页内侧边导航栏 页内导航

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<html><head><meta charset="utf-8"><title></title><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="CSS/subnav.css" /></head><body><!-- 导航栏部分 --><div class="control"><div class="left"><div class="subNav"><div class="part1 part"><a href="#part1">part1</a></div><div class="part2 part"><a href="#part2">part2</a></div><div class="part3 part"><a href="#part3">part3</a></div><div class="part4 part"><a href="#part4">part4</a></div></div></div><!-- 正文部分 --><div class="content"><a name="part1"></a><div class="container1"><div class="text1 text"><div class="title1 title">title</div>Doxycycline (doxycycline hyclate, doxycycline hydrochloride or Dox), a synthetic tetracycline (Tc) derivative, is the effector molecule for Clontech's Tet-On® and Tet-Off® Inducible Expression Systems. Dox can be used at 100-fold lower concentrations than Tc, yielding inducing concentrations ranging from 1ng/ml to 1 µg/ml. In the Tet-On System, addition of Dox to culture medium induces a conformational change in the transactivator which allows it to bind to tet operator sequences located in the inducible promoter. This results in transcriptional activation of the gene of interest. In the Tet-Off System, removal of Dox from culture medium induces binding of the transactivator, resulting in transcription of the gene of interest.</div></div><a name="part2"></a><div class="container2"><div class="text2 text"><div class="title2 title">title</div>Doxycycline (doxycycline hyclate, doxycycline hydrochloride or Dox), a synthetic tetracycline (Tc) derivative, is the effector molecule for Clontech's Tet-On® and Tet-Off® Inducible Expression Systems. Dox can be used at 100-fold lower concentrations than Tc, yielding inducing concentrations ranging from 1ng/ml to 1 µg/ml. In the Tet-On System, addition of Dox to culture medium induces a conformational change in the transactivator which allows it to bind to tet operator sequences located in the inducible promoter. This results in transcriptional activation of the gene of interest. In the Tet-Off System, removal of Dox from culture medium induces binding of the transactivator, resulting in transcription of the gene of interest.</div></div><a name="part3"></a><div class="container3"><div class="text3 text"><div class="title3 title">title</div>Doxycycline (doxycycline hyclate, doxycycline hydrochloride or Dox), a synthetic tetracycline (Tc) derivative, is the effector molecule for Clontech's Tet-On® and Tet-Off® Inducible Expression Systems. Dox can be used at 100-fold lower concentrations than Tc, yielding inducing concentrations ranging from 1ng/ml to 1 µg/ml. In the Tet-On System, addition of Dox to culture medium induces a conformational change in the transactivator which allows it to bind to tet operator sequences located in the inducible promoter. This results in transcriptional activation of the gene of interest. In the Tet-Off System, removal of Dox from culture medium induces binding of the transactivator, resulting in transcription of the gene of interest.</div></div><a name="part4"></a><div class="container4"><div class="text4 text"><div class="title4 title">title</div>Doxycycline (doxycycline hyclate, doxycycline hydrochloride or Dox), a synthetic tetracycline (Tc) derivative, is the effector molecule for Clontech's Tet-On® and Tet-Off® Inducible Expression Systems. Dox can be used at 100-fold lower concentrations than Tc, yielding inducing concentrations ranging from 1ng/ml to 1 µg/ml. In the Tet-On System, addition of Dox to culture medium induces a conformational change in the transactivator which allows it to bind to tet operator sequences located in the inducible promoter. This results in transcriptional activation of the gene of interest. In the Tet-Off System, removal of Dox from culture medium induces binding of the transactivator, resulting in transcription of the gene of interest.</div></div></div></div></body>


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