
At Google I/O 2014, Lara Swanson and Paul Lewis discussed performance culture. Since it’s one of my favorite topics, I decided to share my notes:

在2014年Google I / O上 , Lara Swanson和Paul Lewis讨论了绩效文化。 由于这是我最喜欢的主题之一,所以我决定分享我的笔记:

  • 34% of US adults use a smartphone as their primary means of internet access.美国有34%的成年人使用智能手机作为他们上网的主要方式。
  • Mobile networks add a tremendous amount of latency.移动网络增加了大量的延迟。
  • We are not our end users. The new devices and fast networks we use are not necessarily what our users are using.我们不是最终用户。 我们使用的新设备和快速网络不一定是我们用户所使用的。
  • 40% of people abandon a site that takes longer than 2-3 seconds to load.40%的人放弃了加载时间超过2-3秒的网站。
  • Performance cops (developers or designers who enforce performance) is not sustainable. We need to build a performance culture.绩效警察(执行绩效的开发人员或设计师)是不可持续的。 我们需要建立一种绩效文化。
  • There is no “I” in performance. Performance culture is a team sport.表演中没有“我”。 表演文化是一项团队运动。
  • The first step is to gather data. Look at your traffic stats, load stats and render stats to better understand the shape of your site and how visitors are using it.第一步是收集数据。 查看您的流量统计信息,负载统计信息和呈现统计信息,以更好地了解您网站的形状以及访问者的使用方式。
  • Conduct performance experiments on your site to see the impact of performance on user behavior.在您的网站上进行性能实验,以了解性能对用户行为的影响。
  • Test across devices to experience what your users are experiencing. Not testing on multiple devices can cost much more than the cost of building a device lab.在各种设备上进行测试,以体验用户的体验。 不对多个设备进行测试所花费的成本会比建立设备实验室的成本高得多。
  • Add performance into your build tools to automatically perform optimizations and build a dashboard of performance metrics over time. Etsy notifies developers whenever one of the metrics exceeds a performance goal.将性能添加到构建工具中,以自动执行优化并随时间构建性能指标的仪表板。 每当其中一项指标超过性能目标时,Etsy都会通知开发人员。
  • Surfacing your team’s performance data throughout development will improve their work.在整个开发过程中显示团队的绩效数据将改善他们的工作。
  • Celebrating performance wins both internally and externally will make your team more eager to consider performance in their work.庆祝绩效在内部和外部均获胜,将使您的团队更渴望在工作中考虑绩效。

翻译自: https://timkadlec.com/2014/06/notes-on-performance-culture-at-google-i-slash-o-2014/


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