2019 css 框架

by Sacha Greif

由Sacha Greif

宣布#StateOfCSS 2019调查 (Announcing the #StateOfCSS 2019 Survey)

了解JavaScript状况之后,帮助我们确定最新CSS趋势 (After the State of JavaScript, help us identify the latest CSS trends)

I’ve been using CSS for 10+ years, so I know it pretty well by now. I can handle flexbox, I’ve mastered SASS, and I even know the difference between ems and rems.

我已经使用CSS十多年了,所以到目前为止我已经非常了解它了。 我可以处理flexbox,已经掌握了SASS,甚至知道ems和rems之间的区别。

But wait, now there’s Grid, too? And position: sticky? And what’s this I hear about this CSS-in-JS thing?? Turns out, maybe I don’t know CSS that well after all…

但是,等等,现在还有网格吗? 位置:发粘吗? 我听到关于CSS-in-JS的信息是什么? 原来,也许我毕竟不太了解CSS…

If you’re feeling the same, first let me just say that this is entirely normal. CSS has been evolving at record speed lately, and even the most dedicated developer can fall behind if they’re not careful.

如果您有相同的感觉,首先让我说这完全正常。 CSS近来一直以创纪录的速度发展,即使最专注的开发人员如果不注意,也会落在后面。

Second, I have some good news for you: this is exactly why we’re launching our first ever State of CSS survey.


Take️️ 立即参加调查! (➡️ ️Take the survey now!)

从JavaScript到CSS (From JavaScript to CSS)

You may have heard of the State of JavaScript survey, which we’ve been running every year since 2016. We’ve had over 20,000 developers take the survey this year, and it’s proven to be an extremely valuable source of data and insights about the JavaScript ecosystem’s latest trends.

您可能已经听说过JavaScript状态调查 ,该调查自2016年以来每年都在运行。今年我们有20,000多名开发人员参加了该调查,事实证明,它是极有价值的数据和见解的来源。 JavaScript生态系统的最新趋势。

So it only seemed natural to take a look at the other half of the web puzzle next.


Since CSS and JS are completely different beasts, we’ve rethought our methodology from the ground up. For example we’ve introduced a new question type that asks not about libraries or frameworks, but about features of the language itself:

由于CSS和JS是完全不同的野兽,因此我们从头开始重新思考我们的方法。 例如,我们引入了一种新的问题类型,该问题类型不询问库或框架,而是询问语言本身的功能:

大鸿沟 (The Great Divide)

This is especially interesting since it comes at a time where many are talking about a “Great Divide” between the “front” of the front-end (HTML, CSS) and the “back” of the front-end (JavaScript and its many frameworks and libraries).

这是特别有趣的,因为它是在许多人谈论前端(HTML,CSS)的“前端”与前端(JavaScript和它的许多后端)之间的“ 巨大鸿沟 ”之时而来的。框架和库)。

Now while there are plenty of people who are happily bridging that divide and taking on both sides of the front-end, there’s also nothing wrong with specializing and focusing on one domain over the other.


But either way, the survey will be a great chance to take a snapshot of the community as it currently exists, and see how this evolves over the next couple years.


谢谢和下一步 (Thanks & Next Steps)

Huge thanks to Florian, Jen Simmons, Lochlan Bunn, David Luhr, and everybody else who gave me feedback and helped me fix a few vexing CSS bugs (ironic, I know…)!

非常感谢Florian , Jen Simmons , Lochlan Bunn , David Luhr以及其他给我反馈并帮助我修复了一些令人烦恼CSS bug的人(讽刺的是,我知道……)!

We’ll keep the survey open until mid-march, and then take a month or so to process the results. So hopefully we’ll have something to show by late April. If you’d like to know when the results are published, don’t hesitate to sign up for our newsletter.

我们会将调查开放至3月中旬,然后需要一个月左右的时间来处理结果。 因此,希望我们能在4月下旬之前展示一些东西。 如果您想知道结果何时发布,请随时注册我们的新闻通讯 。

All that being said, all that’s left is for you to take the survey, and let us know what the State of CSS looks like in 2019. We’re excited to find out!

话虽如此,剩下的就是让您进行调查 ,让我们知道CSS的2019年状况如何。我们很高兴找到答案!

Sacha & Raphael


翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/announcing-the-state-of-css-2019-survey-e1e4268df64d/

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