
作业排序 (Job sequencing)

Job sequencing is the set of jobs, associated with the job i where deadline di >= 0 and profit pi > 0. For any job i the profit is earned if and only if the job is completed by its deadline. To complete a job, one has to process the job on a machine for one unit of time. Only one machine is available for processing the jobs.

作业排序是与作业i相关联的一组作业,其中期限di> = 0且利润pi> 0 。 对于任何工作, 我当且仅当作业被其限期完成利润赚。 为了完成一项工作,必须在一台机器上在一个单位时间内处理该工作。 仅一台机器可用于处理作业。

Steps for performing job sequencing with deadline using greedy approach is as follows:


  1. Sort all the jobs based on the profit in an increasing order.


  2. Let α be the maximum deadline that will define the size of array.


  3. Create a solution array S with d slots.


  4. Initialize the content of array S with zero.


  5. Check for all jobs.


    1. If scheduling is possible a lot ith slot of array s to job i.
    2. 如果调度是可能很多我阵列的时隙s到工作我 。
    3. Otherwise look for location (i-1), (i-2)...1.
    4. 否则寻找位置(i-1),(i-2)... 1 。
    5. Schedule the job if possible else reject.
  6. Return array S as the answer.


  7. End.


作业排序算法 (Algorithm for job sequencing)

Input: A is the array of jobs with deadline and profit S array will be the output.

输入: A是具有截止日期的职位数组,而利润S数组将是输出。

    1. Begin
2. Sort all the jobs based on profit Pi so
3. P1 > P2 > P3 …………………………….>=Pn
4. d = maximum deadline of job in A
5. Create array S[1,…………………,d]
6. For i=1 to n do
7. Find the largest job x
8. For j=i to 1
9. If ((S[j] = 0) and (x deadline<= d))
10. Then
11. S[x] = i;
12. Break;
13. End if
14. End for
15. End for
16. End

时间复杂度 (Time complexity)

Job sequencing problems has the time complexity of O(n2).




Given a set of 9 jobs where each job has a deadline and profit associated to it .Each job takes 1 unit of time to complete and only one job can be scheduled at a time. We earn the profit if and only if the job is completed by its deadline. The task is to find the maximum profit and the number of jobs done.

给定一组9个工作,每个工作都有一个截止日期和与之相关的利润。每个工作需要1个时间单位才能完成,并且一次只能安排一个工作。 当且仅当工作在截止日期之前完成时,我们才能赚取利润。 任务是找到最大的利润和完成的工作数量。

    Jobs     Profit   Deadline
J1          85          5
J2          25          4
J3          16          3
J4          40          3
J5          55          4
J6          19          5
J7          92          2
J8          80          3
J9          15          7
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Step 1:


Step 2:


Step 3:


Step 4:


Step 5:


Step 6:


So, the maximum profit = 40 + 92 + 80 + 55 + 85 + 15 = 367

因此,最大利润= 40 + 92 + 80 + 55 + 85 + 15 = 367

翻译自: https://www.includehelp.com/operating-systems/job-sequencing.aspx



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