to eat biscuits B. to eat chocolates
C. to drink alcohol D. to drink Coca-Cola
18. People may get used to chocolate because chocolate contains chemicals that are very _____.
A. addictive B. adaptive C. adoptive D. attractive
19. Last year people in spent _____ on chocolate.
A. £2.3 million B. £2.3 billion C. £23 million D. £23 billion

Dialogue 4
20. Where are they? _____.
A. At home B. At the railway station
C. At the airport D. At a bus station
21. Who are they waiting for? _____.
A. George B. Alejandro C. Mr. Hopkins D. Mrs. Hopkins
22. When was the young man due to arrive? _____.
A. An hour ago B. Half an hour ago
C. An hour and a half ago D. Just a few minutes ago

Dialogue 5
23. In fact, most Africans speak at least _____ languages.
A. two B. three C. four D. five
24. About _____ of schoolchildren speak two languages.
A. 2% B. 10% C. 12% D. 20%
25. We found about _____ different languages spoken by schoolchildren.
A. 115 B. C. 150 D. 170

Section III Passages
Directions: Listen to the passages and choose the best answers for each of the following statements. Each dialogue will be read once. (40 points)

Passage 1
26. Which of the following subjects is not mentioned in the MBA program? _____.
A. Economics B. The structure of organization
C. Policy D. Mathematics
27. Which of the following is Not True? _____.
A. Many programs permit students to take classes while they work
B. Foreign students who want to study for an MBA must take the TOEFL test
C. Over 90 percent students can get financial aid for MBA studies after the first year
D. Studying for an MBA is costly
28. There are _____ foreign students studying for an MBA degree at the Darden School of Business.
A. 120 B. C. 1,020 D. 200

Passage 2
29. Falling water is the name of _____.
A. a river B. a waterfall C. a house D. a town
30. The Kaufman family owned the house for _____.
A. 20 years B. 25 years C. 26 years D. 30 years
31. It cost _____ to build the house.
A. $15,000 B. $ C. $500,000 D. $1,500,000

Passage 3
32. The California Gold Rush was _____.
A. in 1840 B. in C. in 1860 D. in 1894
33. The first transcontinental railroad was built in a _____ part of the country.
A. prosperous B. central C. quiet D. remote
34. Chinese Americans retain many aspects of their ancient culture, even after having lived in the for several generations. Which of the following is not mentioned in the passage? _____.
A. Their family ties
B. A feeling of responsibility to the family
C. The respect for their elders
D. Their frugality

Passage 4
35. There are _____ people in the world who have diabetes.
A. 120,000 B. C. 120,000,000 D. 20,000,000




Section I Abbreviations (30 points)

  1. _____________________________ 2. in my humble _________________
  2. for what it is __________________ 4. correct me ____________________
  3. _____________________________ 6. _____________________________
  4. for your ______________________ 8. mind your ____________________
  5. ____________ operating procedure 10. that’s all _____________________

Section II Dialogues (30 points)
11. _____ 12. _____ 13. _____ 14. _____ 15. _____
16. _____ 17. _____ 18. _____ 19. _____ 20. _____
21. _____ 22. _____ 23. _____ 24. _____ 25. _____

Section III Passages (40 points)
26. ____ 27. ____ 28. ____ 29. ____ 30. ____
31. ____ 32. ____ 33. ____ 34. ____ 35. ____

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