In Fiori My Opportunities application, as mentioned by my previous mail, only those which fulfill the following three selection parameters will be displayed in the master list in Fiori.

For example, if I change the status of Opportunity “testJerry2” from “open” to “lost”:

However, it is still displayed in WebUI:

And in your MyAccount Fiori:

And in your Fiori Application, when you select “Opportunity”, there are two requests sent to backend:


Response: 8 – this count is used in #2 to get opportunity detail data:


GET AccountCollection(‘JERRYACOUN’)/Opportunities?KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '&' at position 7: skip=0&̲top=8&orderby=closingDateorderby=closingDate%20desc&orderby=closingDateexpand=MainContact%2cMainContact%2fPhoto&sap-client=001&sap-client=001 HTTP/1.1

So if you would like to know why “We are never able to pull out any opportunities.” In customer system, you can debug the implementation of #1 to know why. ( Odata: CRM_BUPA_ODATA )


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