
  • 1. 基本介绍
  • 2. 源码分析
    • 2.1. Machine数据结构 struct snd_soc_dai_link
  • 3. 声卡
    • 3.1. 数据结构struct snd_soc_card
    • 3.2. 注册声卡 snd_soc_register_card()
    • 3.3. soc_probe()函数

1. 基本介绍

Linux 音频驱动(二) ASoC音频驱动之Platform驱动和Linux 音频驱动(三) ASoC音频驱动之Codec驱动分别介绍了platform驱动、codec驱动,但仅有platform驱动、codec驱动是不能工作的,需要一个角色把codec、codec_dai、cpu_dai、platform给链结起来才能构成一个完整的音频回路,这个角色就由machine承担了。
Machine 可以理解为对开发板的抽象,开发板可能包括多个声卡,对应machine部分包含多个link。

还记得在platform驱动中,PCM DMA是用struct snd_soc_platform_driver描述的吗?所以红色字体的platform其实指代PCM DMA。

对于Machine 驱动程序Linux官方解释如下: Machine class driver: The machine driver class acts as the glue that describes and binds the other component drivers together to form an ALSA “sound card device”. It handles any machine specific controls and machine level audio events (e.g. turning on an amp at start of playback).
Machine 驱动程序充当描述和绑定其他组件驱动程序以形成ALSA “声卡设备” 的粘合剂。它可以处理任何机器特定的控制和机器级音频事件(例如,在播放开始时打开放大器)。

Machine 驱动是粘合剂,它将其他组件驱动 “粘在一起” 形成了 “声卡设备”。

2. 源码分析

Kernel 版本:3.10
Machine 驱动控制管理platform和codec之间的连接匹配,其抽象的结构体为struct snd_soc_dai_link。

2.1. Machine数据结构 struct snd_soc_dai_link

struct snd_soc_dai_link {/* config - must be set by machine driver */const char *name;           /* Codec name */const char *stream_name;        /* Stream name *//** You MAY specify the link's CPU-side device, either by device name,* or by DT/OF node, but not both. If this information is omitted,* the CPU-side DAI is matched using .cpu_dai_name only, which hence* must be globally unique. These fields are currently typically used* only for codec to codec links, or systems using device tree.*/const char *cpu_name;const struct device_node *cpu_of_node;/** You MAY specify the DAI name of the CPU DAI. If this information is* omitted, the CPU-side DAI is matched using .cpu_name/.cpu_of_node* only, which only works well when that device exposes a single DAI.*/const char *cpu_dai_name;/** You MUST specify the link's codec, either by device name, or by* DT/OF node, but not both.*/const char *codec_name;const struct device_node *codec_of_node;/* You MUST specify the DAI name within the codec */const char *codec_dai_name;/** You MAY specify the link's platform/PCM/DMA driver, either by* device name, or by DT/OF node, but not both. Some forms of link* do not need a platform.*/const char *platform_name;const struct device_node *platform_of_node;int be_id;    /* optional ID for machine driver BE identification */const struct snd_soc_pcm_stream *params;unsigned int dai_fmt;           /* format to set on init */enum snd_soc_dpcm_trigger trigger[2]; /* trigger type for DPCM *//* Keep DAI active over suspend */unsigned int ignore_suspend:1;/* Symmetry requirements */unsigned int symmetric_rates:1;/* Do not create a PCM for this DAI link (Backend link) */unsigned int no_pcm:1;/* This DAI link can route to other DAI links at runtime (Frontend)*/unsigned int dynamic:1;/* pmdown_time is ignored at stop */unsigned int ignore_pmdown_time:1;/* codec/machine specific init - e.g. add machine controls */int (*init)(struct snd_soc_pcm_runtime *rtd);/* optional hw_params re-writing for BE and FE sync */int (*be_hw_params_fixup)(struct snd_soc_pcm_runtime *rtd,struct snd_pcm_hw_params *params);/* machine stream operations */const struct snd_soc_ops *ops;const struct snd_soc_compr_ops *compr_ops;



3. 声卡

3.1. 数据结构struct snd_soc_card

/* SoC card */
struct snd_soc_card {const char *name;......bool instantiated;int (*probe)(struct snd_soc_card *card);....../* CPU <--> Codec DAI links  */struct snd_soc_dai_link *dai_link;int num_links;struct snd_soc_pcm_runtime *rtd;int num_rtd;......const struct snd_kcontrol_new *controls;int num_controls;......


dai_link:声卡音频回路集合指针,即machine driver指针;

3.2. 注册声卡 snd_soc_register_card()

1. 当我们谈ASoC驱动包含platform driver、codec driver、machine driver时,此时说的platform特指某款SoC平台,如exynos、omap、qcom、mtk等等;
2. 当我们谈machine driver时,即snd_soc_dai_link时,此时说的platform特指PCM DMA,即snd_soc_platform_driver;
3. 当我们谈注册声卡时,声卡被抽象为挂在platform bus上的platform device。因此,才会有创建名字为 “soc-audio” 的标准Linux平台设备(platform_device),注册标准的Linux平台驱动(platform_driver),此时说的platform特指虚拟的platform bus。

./kernel-3.10/sound/soc/soc-core.c 里将声卡驱动定义为了标准的Linux平台驱动platform_driver,其name=“soc-audio”。

// ./kernel-3.10/sound/soc/soc-core.c, line 1945
static struct platform_driver soc_driver = {.driver        = {.name       = "soc-audio",.owner     = THIS_MODULE,.pm      = &snd_soc_pm_ops,},.probe     = soc_probe,.remove        = soc_remove,
// ./kernel-3.10/sound/soc/soc-core.c, line 4451
static int __init snd_soc_init(void)
{......return platform_driver_register(&soc_driver);

./kernel-3.10/sound/soc/mediatek/mt_soc_audio_v3/mt_soc_machine.c 里定义了mt_soc_dai_common[],本例列出了两个音频链路,分别用于MultiMedia1和HDMI_OUT。

// ./kernel-3.10/sound/soc/mediatek/mt_soc_audio_v3/mt_soc_machine.c, line 633
/* Digital audio interface glue - connects codec <---> CPU */
static struct snd_soc_dai_link mt_soc_dai_common[] =
{{.name = "MultiMedia1",.stream_name = MT_SOC_DL1_STREAM_NAME,.cpu_dai_name   = MT_SOC_DL1DAI_NAME,.platform_name  = MT_SOC_DL1_PCM,.codec_dai_name = MT_SOC_CODEC_TXDAI_NAME,.codec_name = MT_SOC_CODEC_NAME,.init = mt_soc_audio_init,.ops = &mt_machine_audio_ops,},......{.name = "HDMI_OUT",.stream_name = MT_SOC_HDMI_STREAM_NAME,.cpu_dai_name   = MT_SOC_HDMI_NAME,.platform_name  = MT_SOC_HDMI_PCM,.codec_dai_name = MT_SOC_CODEC_HDMI_DUMMY_DAI_NAME,.codec_name = MT_SOC_CODEC_DUMMY_NAME,.init = mt_soc_audio_init,.ops = &mt_machine_audio_ops,},......

创建声卡设备(标准的Linux platform_device),如下代码段:

// ./kernel-3.10/sound/soc/mediatek/mt_soc_audio_v3/mt_soc_machine.c, line 925
static struct snd_soc_card snd_soc_card_mt =
{.name       = "mt-snd-card",.dai_link   = mt_soc_dai_common,.num_links  = ARRAY_SIZE(mt_soc_dai_common),.controls = mt_soc_controls,.num_controls = ARRAY_SIZE(mt_soc_controls),
};static struct platform_device *mt_snd_device;static int __init mt_soc_snd_init(void)
{int ret;struct snd_soc_card *card = &snd_soc_card_mt;printk("mt_soc_snd_init card addr = %p \n", card);mt_snd_device = platform_device_alloc("soc-audio", -1);......platform_set_drvdata(mt_snd_device, &snd_soc_card_mt);ret = platform_device_add(mt_snd_device);......

3.3. soc_probe()函数


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