
第一步,准备要引入的包 echarts 执行命令就完活

npm install echarts --save


const provienceData = [{ name: '黑龙江', area: '东北大区', type: 'areaCenterCity', InValue: Math.round(Math.random()*1000) },{ name: '吉林', area: '东北大区', type: 'areaCenterCity', InValue: Math.round(Math.random()*1000) },{ name: '辽宁', area: '东北大区', type: 'areaCenterCity', InValue: Math.round(Math.random()*1000) },{ name: '内蒙古', area: '其他', type: 'areaCenterCity', InValue: Math.round(Math.random()*1000) },{ name: '北京', area: '华北大区', type: 'areaCenterCity', InValue: Math.round(Math.random()*1000) },{ name: '天津', area: '华北大区', type: 'areaCenterCity', InValue: Math.round(Math.random()*1000) },{ name: '河北', area: '华北大区', type: 'areaCenterCity', InValue: Math.round(Math.random()*1000) },{ name: '山东', area: '华北大区', type: 'areaCenterCity', InValue: Math.round(Math.random()*1000) },{ name: '山西', area: '华北大区', type: 'areaCenterCity', InValue: Math.round(Math.random()*1000) },{ name: '江苏', area: '华东大区', type: 'areaCenterCity', InValue: Math.round(Math.random()*1000) },{ name: '上海', area: '华东大区', type: 'areaCenterCity', InValue: Math.round(Math.random()*1000) },{ name: '浙江', area: '华东大区', type: 'areaCenterCity', InValue: Math.round(Math.random()*1000)  },{ name: '福建', area: '华南大区', type: 'areaCenterCity', InValue: Math.round(Math.random()*1000)  },{ name: '广东', area: '华南大区', type: 'areaCenterCity', InValue: Math.round(Math.random()*1000) },{ name: '海南', area: '华南大区', type: 'areaCenterCity', InValue: Math.round(Math.random()*1000)  },{ name: '台湾', area: '其他', type: 'areaCenterCity', InValue: Math.round(Math.random()*1000)  },{ name: '香港', area: '其他', type: 'areaCenterCity', InValue: Math.round(Math.random()*1000) },{ name: '澳门', area: '其他', type: 'areaCenterCity', InValue: Math.round(Math.random()*1000)  },{ name: '河南', area: '华北大区', type: 'areaCenterCity', InValue: Math.round(Math.random()*1000)  },{ name: '安徽', area: '华中大区', type: 'areaCenterCity', InValue: Math.round(Math.random()*1000)  },{ name: '江西', area: '华中大区', type: 'areaCenterCity', InValue: Math.round(Math.random()*1000)  },{ name: '广东', area: '华南大区', type: 'areaCenterCity', InValue: Math.round(Math.random()*1000) },{ name: '陕西', area: '华西大区', type: 'areaCenterCity', InValue: Math.round(Math.random()*1000)  },{ name: '湖北', area: '华中大区', type: 'areaCenterCity', InValue: Math.round(Math.random()*1000)  },{ name: '湖南', area: '华中大区', type: 'areaCenterCity', InValue: Math.round(Math.random()*1000)  },{ name: '广西', area: '华南大区', type: 'areaCenterCity', InValue: Math.round(Math.random()*1000)  },{ name: '宁夏', area: '华西大区', type: 'areaCenterCity', InValue: Math.round(Math.random()*1000)  },{ name: '重庆', area: '华西大区', type: 'areaCenterCity', InValue: Math.round(Math.random()*1000)  },{ name: '贵州', area: '华西大区', type: 'areaCenterCity', InValue: Math.round(Math.random()*1000)  },{ name: '四川', area: '华西大区', type: 'areaCenterCity', InValue: Math.round(Math.random()*1000) },{ name: '云南', area: '华西大区', type: 'areaCenterCity', InValue: Math.round(Math.random()*1000) },{ name: '甘肃', area: '华西大区', type: 'areaCenterCity', InValue: Math.round(Math.random()*1000)  },{ name: '青海', area: '其他', type: 'areaCenterCity', InValue: Math.round(Math.random()*1000)  },{ name: '西藏', area: '其他', type: 'areaCenterCity', InValue: Math.round(Math.random()*1000)  },{ name: '新疆', area: '其他', type: 'areaCenterCity', InValue: Math.round(Math.random()*1000)  }
];const geoCoordMap = {黑龙江: [126.6433411, 45.74149323],吉林: [125.3154297, 43.89256287],辽宁: [123.4116821, 41.7966156],内蒙古: [111.6632996, 40.82094193],北京: [116.3809433, 39.9236145],天津: [117.2034988, 39.13111877],河北: [114.4897766, 38.04512787],山东: [117.0056, 36.6670723],山西: [112.5693512, 37.87111282],江苏: [118.7727814, 32.04761505],上海: [121.4692688, 31.23817635],浙江: [120.1592484, 30.26599503],福建: [119.2978134, 26.07859039],广东: [113.2614288, 23.11891174],海南: [110.3465118, 19.03179359],台湾: [120.960515, 23.69781],香港: [114.109497, 22.396428],澳门: [110.5440083, 21.20167546],河南: [113.6500473, 34.7570343],安徽: [117.2757034, 31.86325455],江西: [115.8999176, 28.67599106],陕西: [108.949028, 34.26168442],湖北: [114.2919388, 30.56751442],湖南: [112.9812698, 28.20082474],广西: [108.3117676, 22.80654335],宁夏: [106.2719421, 38.46800995],重庆: [106.5103378, 29.55817604],贵州: [106.7113724, 26.57687378],四川: [104.0817566, 30.66105652],云南: [102.704567, 25.04384422],甘肃: [95.832762, 40.067241],青海: [95.786324, 36.629144],西藏: [91.11445308, 29.64411352],新疆: [89.1895474, 42.95130195],五指山市: [110.72, 19.61],文昌市: [110.72, 19.61],琼海市: [110.46, 19.25],万宁市: [110.39, 18.8],东方市: [108.64, 19.09],定安县: [110.31, 19.68],临高县: [109.69, 19.91],澄迈县: [110, 19.75],白沙黎族自治县: [109.44, 19.23],江黎族自治县: [102.188043, 38.520089],乐东黎族自治县: [109.17, 18.73],保亭黎族苗族自治县: [109.7, 18.64],中苗族黎族自治县: [119.46, 35.42],海门: [121.15, 31.89],鄂尔多斯: [109.781327, 39.608266],招远: [120.38, 37.35],舟山: [122.207216, 29.985295],齐齐哈尔: [123.97, 47.33],盐城: [120.13, 33.38],赤峰: [118.87, 42.28],青岛: [120.33, 36.07],乳山: [121.52, 36.89],金昌: [102.188043, 38.520089],泉州: [118.58, 24.93],莱西: [120.53, 36.86],日照: [119.46, 35.42],胶南: [119.97, 35.88],南通: [121.05, 32.08],拉萨: [91.11, 29.97],云浮: [112.02, 22.93],梅州: [116.1, 24.55],文登: [122.05, 37.2],攀枝花: [101.718637, 26.582347],威海: [122.1, 37.5],承德: [117.93, 40.97],厦门: [118.1, 24.46],汕尾: [115.375279, 22.786211],潮州: [116.63, 23.68],丹东: [124.37, 40.13],太仓: [121.1, 31.45],曲靖: [103.79, 25.51],烟台: [121.39, 37.52],福州: [119.3, 26.08],瓦房店: [121.979603, 39.627114],即墨: [120.45, 36.38],抚顺: [123.97, 41.97],玉溪: [102.52, 24.35],张家口: [114.87, 40.82],阳泉: [113.57, 37.85],莱州: [119.942327, 37.177017],湖州: [120.1, 30.86],汕头: [116.69, 23.39],昆山: [120.95, 31.39],宁波: [121.56, 29.86],湛江: [110.359377, 21.270708],揭阳: [116.35, 23.55],荣成: [122.41, 37.16],连云港: [119.16, 34.59],葫芦岛: [120.836932, 40.711052],常熟: [120.74, 31.64],东莞: [113.75, 23.04],河源: [114.68, 23.73],淮安: [119.15, 33.5],泰州: [119.9, 32.49],南宁: [108.33, 22.84],营口: [122.18, 40.65],惠州: [114.4, 23.09],江阴: [120.26, 31.91],蓬莱: [120.75, 37.8],韶关: [113.62, 24.84],嘉峪关: [98.289152, 39.77313],广州: [113.23, 23.16],延安: [109.47, 36.6],太原: [112.53, 37.87],清远: [113.01, 23.7],中山: [113.38, 22.52],昆明: [102.73, 25.04],寿光: [118.73, 36.86],盘锦: [122.070714, 41.119997],长治: [113.08, 36.18],深圳: [114.07, 22.62],珠海: [113.52, 22.3],宿迁: [118.3, 33.96],咸阳: [108.72, 34.36],铜川: [109.11, 35.09],平度: [119.97, 36.77],佛山: [113.11, 23.05],海口: [110.35, 20.02],江门: [113.06, 22.61],章丘: [117.53, 36.72],肇庆: [112.44, 23.05],大连: [121.62, 38.92],临汾: [111.5, 36.08],吴江: [120.63, 31.16],石嘴山: [106.39, 39.04],沈阳: [123.38, 41.8],苏州: [120.62, 31.32],茂名: [110.88, 21.68],嘉兴: [120.76, 30.77],长春: [125.35, 43.88],胶州: [120.03336, 36.264622],银川: [106.27, 38.47],张家港: [120.555821, 31.875428],三门峡: [111.19, 34.76],锦州: [121.15, 41.13],南昌: [115.89, 28.68],柳州: [109.4, 24.33],三亚: [109.511909, 18.252847],自贡: [104.778442, 29.33903],阳江: [111.95, 21.85],泸州: [105.39, 28.91],西宁: [101.74, 36.56],宜宾: [104.56, 29.77],呼和浩特: [111.65, 40.82],成都: [104.06, 30.67],大同: [113.3, 40.12],镇江: [119.44, 32.2],桂林: [110.28, 25.29],张家界: [110.479191, 29.117096],宜兴: [119.82, 31.36],北海: [109.12, 21.49],西安: [108.95, 34.27],金坛: [119.56, 31.74],东营: [118.49, 37.46],牡丹江: [129.58, 44.6],遵义: [106.9, 27.7],绍兴: [120.58, 30.01],扬州: [119.42, 32.39],常州: [119.95, 31.79],潍坊: [119.1, 36.62],台州: [121.420757, 28.656386],南京: [118.78, 32.04],滨州: [118.03, 37.36],贵阳: [106.71, 26.57],无锡: [120.29, 31.59],本溪: [123.73, 41.3],克拉玛依: [84.77, 45.59],渭南: [109.5, 34.52],马鞍山: [118.48, 31.56],宝鸡: [107.15, 34.38],焦作: [113.21, 35.24],句容: [119.16, 31.95],徐州: [117.2, 34.26],衡水: [115.72, 37.72],包头: [110, 40.58],绵阳: [104.73, 31.48],乌鲁木齐: [87.68, 43.77],枣庄: [117.57, 34.86],杭州: [120.19, 30.26],淄博: [118.05, 36.78],鞍山: [122.85, 41.12],溧阳: [119.48, 31.43],库尔勒: [86.06, 41.68],安阳: [114.35, 36.1],开封: [114.35, 34.79],济南: [117, 36.65],德阳: [104.37, 31.13],温州: [120.65, 28.01],九江: [115.97, 29.71],邯郸: [114.47, 36.6],临安: [119.72, 30.23],兰州: [103.73, 36.03],沧州: [116.83, 38.33],临沂: [118.35, 35.05],南充: [106.110698, 30.837793],富阳: [119.95, 30.07],泰安: [117.13, 36.18],诸暨: [120.23, 29.71],郑州: [113.65, 34.76],哈尔滨: [126.63, 45.75],聊城: [115.97, 36.45],芜湖: [118.38, 31.33],唐山: [118.02, 39.63],平顶山: [113.29, 33.75],邢台: [114.48, 37.05],德州: [116.29, 37.45],济宁: [116.59, 35.38],荆州: [112.239741, 30.335165],宜昌: [111.3, 30.7],义乌: [120.06, 29.32],丽水: [119.92, 28.45],洛阳: [112.44, 34.7],秦皇岛: [119.57, 39.95],株洲: [113.16, 27.83],石家庄: [114.48, 38.03],莱芜: [117.67, 36.19],常德: [111.69, 29.05],保定: [115.48, 38.85],湘潭: [112.91, 27.87],金华: [119.64, 29.12],岳阳: [113.09, 29.37],长沙: [113, 28.21],衢州: [118.88, 28.97],廊坊: [116.7, 39.53],菏泽: [115.480656, 35.23375],合肥: [117.27, 31.86],武汉: [114.31, 30.52],大庆: [125.03, 46.58] };export { provienceData, geoCoordMap }


/*eslint eqeqeq: ["off", "smart"]*/
import React, {Component} from 'react';
import {  Row,Col,// Tabs,// BackTop,// Input, Radio,// Progress,Card, Empty
} from 'antd';import echarts from 'echarts';
import 'echarts/map/js/china';
import geoJson from 'echarts/map/json/china.json';
import {geoCoordMap,provienceData} from "./geo";
// const {confirm} = Modal;
// const {Option} = Select;
// const {TreeNode} = Tree;
// const { TabPane } = Tabs;
// const { Search } = Input;
class Doublemonitoring extends Component {state = {value: 1,tabVal:"2020",};componentDidMount() {this.initalECharts()}//地图initalECharts() {// var max = 480,//     min = 9; // todo// var maxSize4Pin = 100,//     minSize4Pin = 20;const data = [{ name: '黑龙江', area: '东北大区', type: 'areaCenterCity', InValue: Math.round(Math.random()*1000) },{ name: '吉林', area: '东北大区', type: 'areaCenterCity', InValue: Math.round(Math.random()*1000) },{ name: '辽宁', area: '东北大区', type: 'areaCenterCity', InValue: Math.round(Math.random()*1000) },{ name: '内蒙古', area: '其他', type: 'areaCenterCity', InValue: Math.round(Math.random()*1000) },{ name: '北京', area: '华北大区', type: 'areaCenterCity', InValue: Math.round(Math.random()*1000) },{ name: '天津', area: '华北大区', type: 'areaCenterCity', InValue: Math.round(Math.random()*1000) },{ name: '河北', area: '华北大区', type: 'areaCenterCity', InValue: Math.round(Math.random()*1000) },{ name: '山东', area: '华北大区', type: 'areaCenterCity', InValue: Math.round(Math.random()*1000) },{ name: '山西', area: '华北大区', type: 'areaCenterCity', InValue: Math.round(Math.random()*1000) },{ name: '江苏', area: '华东大区', type: 'areaCenterCity', InValue: Math.round(Math.random()*1000) },{ name: '上海', area: '华东大区', type: 'areaCenterCity', InValue: Math.round(Math.random()*1000) },{ name: '浙江', area: '华东大区', type: 'areaCenterCity', InValue: Math.round(Math.random()*1000)  },{ name: '福建', area: '华南大区', type: 'areaCenterCity', InValue: Math.round(Math.random()*1000)  },{ name: '广东', area: '华南大区', type: 'areaCenterCity', InValue: Math.round(Math.random()*1000) },{ name: '海南', area: '华南大区', type: 'areaCenterCity', InValue: Math.round(Math.random()*1000)  },{ name: '台湾', area: '其他', type: 'areaCenterCity', InValue: Math.round(Math.random()*1000)  },{ name: '香港', area: '其他', type: 'areaCenterCity', InValue: Math.round(Math.random()*1000) },{ name: '澳门', area: '其他', type: 'areaCenterCity', InValue: Math.round(Math.random()*1000)  },{ name: '河南', area: '华北大区', type: 'areaCenterCity', InValue: Math.round(Math.random()*1000)  },{ name: '安徽', area: '华中大区', type: 'areaCenterCity', InValue: Math.round(Math.random()*1000)  },{ name: '江西', area: '华中大区', type: 'areaCenterCity', InValue: Math.round(Math.random()*1000)  },{ name: '广东', area: '华南大区', type: 'areaCenterCity', InValue: Math.round(Math.random()*1000) },{ name: '陕西', area: '华西大区', type: 'areaCenterCity', InValue: Math.round(Math.random()*1000)  },{ name: '湖北', area: '华中大区', type: 'areaCenterCity', InValue: Math.round(Math.random()*1000)  },{ name: '湖南', area: '华中大区', type: 'areaCenterCity', InValue: Math.round(Math.random()*1000)  },{ name: '广西', area: '华南大区', type: 'areaCenterCity', InValue: Math.round(Math.random()*1000)  },{ name: '宁夏', area: '华西大区', type: 'areaCenterCity', InValue: Math.round(Math.random()*1000)  },{ name: '重庆', area: '华西大区', type: 'areaCenterCity', InValue: Math.round(Math.random()*1000)  },{ name: '贵州', area: '华西大区', type: 'areaCenterCity', InValue: Math.round(Math.random()*1000)  },{ name: '四川', area: '华西大区', type: 'areaCenterCity', InValue: Math.round(Math.random()*1000) },{ name: '云南', area: '华西大区', type: 'areaCenterCity', InValue: Math.round(Math.random()*1000) },{ name: '甘肃', area: '华西大区', type: 'areaCenterCity', InValue: Math.round(Math.random()*1000)  },{ name: '青海', area: '其他', type: 'areaCenterCity', InValue: Math.round(Math.random()*1000)  },{ name: '西藏', area: '其他', type: 'areaCenterCity', InValue: Math.round(Math.random()*1000)  },{ name: '新疆', area: '其他', type: 'areaCenterCity', InValue: Math.round(Math.random()*1000)  }];echarts.registerMap('china', geoJson);for (const item of provienceData) {if (item.area === '东北大区') {// console.log("东北大区")item.itemStyle = {normal: {areaColor: '#000',},emphasis: {areaColor: '#3CA2FC',}}} else if (item.area === '华北大区') {item.itemStyle = {normal: {areaColor: '#6CAFBE',},emphasis: {areaColor: '#6CAFBE',}}} else if (item.area === '华中大区') {item.itemStyle = {normal: {areaColor: '#ADD03C',},emphasis: {areaColor: '#ADD03C',}}} else if (item.area === '华东大区') {item.itemStyle = {normal: {areaColor: '#A13614',},emphasis: {areaColor: '#A13614',}}} else if (item.area === '华西大区') {item.itemStyle = {normal: {areaColor: '#FFBA00',},emphasis: {areaColor: '#FFBA00',}}} else if (item.area === '华南大区') {item.itemStyle = {normal: {areaColor: '#FFD300',},emphasis: {areaColor: '#FFD300',}}} else if (item.area === '南海诸岛') {item.itemStyle = {normal: {borderColor: '#fff', // 区域边框颜色areaColor: '#fff', // 区域颜色},emphasis: {show: false,// borderColor: '#fff',// areaColor:"#fff",}}} else {item.itemStyle = {normal: {areaColor: '#D9D9D9',},emphasis: {areaColor: '#D9D9D9',}}}}const myChart = echarts.init(document.getElementById('mainMap'));myChart.setOption({tooltip: {show: false, // 不显示提示标签// formatter: '{b}', // 提示标签格式//鼠标放地图的某一块,显示的提示框formatter(params, ticket, callback) {// console.log(params)var tipHtml = '';tipHtml = '<div class="maptit">' +'<h5 class="h5">'+params.name+'&nbsp'+'(13)</h5>'+'<p class="h6">'+"高水平学校"+'</p>'+'<ul><li><span>A</span>1</li><li class="name-2"><span>A</span>3</li><li  class="name-3"><span>A</span>1</li></ul>'+'<p class="h6">'+"高水平专业群"+'</p>'+'<ul><li><span>A</span>2</li><li class="name-2"><span>A</span>1</li><li  class="name-3"><span>A</span>3</li></ul>'+'</div>';return tipHtml;},backgroundColor:'none', // 提示标签背景颜色textStyle: { color: '#fff' } ,// 提示标签字体颜色},grid: {left: '10%',right: '10%',top: '0',bottom: '10%',containLabel: true},geo: {show: true,map: 'china',label: {normal: {show: false},emphasis: {show: false,},},roam: false,//鼠标缩放itemStyle: {normal: {areaColor: '#8EC9FF',borderColor: '#1180c7',},emphasis: {areaColor: '#2B91B7',}}},series: [/*       {name: '散点',type: 'scatter',coordinateSystem: 'geo',data: this.convertData(data),symbolSize: 20,label: {normal: {formatter: '{b}',position: 'right',show: true},emphasis: {show: true}},itemStyle: {normal: {color: '#05C3F9'}}},*/{type: 'map',map: 'china',geoIndex: 0,aspectScale: 0.9, //长宽比showLegendSymbol: false, // 存在legend时显示label: {normal: {show: true},emphasis: {show: false,textStyle: {color: '#fff'}}},roam: true,itemStyle: {normal: {areaColor: '#031525',borderColor: '#3B5077',},emphasis: {areaColor: '#2B91B7'}},animation: false,data: data},{name: '点',type: 'scatter',coordinateSystem: 'geo',zlevel: 6,},{name: 'Top 5',type: 'effectScatter',coordinateSystem: 'geo',data: this.convertData(data.sort(function(a, b) {return b.InValue - a.InValue;}).slice(0, 10)),symbolSize: 20,showEffectOn: 'render',rippleEffect: {brushType: 'stroke'},hoverAnimation: true,label: {normal: {formatter: '{b}',position: 'left',show: false}},itemStyle: {normal: {color: 'yellow',shadowBlur: 10,shadowColor: 'yellow'}},zlevel: 1},]})// 鼠标放上颜色变红// myChart.on('mouseover', params => {//     params.color = '#d50000'//     params.event.target.style.fill = '#d50000'// });myChart.on('click', params => {if (params.name === '海南') {this.props.history.push('/Dashboard/map2')}});}convertData(data) {const res = [];for (let i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {const geoCoord = geoCoordMap[data[i].name];if (geoCoord) {res.push({name: data[i].name,value: geoCoord.concat(data[i].area),area: data[i].area,type: data[i].type,InValue: data[i].InValue});}}return res;}render() {//Practicallist,tabVal,return (<div className="mainMap"><div id="mainMap" style={{ width: '100vm', height: '900px' }}></div></div>);}
}export default Doublemonitoring;



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