SkipList 原理及构造过程

SkipList 是受多层链表的启发而设计出来的。实际上,最理想的情况是上面每一层链表的节点个数,是下面一层的节点个数的一半,这样查找过程就非常类似于一个二分查找,使得查找的时间复杂度可以降低到 O(log n)。但是,这种方法在插入数据的时候有很大的问题。新插入一个节点之后,就会打乱上下相邻两层链表上节点个数严格的 2:1 的对应关系。如果要维持这种对应关系,就必须把新插入的节点后面的所有节点(也包括新插入的节点)重新进行调整,这会让时间复杂度重新退化成 O(n)

SkipList 为了避免这一问题,它不要求上下相邻两层链表之间的节点个数有严格的对应关系,而是为每个节点随机出一个层数。比如,一个节点随机出的层数是 3,那么就把它链入到第 1 层到第 3 层这三层链表中。为了表达清楚,下图展示了如何通过一步步的插入操作从而形成一个 SkipList 的过程(图片源自网络):

从上面 SkipList 的创建和插入过程可以看出,每一个节点的层数是随机出来的,而且新插入一个节点不会影响其它节点的层数。因此,插入操作只需要修改插入节点前的指针,而不需要对很多节点都进行调整。这就降低了插入操作的复杂度。

SkipList 优缺点

缺点:从上述 SkipList 构造的过程中可以发现,它并不处于一种严格的平衡状态,相比平衡二叉树而言,虽然两者的查询时间复杂度理论上都是 O(log n),但是平衡二叉树的查询效率应该更好。

优点:平衡树的插入和删除操作可能引发子树的调整,逻辑复杂,而 SkipList 的插入和删除只需要修改相邻节点的指针,操作简单又快速。如果插入一个节点引起了树的不平衡,AVL 都是最多只需要 2 次旋转操作,即时间复杂度为 O(1);但是在删除节点引起树的不平衡时,最坏情况下,AVL 需要维护从被删节点到 root 这条路径上所有节点的平衡性,因此需要旋转的量级 O(logn)。

SkipList 在做范围查询时比平衡二叉树更有优势,因为二叉树需要通过中序遍历获得结果,而 SkipList 最底层是一个有序链表。

folly::ConcurrentSkipList 源码详解

多线程环境下的 SkipList,读操作(count, find, skipper)都是 lock free 的,写操作(remove, add, insert)也只是小范围的加了锁。

Accessor 的读操作接口:

iterator find(const key_type& value) {return iterator(sl_->find(value));
}const_iterator find(const key_type& value) const {return iterator(sl_->find(value));
}size_type count(const key_type& data) const { return contains(data); }bool contains(const key_type& data) const { return sl_->find(data); }

Accessor 的写操作接口:

size_t erase(const key_type& data) { return remove(data); }std::pair<key_type*, bool> addOrGetData(const key_type& data) {auto ret = sl_->addOrGetData(data);return std::make_pair(&ret.first->data(), ret.second);
}bool add(const key_type& data) { return sl_->addOrGetData(data).second; }bool remove(const key_type& data) { return sl_->remove(data); }

如果存的数据不是基础类型,比如是一个 std::pair<int, int>,则需要实现一个比较函数。如下所示:

struct Less {const bool operator()(const T& lhs, const T& rhs) {return lhs.first < rhs.first;}
};using List = folly::ConcurrentSkipList<T, Less>;
List list_;


constexpr int init_height = 5;typedef ConcurrentSkipList<int> SkipList;
shared_ptr<SkipList> skiplist(SkipList::createInstance(init_height));{// Accessor 提供了访问 skip list 的接口,我们不能直接使用 skip list 对象来访问数据SkipList::Accessor accessor(skiplist);accessor.insert(23);                   // 增加节点accessor.erase(2);                     // 删除节点for (auto &elem : accessor) {// use elem to access data}... ...
}还有一种访问方式是 skipper,主要是用来跳过一部分数据,例如
{SkipList::Accessor accessor(sl);SkipList::Skipper skipper(accessor);;      // 跳到比30大的第一个节点if (skipper) {CHECK_LE(30, *skipper);}... ...// GC may happen when the accessor get sdestructed.

SkipList 查找

typedef detail::SkipListNode<T> NodeType;
typedef detail::csl_iterator<value_type, NodeType> iterator;
// 利用 boostiterator_facade 生成的iteratorAccessor 提供的访问接口
iterator find(const key_type& value) { return iterator(sl_->find(value)); }// Returns the node if found, nullptr otherwise.
NodeType* find(const value_type& data) {auto ret = findNode(data);if (ret.second && !ret.first->markedForRemoval()) {return ret.first;}return nullptr;
}// Find node for access. Returns a paired values:
// pair.first = the first node that no-less than data value
// pair.second = 1 when the data value is founded, or 0 otherwise.
// This is like lower_bound, but not exact: we could have the node marked for
// removal so still need to check that.
std::pair<NodeType*, int> findNode(const value_type& data) const {return findNodeDownRight(data);

调用 SkipList 的 find 方法,会调用 findNode 方法,如果找到节点并且该节点没有被标记删除的话就返回,否则返回 nullptr。 调用 findNodeDownRight(查找时先向下遍历,然后再向右遍历)方法。其实这里还实现了一个 findNodeRightDown(查找时先向右遍历,然后再向下遍历)方法。来看下 findNodeDownRight 方法是怎么实现的:

static bool greater(const value_type& data, const NodeType* node) {return node && Comp()(node->data(), data);
}static bool less(const value_type& data, const NodeType* node) {return (node == nullptr) || Comp()(data, node->data());
}// Find node by first stepping down then stepping right. Based on benchmark
// results, this is slightly faster than findNodeRightDown for better
// localality on the skipping pointers.
std::pair<NodeType*, int> findNodeDownRight(const value_type& data) const {NodeType* pred = head_.load(std::memory_order_consume);int ht = pred->height();NodeType* node = nullptr;bool found = false;while (!found) {// stepping down,直到找到一个节点 pred 的数据比 data 大for (; ht > 0 && less(data, node = pred->skip(ht - 1)); --ht) {}if (ht == 0) {return std::make_pair(node, 0); // not found}// node <= data now, but we need to fix up ht--ht;// stepping right,继续接近 datawhile (greater(data, node)) {pred = node;node = node->skip(ht);}found = !less(data, node);}return std::make_pair(node, found);

SkipList 增加

Accessor 接口
template <typename U,typename =typename std::enable_if<std::is_convertible<U, T>::value>::type>
std::pair<iterator, bool> insert(U&& data) {auto ret = sl_->addOrGetData(std::forward<U>(data));return std::make_pair(iterator(ret.first), ret.second);
}std::pair<key_type*, bool> addOrGetData(const key_type& data) {auto ret = sl_->addOrGetData(data);return std::make_pair(&ret.first->data(), ret.second);

上面调用 SkipList 的 addOrGetData 方法如下所示:

// Returns a paired value:
//   pair.first always stores the pointer to the node with the same input key.
//     It could be either the newly added data, or the existed data in the
//     list with the same key.
//   pair.second stores whether the data is added successfully:
//     0 means not added, otherwise reutrns the new size.
template <typename U>
std::pair<NodeType*, size_t> addOrGetData(U&& data) {NodeType *preds[MAX_HEIGHT], *succs[MAX_HEIGHT];NodeType* newNode;size_t newSize;while (true) {int max_layer = 0;// 找到 data 对应的节点,以及它的前继和后继,max_layer 返回当前 skip list 的最大层级// 返回值 layer 是 data 对应的节点备找到时的 layerint layer = findInsertionPointGetMaxLayer(data, preds, succs, &max_layer);if (layer >= 0) {// 如果找到NodeType* nodeFound = succs[layer];DCHECK(nodeFound != nullptr);if (nodeFound->markedForRemoval()) {continue; // if it's getting deleted retry finding node.}// wait until fully linked. 可能节点被其他线程加入了,暂时还没有 fully linked// 等待完成后再返回给用户完整的节点while (UNLIKELY(!nodeFound->fullyLinked())) {}return std::make_pair(nodeFound, 0);}// need to capped at the original height -- the real height may have grown// 按概率生成新的节点高度,新节点的高度上限设为 max_layer+1// 值得注意的是选取概率是 1/eint nodeHeight =detail::SkipListRandomHeight::instance()->getHeight(max_layer + 1);ScopedLocker guards[MAX_HEIGHT];// 把前继全部加上锁if (!lockNodesForChange(nodeHeight, guards, preds, succs)) {continue; // give up the locks and retry until all valid}// locks acquired and all valid, need to modify the links under the locks.// 按照生成的高度建立新的节点newNode = NodeType::create(recycler_.alloc(), nodeHeight, std::forward<U>(data));// 把新的节点联入 skip list 中for (int k = 0; k < nodeHeight; ++k) {newNode->setSkip(k, succs[k]);preds[k]->setSkip(k, newNode);}// 标记 fully linkednewNode->setFullyLinked();newSize = incrementSize(1);break;}int hgt = height();size_t sizeLimit =detail::SkipListRandomHeight::instance()->getSizeLimit(hgt);// 检查是否需要增加 skip list 节点的高度if (hgt < MAX_HEIGHT && newSize > sizeLimit) {growHeight(hgt + 1);}CHECK_GT(newSize, 0);return std::make_pair(newNode, newSize);


findInsertionPointGetMaxLayer:首先它返回 skiplist 的高度,然后按照 right down 的方式查找节点,不同的是在查找过程中会保留前继指针 preds[] 和后继指针 succs[]。

// find node for insertion/deleting
int findInsertionPointGetMaxLayer(const value_type& data,NodeType* preds[],NodeType* succs[],int* max_layer) const {*max_layer = maxLayer();return findInsertionPoint(head_.load(std::memory_order_consume), *max_layer, data, preds, succs);
}static int findInsertionPoint(NodeType* cur,int cur_layer,const value_type& data,NodeType* preds[],NodeType* succs[]) {int foundLayer = -1;NodeType* pred = cur;NodeType* foundNode = nullptr;for (int layer = cur_layer; layer >= 0; --layer) {NodeType* node = pred->skip(layer);while (greater(data, node)) {pred = node;node = node->skip(layer);}if (foundLayer == -1 && !less(data, node)) { // the two keys equalfoundLayer = layer;foundNode = node;}preds[layer] = pred;// if found, succs[0..foundLayer] need to point to the cached foundNode,// as foundNode might be deleted at the same time thus pred->skip() can// return nullptr or another node.succs[layer] = foundNode ? foundNode : node;}return foundLayer;

SkipListRandomHeight::getHeight 和 SkipListRandomHeight::getSizeLimit

在 SkipListRandomHeight 构造的时候会初始化两张表:lookupTable_ 是高度的概率表,sizeLimitTable_ 是 SkipList 的高度对应的最大的 list size。

getHeight 方法用随机函数生成一个 0~1 之间的 double 值 p,然后在 lookupTable 中找比 p 大的值对应的表索引 i,找到后获得的高度就是 i+1。getSizeLimit 方法也类似,以参数 height 为 sizeLimitTable 的索引,返回对应高度的 sizeLimit。

lockNodesForChange 的实现:

// lock all the necessary nodes for changing (adding or removing) the list.
// returns true if all the lock acquried successfully and the related nodes
// are all validate (not in certain pending states), false otherwise.
bool lockNodesForChange(int nodeHeight,ScopedLocker guards[MAX_HEIGHT],NodeType* preds[MAX_HEIGHT],    // 插入或删除节点的前继NodeType* succs[MAX_HEIGHT],    // 插入或删除节点的后继bool adding = true) {// adding 为 true 表明该函数是在 add 里被调用,否则是在 remove 里被调用NodeType *pred, *succ, *prevPred = nullptr;bool valid = true;for (int layer = 0; valid && layer < nodeHeight; ++layer) {pred = preds[layer];DCHECK(pred != nullptr) << "layer=" << layer << " height=" << height()<< " nodeheight=" << nodeHeight;succ = succs[layer];if (pred != prevPred) {// 可能连续多层的前继指针都是一个节点,这里可以避免多次上锁guards[layer] = pred->acquireGuard();prevPred = pred;}// 对于 remove 来说只要判断前继没有被删除并且前继的后继是后继节点即可valid = !pred->markedForRemoval() &&pred->skip(layer) == succ; // check again after locking// 对于 adding 来说还需要判断后继节点没有被删除if (adding) { // when adding a node, the succ shouldn't be going awayvalid = valid && (succ == nullptr || !succ->markedForRemoval());}}return valid;

growHeight 的实现:

void growHeight(int height) {NodeType* oldHead = head_.load(std::memory_order_consume);if (oldHead->height() >= height) { // someone else already did thisreturn;}// 生成新的 head 节点,height 参数就是在原来的 heigth 基础上加1NodeType* newHead =NodeType::create(recycler_.alloc(), height, value_type(), true);{ // need to guard the head node in case others are adding/removing// nodes linked to the head.ScopedLocker g = oldHead->acquireGuard();// 从 oldHead 中把数据拷贝过来,类似拷贝构造函数newHead->copyHead(oldHead);NodeType* expected = oldHead;// 原子替换 head_ 指针指向 newHeadif (!head_.compare_exchange_strong(expected, newHead, std::memory_order_release)) {// if someone has already done the swap, just return.NodeType::destroy(recycler_.alloc(), newHead);return;}oldHead->setMarkedForRemoval();}recycle(oldHead);

SkipList 删除

Accessor 的接口
bool remove(const key_type& data) { return sl_->remove(data); }
size_t erase(const key_type& data) { return remove(data); }具体调用
bool remove(const value_type& data) {NodeType* nodeToDelete = nullptr;ScopedLocker nodeGuard;bool isMarked = false;int nodeHeight = 0;NodeType *preds[MAX_HEIGHT], *succs[MAX_HEIGHT];while (true) {int max_layer = 0;int layer = findInsertionPointGetMaxLayer(data, preds, succs, &max_layer);if (!isMarked && (layer < 0 || !okToDelete(succs[layer], layer))) {return false;}if (!isMarked) {nodeToDelete = succs[layer];nodeHeight = nodeToDelete->height();nodeGuard = nodeToDelete->acquireGuard();if (nodeToDelete->markedForRemoval()) {return false;}nodeToDelete->setMarkedForRemoval();isMarked = true;}// acquire pred locks from bottom layer upScopedLocker guards[MAX_HEIGHT];if (!lockNodesForChange(nodeHeight, guards, preds, succs, false)) {continue; // this will unlock all the locks}for (int k = nodeHeight - 1; k >= 0; --k) {preds[k]->setSkip(k, nodeToDelete->skip(k));}incrementSize(-1);break;}recycle(nodeToDelete);return true;

注意:recycler 负责回收被删除的节点,但其实它只是把节点加入一个 vector 中,然后在 recycler 对象析构或者显示调用 release 方法时才会去释放这些节点。

void recycle(NodeType* node) { recycler_.add(node); }
detail::NodeRecycler<NodeType, NodeAlloc> recycler_;template <typename NodeType, typename NodeAlloc>
class NodeRecycler<NodeType,NodeAlloc,typename std::enable_if<!NodeType::template DestroyIsNoOp<NodeAlloc>::value>::type> {public:explicit NodeRecycler(const NodeAlloc& alloc): refs_(0), dirty_(false), alloc_(alloc) {lock_.init();}explicit NodeRecycler() : refs_(0), dirty_(false) { lock_.init(); }~NodeRecycler() {CHECK_EQ(refs(), 0);if (nodes_) {for (auto& node : *nodes_) {NodeType::destroy(alloc_, node);}}}void add(NodeType* node) {std::lock_guard<MicroSpinLock> g(lock_);if (nodes_.get() == nullptr) {nodes_ = std::make_unique<std::vector<NodeType*>>(1, node);} else {nodes_->push_back(node);}DCHECK_GT(refs(), 0);, std::memory_order_relaxed);}int addRef() { return refs_.fetch_add(1, std::memory_order_relaxed); }int releaseRef() {// We don't expect to clean the recycler immediately everytime it is OK// to do so. Here, it is possible that multiple accessors all release at// the same time but nobody would clean the recycler here. If this// happens, the recycler will usually still get cleaned when// such a race doesn't happen. The worst case is the recycler will// eventually get deleted along with the skiplist.if (LIKELY(!dirty_.load(std::memory_order_relaxed) || refs() > 1)) {return refs_.fetch_add(-1, std::memory_order_relaxed);}std::unique_ptr<std::vector<NodeType*>> newNodes;{std::lock_guard<MicroSpinLock> g(lock_);if (nodes_.get() == nullptr || refs() > 1) {return refs_.fetch_add(-1, std::memory_order_relaxed);}// once refs_ reaches 1 and there is no other accessor, it is safe to// remove all the current nodes in the recycler, as we already acquired// the lock here so no more new nodes can be added, even though new// accessors may be added after that.newNodes.swap(nodes_);, std::memory_order_relaxed);}// TODO(xliu) should we spawn a thread to do this when there are large// number of nodes in the recycler?for (auto& node : *newNodes) {NodeType::destroy(alloc_, node);}// decrease the ref count at the very end, to minimize the// chance of other threads acquiring lock_ to clear the deleted// nodes again.return refs_.fetch_add(-1, std::memory_order_relaxed);}NodeAlloc& alloc() { return alloc_; }private:int refs() const { return refs_.load(std::memory_order_relaxed); }std::unique_ptr<std::vector<NodeType*>> nodes_;std::atomic<int32_t> refs_; // current number of visitors to the liststd::atomic<bool> dirty_; // whether *nodes_ is non-emptyMicroSpinLock lock_; // protects access to *nodes_NodeAlloc alloc_;

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