CSE209代做、代写Computer Graphics、代做CS/python编程设计代写Python程序|代做ProcessingCSE209 Computer Graphics~1~CSE209 – Computer Graphics (2018-19)Assessment 2 – Project on Modelling in 3DAssessment number 2Contribution to overall module assessment 15%Date on which assessment given Tuesday, 20 November 2018Submission deadline Tuesday, 18 December 2018 (14:00)1. Learning Outcomes for this AssessmentThis assessment aims at assessing your understanding of the topics and knowledge of the theory andmethods by applying and implementing a range of the techniques / algorithms covered in the lecture and labsessions. You are expected to demonstrate substantial work through appropriate design andimplementation of a 3D scene with a number of objects.2. The TaskYou are required to create a well-thought 3-dimensional scene which is suitable to demonstrate your relevantknowledge and skills in computer graphics. A key objective of the assignment is to make effective use of thegraphics techniques and OpenGL functions covered in the module. In particular, you should consider thefollowing in completing this assignment: A well-thought design of 3D scene with a number of static and moving objects (the scene, which isnot to be very complex, could still represent daily life, for example the train track used for the lab) A range of graphics techniques, e.g. creation of geometry, hierarchical modelling, transformations,viewing (which can provide rotation, zoom and pan functions), lighting and materials, texturemapping, animation and interactions – but not a very complex scene Effective use of relevant OpenGL libraries Good programming practice (e.g. necessary comments and neat format of the code) – not copyingfrom other sources without appropriate acknowledgment3. The Written ReportYou are required to produce a Word-processed report of no more than 5 A4 sides thata) shows basic information – module code and title, your name, ID and degree programme;b) describes the design and features of your work (relating to graphics techniques used but notexplaining your code in detail);c) provides a readme / instruction section about how your program can be run effectively (e.g.interactive commands with the mouse and keyboard);d) contains a set of typical screenshots to show your program in action.4. Submission of Worka) You are required to zip your written report, your source code and other files into a singlezip/rar file, making use of folder structures where necessary to keep your files in a logical manner.Name your zip/rar file in the following way: YourID_Surnamae_GivenName (e.g.1300123_Yue_Yong).b) You are then required to submit your zip/rar file on the ICE module site, by 14:00, Tuesday, 18December 2018.Late submission will receive penalty in the marking in accordance with the University Code of Practice onAssessmentCSE209留学生作业代做、代写Computer Graphics作业、代做CS/python编程设计作业

代写Pyth. For each working day after the deadline, 5 marks (out of 100) will be deducted for up to 5working days. However, the mark will not be reduced below the pass mark for the assessment. Work CSE209 Computer Graphics~2~assessed below the pass mark will not be penalised for late submission of up to five days. Work receivedmore than 5 working days after the deadline will receive a mark of 0.5. DemonstrationWhile the deadline for submitting your work is 14:00, Tuesday, 18 December 2018, you are encouraged togive a 2-minute demonstration of your work during the lab session on Tuesday, 18 December 2018.6. Backup and Plagiarism and CollusionBackup your work. As good practice, you should always make sure that your work is backed up.This assignment is individual work. Plagiarism (e.g. copying materials from other sources without properacknowledgement) is a serious academic offence. Plagiarism will not be tolerated and will be dealt with inaccordance with the University Code of Practice on Assessment.7. Guide to MarkingIn the following table, each category builds on the requirements contained in the preceding category.Category RequirementFirst Class(≥70%)Overall outstanding work. Very neat program implements effectively all the graphicstechniques covered in the module.Excellent 3D model designed and produced with realistic / real-life effect.Well-structured and concise written report providing all the required information.SecondUpper(60 to 69%)Comprehensive program that utilises effectively a wide range of the graphics techniquescovered in the module. Good commenting and layout of the program.An impressive 3D model design with a range of objects produced with a good range offeatures achieved utilising appropriate OpenGL functions.A comprehensive and clear report containing all required information within the page limit.SecondLower(50 to 59%)Substantial working program implementing a good range of graphics techniques amonghierarchical modelling, transformations, viewing, lighting, texture mapping, animation andinteractions.Good design of the 3D model with a range of objects.Written report contains all the required information.Third(40 to 49%)Working program that generates a basic 3D model with some objects and a limited range ofthe graphics techniques utilised.Written report describes all the basic information for the work completed and provides agood overview.Fail(0 to 39%)Some code produced attempting to the use of some (very limited) graphics techniquescovered in the module.No or very limited artefact produced.Written report covers very few of the items required in the assignment brief, acknowledgingproperly sources used if any.NonsubmissionA mark of 0 will be awarded.转自:http://ass.3daixie.com/2018122030851849.html

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