
I'm just trying to deploy my application and I just ran composer update on my server and I got the following error:

In PackageManifest.php line 122:

Undefined index: name

How can I fix this issue?


i had the same problem.

In my case downgrading the composer version fixed the problem.

They updated Composer 4 times within 2 days - i think they had a problem with their newest updates.

In my case version 1.10.1 was the version to go with.

I hope it'll work.


Try this, it is worked for me, in following file:


Find this line and comment it

$packages = json_decode($this->files->get($path), true);

Add two new lines after above commented line

$installed = json_decode($this->files->get($path), true);

$packages = $installed['packages'] ?? $installed;


I found this issue on the composer git-hub server that helped a lot:


I updated my Laravel framework from 5.8 to 5.8.38, following the table displayed in that issue and the error disappeared.

This blog also helps: https://blog.laravel.com/upgrading-to-composer-v2

If you can't upgrade Laravel, you can just stay with Composer 1 by running composer self-update --1


I had a problem like this, and also tried composer self-update --stable, but there was no result. So, I found that this file belongs to the Laravel framework. So the following command resolved this issue:

$ composer update laravel/framework


Running the following command fixed it for us

composer self-update --stable


In my case downgrading the composer version fixed the problem.

sudo composer self-update --1


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